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7 research outputs found
Beyond crystal balls: crosscutting solutions in global health to prepare for an unpredictable future
A Guisan
A Pandey
+59 more
A Pruss
Benjamin Joseph James McCormick
BL Turner
C González
Cynthia Schuck-Paim
D Butler
D Hemenway
D Lazer
D Sumilo
DJ Rogers
DJ Smith
DL Cooper
DL Heymann
DM Morens
DM Vock
E Pisani
EC Holmes
EG Wagner
G Chowell
Ghassem R. Asrar
Global Burden of Desease Study 2013 Collaborators
H Frumkin
J Bartram
J Car
J Dushoff
J Legrand
J Shaman
J Tamerius
JA Lewnard
KC Stange
KE Jones
KJ Foreman
KL Ebi
L Liu
L Yang
LJ Greaves
LR Carrasco
M Ezzati
Mark A. Miller
MEJ Woolhouse
MJ Keeling
N Taleb
NC Grassly
NM Ferguson
NO Nielsen
O Ola
P Martens
RS Kovats
RS Levine
S Dessai
S Mehta
S Merler
SE Randolph
SI Hay
SI Hay
T Smieszek
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division
Wladimir Jimenez Alonso
WT Sedgwick
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
Full text link
From theory to practice: a Canadian case study of the utility of climate change adaptation frameworks to address health impacts
A Haines
A Haines
+26 more
AJ McMichael
AJ McMichael
B Menne
B Smit
C Huntingford
E Lim BS
F Forastiere
G Yohe
H Fussel
Health Canada
Health Canada
Health Canada
J Sequin
JA Patz
JD Tamerius
Kaila-Lea Clarke
KL Ebi
N Künzli
N Stern
P Berry
Peter Berry
Q Chiotti
R Green
S Kovats
U Confalonieri
W Xun
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Do Women Represent Women in France? The Case of Brittany's Regional Council
A Junter
A Junter-Loiseau
+30 more
A Phillips
A Rieu
A Saglio
B Reingold
C Achin
CD Ortbals
D Dahlerup
E Lépinard
J Lovenduski
J Lovenduski
K Beckwith
K Celis
KA Bratton
KA Bratton
KAR Opello
Katherine A R Opello
KL Tamerius
L Bereni
LS Weldon
M Sineau
M Sineau
ML Swers
ML Swers
O Tansey
P Norris
R Murray
S Carroll
S Grey
S Thomas
SM Rai
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Seasonality in risk of pandemic influenza emergence
A Kucharski
A Mastin
+97 more
AH Ellebedy
AJ Kucharski
AJ Kucharski
AJ Kucharski
AR Tuite
B Lina
BJ Cowling
BS Finkelman
C Gerdil
C Jackson
C Scholtissek
C Viboud
CA Russell
CT Lloyd
D Zinder
DR Olson
DT Gillesple
E Goldstein
E Kenah
E Volz
ED Kilbourne
EO Jordan
G Chowell
G Chowell
G Chowell
GA Soper
GE Leventhal
GJD Smith
GJD Smith
H Fukumi
H Kelly
HF Parsons
HH Nguyen
HH Nguyen
I Dorigatti
J Shaman
J Shaman
J Tamerius
J Tamerius
J Wallinga
JC Miller
JC Miller
JC Miller
JC Miller
JD Tamerius
JK Taubenberger
JL Schulman
Joel C. Miller
JR Hamilton
JR Schäffr
K Nakajima
K Soetart
Katia Koelle
KK Teo
KL Laurie
KL Laurie
KM Grebe
LA Meyers
Lauren Ancel Meyers
LC Lambert
LO Durand
M Biggerstaff
M Imai
M Lipsitch
M Lipsitch
M Newman
M Rozo
M Worobey
MI Nelson
MJ Ferrari
MS Miller
MT Osterholm
N Collin
N Pica
NM Ferguson
NPAS Johnson
P Rohani
S Bansal
S Bansal
S Herfst
S Liang
S Merler
Spencer J. Fox
T Bedford
T Bedford
