2 research outputs found
Psychiatrie diagnosis and nosological theory. Studies on the individual diagnostic scheme
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Ätiopathogenetische Konzepte und Krankheitsmodelle
- Author
- A Caspi
- A Colombo
- A Demjaha
- A Frances
- A Goodman
- A Hoche
- A Jablensky
- A Palm
- AMDP (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Methodik und Dokumentation in der Psychiatrie)
- Anonymous
- C Gevers
- CE Berganza
- CF Reynolds III
- CG Hempel
- CJ Stam
- D Davidson
- D Lewis
- D Murphy
- DA Regier
- DEJ Linden
- Deutsche Vereinigung für Rehabilitation
- DF Gitlin
- DH Novack
- DJ Kupfer
- E Frank
- E Kraepelin
- E Pöppel
- E Robins
- EH Ackerknecht
- ER Kandel
- F Schliehe
- G Andrews
- G Graham
- GE Berrios
- GL Engel
- GO Gabbard
- H Dilling
- H Heimann
- H Heinze
- H Helmchen
- H Helmchen
- H Hippius
- HJ Möller
- HM Praag Van
- HM Praag Van
- HS Akiskal
- II Gottesman
- J Marmor
- J Searle
- J Zielasek
- J Zubin
- J Zubin
- JA Fodor
- JA Mitchell
- JC Wakefield
- JC Wakefield
- JD Haynes
- JE Mezzich
- JFW Deakin
- JJ Lopez-Ibor
- JS McIntyre
- JS Robert
- JS Strauss
- JU Wieding
- K Kahlbaum
- K Schneider
- KD Sulz
- KE Freedland
- KF Berman
- KH Choi
- KH Nuechterlein
- KH Nuechterlein
- KS Kendler
- L Bertalanffy von
- L Eisenberg
- LJ Kirmayer
- M Hartmann
- M Heinze
- M Seidel
- MC O'Donovan
- ME Tamm
- MJ Miresco
- ML Phillips
- MS Buchsbaum
- MT Tsuang
- N Craddock
- N Craddock
- N McLaren
- P McGuffin
- PD McGorry
- R Gardner
- RL Spitzer
- RM Post
- S Baron
- SB Guze
- SE Hyman
- SG Schwab
- SV Faraone
- T Ewert
- T Ewert
- TN Wise
- TR Insel
- U Polzer
- UF Malt
- V Moskvina
- W Blankenburg
- W Fulford
- W Gaebel
- W Gaebel
- W Gaebel
- W Griesinger
- W Langewitz
- W Tress
- W Wölwer
- World Health Organization
- WV Quine
- WW Eaton
- Y Alanen
- Y Liu
- ZJ Lipowski
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2011
- Field of study