12 research outputs found

    A test facility for fritted spargers of production-scale-bioreactors

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    The production of therapeutic proteins requires qualification of equipment components and appropriate validation procedures for all operations. Since protein productions are typically performed in bioreactors using aerobic cultivation processes air sparging is an essential factor. As recorded in literature, besides ring spargers and open pipe, sinter frits are often used as sparging elements in large scale bioreactors. Due to the manufacturing process these frits have a high lot-to-lot product variability. Experience shows this is a practical problem for use in production processes of therapeutic proteins, hence frits must be tested before they can be employed. The circumstance of checking quality and performance of frits as sparging elements was investigated and various possibilities have been compared. Criteria have been developed in order to evaluate the sparging performance under conditions comparable to those in production bioreactors. The oxygen mass transfer coefficient (kLa) was chosen as the evaluation criterion. It is well known as an essential performance measure for fermenters in the monoclonal antibody production. Therefore a test rig was constructed able to automatically test frit-spargers with respect to their kLa-values at various gas throughputs. Performance differences in the percent range could be detected

    Efficient production of recombinant IgG by metabolic control and co-expression with GLUT5 in a fructose-based medium

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    A fructose-based cell culture is suitable for the process control of protein production because of slow sugar consumption rate and low lactate accumulation. The fructose transporter, GLUT5, mediates its incorporation into cells and is required for the fructose-based culture. In order to produce efficiently recombinant IgG by metabolic control and co-expression with GLUT5 in a fructose-based medium, an IgG and GLUT5 co-expression vector was constructed and transfected into the human myeloma derived cell line, SC-01MFP, which produced stably recombinant proteins. The cell proliferation in the fructose-based medium was improved by the GLUT5 gene transfection. The recombinant IgG production of the cells cultured in the fructose-based medium exhibited about two-fold increase of that in the glucose-based medium. Flow cytometoric analysis indicated that the GLUT5 protein expression level in cell surface was increased in the fructose-based medium. An exogenous but not endogenous GLUT5 transcription activator remarkably raised IgG productivity in the fructose-based medium when compared to that in the glucose-based medium, suggesting that exogenous GLUT5 expression may be involved in it. The GLUT5 co-expression system may be useful for efficient production of recombinant proteins by the fructose-based cell culture

    Comparison of viable cell concentration estimation methods for a mammalian cell cultivation process

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    Various mechanistic and black-box models were applied for on-line estimations of viable cell concentrations in fed-batch cultivation processes for CHO cells. Data from six fed-batch cultivation experiments were used to identify the underlying models and further six independent data sets were used to determine the performance of the estimators. The performances were quantified by means of the root mean square error (RMSE) between the estimates and the corresponding off-line measured validation data sets. It is shown that even simple techniques based on empirical and linear model approaches provide a fairly good on-line estimation performance. Best results with respect to the validation data sets were obtained with hybrid models, multivariate linear regression technique and support vector regression. Hybrid models provide additional important information about the specific cellular growth rates during the cultivation

    Targeted genetic modification of cell lines for recombinant protein production

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    Considerable increases in productivity have been achieved in biopharmaceutical production processes over the last two decades. Much of this has been a result of improvements in media formulation and process development. Though advances have been made in cell line development, there remains considerable opportunity for improvement in this area. The wealth of transcriptional and proteomic data being generated currently hold the promise of specific molecular interventions to improve the performance of production cell lines in the bioreactor. Achieving this—particularly for multi-gene modification—will require specific, targeted and controlled genetic manipulation of these cells. This review considers some of the current and potential future techniques that might be employed to realise this goal