21 research outputs found

    The interaction between caveolin-1 and Rho-GTPases promotes metastasis by controlling the expression of alpha5-integrin and the activation of Src, Ras and Erk

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    Proteins containing a caveolin-binding domain (CBD), such as the Rho-GTPases, can interact with caveolin-1 (Cav1) through its caveolin scaffold domain. Rho-GTPases are important regulators of p130Cas, which is crucial for both normal cell migration and Src kinase-mediated metastasis of cancer cells. However, although Rho-GTPases (particularly RhoC) and Cav1 have been linked to cancer progression and metastasis, the underlying molecular mechanisms are largely unknown. To investigate the function of Cav1–Rho-GTPase interaction in metastasis, we disrupted Cav1–Rho-GTPase binding in melanoma and mammary epithelial tumor cells by overexpressing CBD, and examined the loss-of-function of RhoC in metastatic cancer cells. Cancer cells overexpressing CBD or lacking RhoC had reduced p130Cas phosphorylation and Rac1 activation, resulting in an inhibition of migration and invasion in vitro. The activity of Src and the activation of its downstream targets FAK, Pyk2, Ras and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk)1/2 were also impaired. A reduction in α5-integrin expression, which is required for binding to fibronectin and thus cell migration and survival, was observed in CBD-expressing cells and cells lacking RhoC. As a result of these defects, CBD-expressing melanoma cells had a reduced ability to metastasize in recipient mice, and impaired extravasation and survival in secondary sites in chicken embryos. Our data indicate that interaction between Cav1 and Rho-GTPases (most likely RhoC but not RhoA) promotes metastasis by stimulating α5-integrin expression and regulating the Src-dependent activation of p130Cas/Rac1, FAK/Pyk2 and Ras/Erk1/2 signaling cascades

    Matrix detachment and proteasomal inhibitors diminish Sulf-2 expression in breast cancer cell lines and mouse xenografts

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    Sulfatase 2 (Sulf-2) has been previously shown to be upregulated in breast cancer. Sulf-2 removes sulfate moieties on heparan sulfate proteoglycans which in turn modulate heparin binding growth factor signaling. Here we report that matrix detachment resulted in decreased Sulf-2 expression in breast cancer cells and increased cleavage of poly ADP-ribose polymerase. Silencing of Sulf-2 promotes matrix detachment induced cell death in MCF10DCIS cells. In an attempt to identify Sulf-2 specific inhibitor, we found that proteasomal inhibitors such as MG132, Lactacystin and Bortezomib treatment abolished Sulf-2 expression in multiple breast cancer cell lines. Additionally, we show that Bortezomib treatment of MCF10DCIS cell xenografts in mouse mammary fat pads significantly reduced tumor size, caused massive apoptosis and more importantly reduced Sulf-2 levels in vivo. Finally, our immunohistochemistry analysis of Sulf-2 expression in cohort of patient derived breast tumors indicates that Sulf-2 is significantly upregulated in autologous metastatic lesions compared to primary tumors (p < 0.037, Pearson correlation, Chi-Square analysis). In all, our data suggest that Sulf-2 might play an important role in breast cancer progression from ductal carcinoma in situ into an invasive ductal carcinoma potentially by resisting cell death