58 research outputs found

    Relativistic double-zeta, triple-zeta, and quadruple-zeta basis sets for the lanthanides La–Lu

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    Relativistic basis sets of double-zeta, triple-zeta, and quadruple-zeta quality have been optimized for the lanthanide elements La-Lu. The basis sets include SCF exponents for the occupied spinors and for the 6p shell, exponents of correlating functions for the valence shells (4f, 5d and 6s) and the outer core shells (4d, 5s and 5p), and diffuse functions, including functions for dipole polarization of the 4f shell. A finite nuclear size was used in all optimizations. The basis sets are illustrated by calculations on YbF. Prescriptions are given for constructing contracted basis sets. The basis sets are available as an internet archive and from the Dirac program web site, http://dirac. chem. sdu. dk. © 2010 The Author(s)

    Towards High Performance Relativistic Electronic Structure Modelling: The EXP-T Program Package

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    Modern challenges arising in the fields of theoretical and experimental physics require new powerful tools for high-precision electronic structure modelling; one of the most perspective tools is the relativistic Fock space coupled cluster method (FS-RCC). Here we present a new extensible implementation of the FS-RCC method designed for modern parallel computers. The underlying theoretical model, algorithms and data structures are discussed. The performance and scaling features of the implementation are analyzed. The software developed allows to achieve a completely new level of accuracy for prediction of properties of atoms and molecules containing heavy and superheavy nuclei