95 research outputs found

    Two Circular-Rotational Eigenmodes in Vortex Gyrotropic Motions in Soft Magnetic Nanodots

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    We found, by micromagnetic numerical and analytical calculations, that the clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (CCW) circular-rotational motions of a magnetic vortex core in a soft magnetic circular nanodot are the elementary eigenmodes existing in the gyrotropic motion with respect to the corresponding CW and CCW circular-rotational-field eigenbasis. Any steady-state vortex gyrotropic motions driven by a linearly polarized oscillating in-plane magnetic field in the linear regime can be perfectly understood according to the superposition of the two circular eigenmodes, which show asymmetric resonance characteristics reflecting the vortex polarization. The relative magnitudes in the amplitude and phase between the CCW and CW eigenmodes determine the elongation and orientation of the orbital trajectories of the vortex core motions, respectively, which trajectories vary with the polarization and chirality of the given vortex as well as the field frequency across the resonance frequency.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure

    Criterion for transformation of transverse domain wall to vortex or antivortex wall in soft magnetic thin-film nanostripes

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    We report on the criterion for the dynamic transformation of the internal structure of moving domain walls (DWs) in soft magnetic thin-film nanostripes above the Walker threshold field, Hw. In order for the process of transformation from transverse wall (TW) to vortex wall (VW) or antivortex wall (AVW) occurs, the edge-soliton core of the TW-type DW should grow sufficiently to the full width at half maximum of the out-of-plane magnetizations of the core area of the stabilized vortex (or antivortex) by moving inward along the transverse (width) direction. Upon completion of the nucleation of the vortex (antivortex) core, the VW (AVW) is stabilized, and then its core accompanies the gyrotropic motion in a potential well (hill) of a given nanostripe. Field strengths exceeding the Hw, which is the onset field of DW velocity breakdown, are not sufficient but necessary conditions for dynamic DW transformation

    A gigahertz-range spin-wave filter composed of width-modulated nanostrip magnonic-crystal waveguides

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    We found a robust magnonic-crystal waveguide structure for use as an efficient gigahertz-range spin-wave filter that passes only spin waves of chosen narrow band frequencies and filters out the other frequencies. The structure consists of the serial combinations of various width modulations with different periodicities and motifs in planar-patterned thin-film nanostrips composed of a single soft magnetic material. The observed magnonic band gaps result from both the translation symmetry of the one-dimensional width modulation and the higher-quantized width-mode spin waves excited from scattering at the periodic edge-steps of the width modulation. This work brings us one step closer to practical implementations of spin waves in information transmission and processing devices.open452

    Conceptual design of spin wave logic gates based on a Mach-Zehnder-type spin wave interferometer for universal logic functions

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    We present conceptual designs of an emerging class of logic gates, including NOT, NOR, and NAND, that use traveling spin waves (SWs) in the gigahertz range and that are based on a Mach-Zehnder-type SW (MZSW) interferometer. In this MZSW interferometer, logical input and output signals are achievable by the application of currents in order to control the phases that are accumulated by propagating SWs and by either destructive or constructive SW interference, respectively. In this article, the operation mechanism underlying a NOT gate function using a single MZSW interferometer is described and demonstrated numerically. The MZSW interferometer can itself become a NOT gate and be combined in its parallel and serial configurations to form NAND and NOR gates, respectively, which represent emerging classes of universal logic functions for microwave information signal processing.open764

    Discrete Symmetries in the Weyl Expansion for Quantum Billiards

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    We consider two and three-dimensional quantum billiards with discrete symmetries. We derive the first terms of the Weyl expansion for the level density projected onto the irreducible representations of the symmetry group. As an illustration the method is applied to the icosahedral billiard. The paper was published in J. Phys. A /27/ (1994) 4317-4323Comment: 8 printed pages Latex fil

    Perpendicular-bias-field-dependent vortex-gyration eigenfrequency

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    We found that the angular frequency ??0 of vortex-core gyrations is controllable by the application of static perpendicular bias fields Hp as studied by micromagnetic simulations and Thiele's-approach- based quantitative interpretation. The observed linear dependence of ??0 on Hp could be explained in terms of the dynamic variables of the vortex, the gyrovector constant G, and the potential stiffness constant , for cases of negligible damping. Here we calculated the values of G and ?? as a function of Hp directly from the simulation numerical data using Thiele's equivalent force equations, providing a more correct understanding of the remarkable change of ??0 with Hp. This micromagnetic-simulation-based quantitative analysis is a straightforward, accurate, and effective means of understanding vortex dynamics in nanoscale magnetic elements.open7

    Strong radiation of spin waves by core reversal of a magnetic vortex and their wave behaviors in magnetic nanowire waveguides

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    We conducted micromagnetic numerical studies on the strong radiation of spin waves (SWs) produced by the magnetic-field-induced reversal of a magnetic vortex core, as well as their wave behaviors in magnetic nanowires. It was found that the radial SWs can be emitted intensively from a vortex core in a circular dot by virtue of localized large torques employed at the core, and then can be injected into a long nanowire via their contact. These SWs exhibit wave characteristics such as propagation, reflection, transmission, interference, and dispersion. These results offer a preview of the generation, delivery, and manipulation of SWs in magnetic elements, which are applicable to information-signal processing in potential SW devices.open997

    Out-of-plane current controlled switching of the fourfold degenerate state of a magnetic vortex in soft magnetic nanodots

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    We report on an observation of transitions of the fourfold degenerate state of a magnetic vortex in soft magnetic nanodots by micromagnetic numerical calculations. The quaternary vortex states in patterned magnetic dots were found to be controllable by changing the density of out-of-plane dc or pulse currents applied to the dots. Each vortex state can be switched to any of the other states by applying different sequence combinations of individual single-step pulse currents. Each step pulse has a characteristic threshold current density and direction. This work offers a promising way for manipulating both the polarization and chirality of magnetic vortices.open161

    Edge-Soliton-Mediated Vortex-Core Reversal Dynamics

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    We report a new reversal mechanism of magnetic vortex cores in nanodot elements driven by out-of-plane currents, occurring through two coupled edge-solitons via dynamic transformations between magnetic solitons of different topological charges. This mechanism differs completely from the well known switching process mediated by the creation and annihilation of vortex-antivortex pairs in terms of the associated topological solitons, energies, and spin-wave emissions. Strongly localized out-of-plane gyrotropic fields induced by the fast motion of the two coupled edge-solitons enable a magnetization dip that plays a crucial role in the formation of the reversed core magnetization. This work provides a new physical insight into the dynamic transformations of magnetic solitons in nanoelements.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Universal criterion and phase diagram for switching a magnetic vortex core in soft magnetic nanodots

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    The universal criterion for ultrafast vortex-core switching between the up- and down-core bistates in soft magnetic nanodots was investigated by micromagnetic simulations along with analytical calculations. Vortex-core switching occurs whenever the velocity of vortex-core motion reaches the critical velocity that is expressed as (e.g. m/s for Permalloy), where Aex is the exchange stiffness, and is the gyromagnetic ratio. On the basis of the above results, phase diagrams for the vortex-core switching event and switching times with respect to both the amplitude and frequency of applied circularly rotating magnetic field were calculated, which offer practical guidance for implementing nanodots in vortex states into future solid-state information-storage devices.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures. To whom all correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]