T Hladish
T Sonoguchi
TP Robinson
V Andreasen
W Yang
W Yang
WC Cockburn
WIB Beveridge
WJ Alonso
WK Chang
YL Shu
Publication venue
'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Genotyping assay for differentiation of wild-type and vaccine viruses in subjects immunized with live attenuated influenza vaccine
AI Klimov
BR Murphy
+35 more
CS Ambrose
E Hoffmann
E Hoffmann
E Inoue
H Nair
I Isakova-Sivak
I Isakova-Sivak
Irina Dubrovina
Irina Isakova-Sivak
IV Kiseleva
IV Kiseleva
J Tamerius
JR Ortiz
JR Ortiz
KL Coelingh
L Rudenko
Larisa Rudenko
M Hasegawa
ML Metzker
MR Griffin
N Beerenwinkel
O Zagordi
PS Kulkarni
RM Mallory
S Response
Sang-Moo Kang
SL Block
SV Shcherbik
T Vesikari
Tatiana Smolonogina
Tatiana Tretiak
Victoria Matyushenko
WA Brooks
WA Brooks
YM Deng
Publication venue
'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Short Term Minimum Water Temperatures Determine Levels of Infection by the Amphibian Chytrid Fungus in Alytes obstetricans Tadpoles
A Drew
AB Duncan
+62 more
AC Cheng
AD Phillott
AE Savage
Andrés Fernández-Loras
AV Longo
BJ Doddington
C Hof
CC Geiger
Christopher Somers
CJ Briggs
CJ Briggs
DC Woodhams
DGD Boyle
DH Olson
DS Schmeller
E Lofgren
FK Sparrow
GA Bradley
HM Bustamante
IM Cattadori
J Bosch
J Bosch
J Laakkonen
J Voyles
Jaime Bosch
JD Tamerius
JE Longcore
JJL Rowley
JS Piotrowski
KA Murray
KL Gosner
KM Kriger
KM Kriger
KM Kriger
KP Burnham
L Berger
L Ribas
L White
LJ Rachowicz
LJ Rachowicz
Luis M. Carrascal
M Johnson
M Ouellet
M Voordouw
Matthew C. Fisher
MC Fisher
MJ Forrest
ON Bjørnstad
P Waller
PJ Murphy
PR Hosseini
R Retallick
RA Knapp
RA Knapp
RN Harris
S Altizer
Saioa Fernández-Beaskoetxea
SE Andre
SF Walker
SM Altizer
SN Stuart
U Tobler
Publication venue
'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The potential impact of climate change and ultraviolet radiation on vaccine-preventable infectious diseases and immunization service delivery system
Adelman ZN
Arvin AM
+86 more
Atchison CJ
Bauer A
Beest DET
Bi P
Bi P
Biao Guo
Borah J
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Disease Control Prevention
Chan J
Chan JYC
Chan PKS
Chen M-J
Cicarma E
Costello A
Critselis E
Dash AP
de Gruijl FR
Diffey BL
Dugo MA
Eneida M
Gage KL
Gomwalk NE
Greer A
Guthridge SL
Hsu S
Hu D
Impoinvil DE
Impoinvil DE
Klein BE
Klit A
Kokaze A
Kroger A
Li H
Lin H
Linder N
Liyanage NPM
Lolekha S
Longstreth J
Lucas RM
Mahamat A
Manney GL
McMichael AJ
McMichael AJ
Morand S
Murhekar MV
Nielsen J
Norval M
Omonijo AG
Riedo FX
Schmidt K
Schmitt J
Schuh AJ
Shilu Tong
Shrivastava A
Shuman EK
Silva DR
Sleijffers A
Sleijffers A
Sleijffers A
Sloan C
Snopov SA
Suchithra Naish
Sultan B
Sumi A
Tamerius JD
Termorshuizen F
Thomas P
Thomson MC
Tseng H
Tuite AR
Tully M
Van den Hurk AF
Vasconcelos P
Vergara-Castañeda A
Wallingford S
Wang L-Y
Weaver SC
Wenbiao Hu
Wu P-Y
Xiao H
Xiao H
Xu Z
Yaka P
Yu H
Zak-Prelich M
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text