13 research outputs found

    Hyper-IgG4 disease: report and characterisation of a new disease

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    BACKGROUND: We highlight a chronic inflammatory disease we call 'hyper-IgG4 disease', which has many synonyms depending on the organ involved, the country of origin and the year of the report. It is characterized histologically by a lymphoplasmacytic inflammation with IgG4-positive cells and exuberant fibrosis, which leaves dense fibrosis on resolution. A typical example is idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis, but the initial report in 2001 was of sclerosing pancreatitis. METHODS: We report an index case with fever and severe systemic disease. We have also reviewed the histology of 11 further patients with idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis for evidence of IgG4-expressing plasma cells, and examined a wide range of other inflammatory conditions and fibrotic diseases as organ-specific controls. We have reviewed the published literature for disease associations with idiopathic, systemic fibrosing conditions and the synonyms: pseudotumour, myofibroblastic tumour, plasma cell granuloma, systemic fibrosis, xanthofibrogranulomatosis, and multifocal fibrosclerosis. RESULTS: Histology from all 12 patients showed, to varying degrees, fibrosis, intense inflammatory cell infiltration with lymphocytes, plasma cells, scattered neutrophils, and sometimes eosinophilic aggregates, with venulitis and obliterative arteritis. The majority of lymphocytes were T cells that expressed CD8 and CD4, with scattered B-cell-rich small lymphoid follicles. In all cases, there was a significant increase in IgG4-positive plasma cells compared with controls. In two cases, biopsies before and after steroid treatment were available, and only scattered plasma cells were seen after treatment, none of them expressing IgG4. Review of the literature shows that although pathology commonly appears confined to one organ, patients can have systemic symptoms and fever. In the active period, there is an acute phase response with a high serum concentration of IgG, and during this phase, there is a rapid clinical response to glucocorticoid steroid treatment. CONCLUSION: We believe that hyper-IgG4 disease is an important condition to recognise, as the diagnosis can be readily verified and the outcome with treatment is very good

    C-terminal Src kinase controls development and maintenance of mouse squamous epithelia

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    Carboxy-terminal Src kinase (Csk) is a negative regulator of Src family kinases, which play pivotal roles in controlling cell adhesion, migration, and cancer progression. To elucidate the in vivo role of Csk in epithelial tissues, we conditionally inactivated Csk in squamous epithelia using the keratin-5 promoter/Cre-loxP system in mice. The mutant mice developed apparent defects in the skin, esophagus, and forestomach, with concomitant hyperplasia and chronic inflammation. Histology of the mutant epidermis revealed impaired cell–cell adhesion in basal cell layers. Analysis of primary keratinocytes showed that the defective cell–cell adhesion was caused by cytoskeletal remodeling via activation of the Rac1 pathway. Mutant keratinocytes also showed elevated expression of mesenchymal proteins, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and the proinflammatory cytokine TNF-α. Inhibition of the expression of TNF-α and MMP9 by the anti-inflammatory reagent FK506 could cure the epidermal hyperplasia, suggesting a causal link between inflammation and epidermal hyperplasia. These observations demonstrate that the Src/Csk circuit plays crucial roles in development and maintenance of epithelia by controlling cytoskeletal organization as well as phenotypic conversion linked to inflammatory events