43 research outputs found

    Deep Sequencing Whole Transcriptome Exploration of the σE Regulon in Neisseria meningitidis

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    Bacteria live in an ever-changing environment and must alter protein expression promptly to adapt to these changes and survive. Specific response genes that are regulated by a subset of alternative σ70-like transcription factors have evolved in order to respond to this changing environment. Recently, we have described the existence of a σE regulon including the anti-σ-factor MseR in the obligate human bacterial pathogen Neisseria meningitidis. To unravel the complete σE regulon in N. meningitidis, we sequenced total RNA transcriptional content of wild type meningococci and compared it with that of mseR mutant cells (ΔmseR) in which σE is highly expressed. Eleven coding genes and one non-coding gene were found to be differentially expressed between H44/76 wildtype and H44/76ΔmseR cells. Five of the 6 genes of the σE operon, msrA/msrB, and the gene encoding a pepSY-associated TM helix family protein showed enhanced transcription, whilst aniA encoding a nitrite reductase and nspA encoding the vaccine candidate Neisserial surface protein A showed decreased transcription. Analysis of differential expression in IGRs showed enhanced transcription of a non-coding RNA molecule, identifying a σE dependent small non-coding RNA. Together this constitutes the first complete exploration of an alternative σ-factor regulon in N. meningitidis. The results direct to a relatively small regulon indicative for a strictly defined response consistent with a relatively stable niche, the human throat, where N. meningitidis resides

    Interkingdom crosstalk: Host neuroendocrine stress hormones drive the hemolytic behavior of Salmonella typhi

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    The ability of bacterial pathogens to sense their immediate environment plays a significant role on their capacity to survive and cause disease. Salmonella enterica serovar typhi (S. typhi) is an exclusively human pathogen that causes typhoid fever. In a recent study, we have shown that S. typhi senses and responds to host neuroendocrine stress hormones to release the toxin hemolysin E. Hormone-mediated hemolysis by S. typhi was inhibited by the β-blocker propranolol and was dependent on the presence of the CpxAR signal transduction system. Furthermore, we demonstrate that normal expression of the small RNA micA is necessary for the arbitration of the response to host neuroendocrine hormones. This leads to a significant decrease in the levels of the outer membrane protein OmpA and increased formation of membrane vesicles containing HlyE. The exploration of host pathogen interactions is of paramount importance in deciphering pathogen virulence and the discovery of novel treatments

    Novel Role for RNase PH in the Degradation of Structured RNA

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    Escherichia coli contains multiple 3′ to 5′ RNases, of which two, RNase PH and polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase), use inorganic phosphate as a nucleophile to catalyze RNA cleavage. It is known that an absence of these two enzymes causes growth defects, but the basis for these defects has remained undefined. To further an understanding of the function of these enzymes, the degradation pattern of different cellular RNAs was analyzed. It was observed that an absence of both enzymes results in the appearance of novel mRNA degradation fragments. Such fragments were also observed in strains containing mutations in RNase R and PNPase, enzymes whose collective absence is known to cause an accumulation of structured RNA fragments. Additional experiments indicated that the growth defects of strains containing RNase R and PNPase mutations were exacerbated upon RNase PH removal. Taken together, these observations suggested that RNase PH could play a role in structured RNA degradation. Biochemical experiments with RNase PH demonstrated that this enzyme digests through RNA duplexes of moderate stability. In addition, mapping and sequence analysis of an mRNA degradation fragment that accumulates in the absence of the phosphorolytic enzymes revealed the presence of an extended stem-loop motif at the 3′ end. Overall, these results indicate that RNase PH plays a novel role in the degradation of structured RNAs and provides a potential explanation for the growth defects caused by an absence of the phosphorolytic RNases