530 research outputs found

    The Effect of Personalized Virtual Model and Voice Chat Support on Presence in Collaborative Online Shopping

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    Collaborative online shopping refers to the activity in which a consumer shops at an online store concurrently with one or more remotely located shopping partners such as her friends or family. Although collaborative shopping is one of the popular ways of shopping in an offline context, many existing studies regarding online shopping have focused mainly on shopping by individuals; few studies have examined how to enhance the collaborative online shopping experience. This study examines two features that have the potential to enhance collaborative online shopping experiences in the context of a clothing store: a personalized virtual model and voice chat support between shopping partners. Drawing from theories of media richness and social presence, we will examine whether implementing these two features can increase telepresence and copresence

    Additive-free Superfilling in Damascene Cu Electrodeposition using Microcontact Printing

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    To avoid complications brought about by employing organic additives, microcontact printing using a flat stamp was used in forming trench-selective Cu superfilling on damascene structure. Self-assembled monolayers of 1-decanethiol transferred on top surface of the trench could withstand the H2SO4 electrolyte and were used as a barrier for current transfer below a certain potential that was not yet dominated by the tunneling current. Subsequent electrodeposition on the printing area was successfully inhibited. The resulting filling profile was a defect-free superfilling with bumps on top. This is comparable to the three-additive system consisting of accelerator and two-component suppressor

    Oxidation Resistive Cu Films by Room Temperature Surface Passivation with Thin Ag Layer

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    A displacement-deposited Ag layer was investigated as an oxidation barrier in damascene Cu structure for high performance interconnection. A 40 nm thick bright and continuous Ag film was formed at the surface of electrodeposited Cu by immersing the copper film into the silver displacement solution. The Ag film at Cu surface significantly blocked oxygen diffusion into the Cu film and retarded oxidation. More importantly, an elevated barrier performance for oxygen diffusion through elimination and stuffing of grain boundaries of Cu was observed upon annealing in a 400ยฐC N2 atmosphere. Outward Cu diffusion through Ag layer controlled Cu oxidation when the surface was passivated with Ag layer

    Direct Plating of Low Resistivity Bright Cu Films onto TiN Barrier Layer via Pd Activation

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    For seedless electroplating of low resistivity Cu film applicable to deep submicrometer damascene feature, Pd activation was introduced to direct Cu electroplating onto a high resistivity TiN barrier to get a high quality Cu film. Displacement-deposited Pd particles on the TiN substrate acted as nucleation sites for Cu plating. This high-density instantaneous nucleation made it possible to deposit a continuous, bright Cu film with low resistivity of 3.1 mV cm ~after annealing!. Aided by small amounts of benzotriazole, Pd activation also gave way to the application of seedless plating to superfilling of a deep submicrometer damascene structure, where the formation of the seed layer had been a critical issue. Poor adhesion between plated Cu and Pd activated TiN substrate was greatly improved by the addition of poly~ethylene glycol!. The change in film characteristics was found to be negligible

    Superconformal Cu Electrodeposition on Various Substrates

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    For application to Cu interconnection, superconformal electrodeposition has been performed on various substrates, including physical vapor deposited ~PVD! Cu, two kinds of electroless deposited ~ELD! Cu, TiN barrier, and metallorganic chemical vapor deposited Ru. ELD Cu with HCHO as the reducing agent was compatible with PVD Cu in terms of conformal characteristics and film continuity. Both PVD and ELD Cu seed layers enabled superconformal filling with distinct bumps. Superfilling was also attained on resistive substrates of TiN and Ru through Pd activation and subsequent slight seeding by electrodeposition to enhance the action of additives

    Leveling of Superfilled Damascene Cu Film Using Two-Step Electrodeposition

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    To enhance the compatibility of electrodeposition with the chemical mechanical polishing process, we attempted to prevent step formation on active areas. In the absence of benzotriazole BTA , the step heights increased with the decrease in the pattern width and the increase in the pattern density due to the locally condensed accelerator. However, the addition of BTA significantly suppressed the deposition kinetic through the deactivation of the accelerator. The two-step electrodeposition with modulated accelerator and BTA concentrations was found to be effective in the retardation of bump formation and the prevention of bumps from growing without an impact on the superfilling

    Acceleration Effect of CuCN in Ag Electroplating for Ultralarge-Scale Interconnects

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    The addition of CuCN accelerated the deposition rate in cyanide-based Ag electroplating. The catalytic effect came from the high-order complexation of Cu with the free CNโˆ’ ions in electrolyte. It changed the equilibrium state of the electrolyte, presented as an increase in the amount of Ag CN 2 โˆ’ compared to Ag CN 3 2โˆ’. Because Ag CN 2 โˆ’ could be reduced more easily, Ag electroplating was accelerated. Fourier transform infrared analysis showed the equilibrium change with the increase in Ag CN 2 โˆ’ peak according to the CuCN addition. For superfilling, it is necessary to localize the complexation on the Cu surface.This work was supported by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation through the Research Center for Energy Conversion and Storage RCECS , Dongbu HiTeK, and also by the Institute of Chemical Processes ICP
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