9 research outputs found

    The matrix model version of AGT conjecture and CIV-DV prepotential

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    Recently exact formulas were provided for partition function of conformal (multi-Penner) beta-ensemble in the Dijkgraaf-Vafa phase, which, if interpreted as Dotsenko-Fateev correlator of screenings and analytically continued in the number of screening insertions, represents generic Virasoro conformal blocks. Actually these formulas describe the lowest terms of the q_a-expansion, where q_a parameterize the shape of the Penner potential, and are exact in the filling numbers N_a. At the same time, the older theory of CIV-DV prepotential, straightforwardly extended to arbitrary beta and to non-polynomial potentials, provides an alternative expansion: in powers of N_a and exact in q_a. We check that the two expansions coincide in the overlapping region, i.e. for the lowest terms of expansions in both q_a and N_a. This coincidence is somewhat non-trivial, since the two methods use different integration contours: integrals in one case are of the B-function (Euler-Selberg) type, while in the other case they are Gaussian integrals.Comment: 27 pages, 1 figur

    K-Decompositions and 3d Gauge Theories

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    This paper combines several new constructions in mathematics and physics. Mathematically, we study framed flat PGL(K,C)-connections on a large class of 3-manifolds M with boundary. We define a space L_K(M) of framed flat connections on the boundary of M that extend to M. Our goal is to understand an open part of L_K(M) as a Lagrangian in the symplectic space of framed flat connections on the boundary, and as a K_2-Lagrangian, meaning that the K_2-avatar of the symplectic form restricts to zero. We construct an open part of L_K(M) from data assigned to a hypersimplicial K-decomposition of an ideal triangulation of M, generalizing Thurston's gluing equations in 3d hyperbolic geometry, and combining them with the cluster coordinates for framed flat PGL(K)-connections on surfaces. Using a canonical map from the complex of configurations of decorated flags to the Bloch complex, we prove that any generic component of L_K(M) is K_2-isotropic if the boundary satisfies some topological constraints (Theorem 4.2). In some cases this implies that L_K(M) is K_2-Lagrangian. For general M, we extend a classic result of Neumann-Zagier on symplectic properties of PGL(2) gluing equations to reduce the K_2-Lagrangian property to a combinatorial claim. Physically, we use the symplectic properties of K-decompositions to construct 3d N=2 superconformal field theories T_K[M] corresponding (conjecturally) to the compactification of K M5-branes on M. This extends known constructions for K=2. Just as for K=2, the theories T_K[M] are described as IR fixed points of abelian Chern-Simons-matter theories. Changes of triangulation (2-3 moves) lead to abelian mirror symmetries that are all generated by the elementary duality between N_f=1 SQED and the XYZ model. In the large K limit, we find evidence that the degrees of freedom of T_K[M] grow cubically in K.Comment: 121 pages + 2 appendices, 80 figures; Version 2: reorganized mathematical perspective, swapped Sections 3 and

    Synthesis and crystal structure of low ferrialuminosilicate sanidine

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    Iron-containing potassium feldspar crystals are prepared using the hydrothermal synthesis in an alkaline medium at temperatures ranging from 500 to 526°C. The crystal structure of the synthetic potassium feldspar is refined [Ital Structures diffractometer, MoKalpha radiation, 1327 unique reflections with F > 4sigma(F), anisotropic approximation, R(F) = 0.044]. It is established that, under the given preparation conditions, the synthesis leads to the formation of the monoclinic modification with the following unit-cell parameters: a 8.655(7) Å, b = 13.101(9) Å, c = 7.250(g) Å, beta = 116.02(2)°, space group C2/m, and Z = 4. The cation distribution over crystallographically inequivalent tetrahedral positions T(1) and T(2) is determined and justified using X-ray diffraction data. According to this distribution, the iron-containing potassium feldspar is assigned to the low ferrialuminosilicate sanidine. The proposed structural formula K A=0.99 (Si1.2Fe0.5Al0.3) T(1)=2 (Si1.81Al0.19) T(2)=2 O8 agrees well with the data of the electron microprobe analysis. It is revealed that iron occupies the T(1) position and manifests itself as a majority rather than minority impurity element with respect to aluminum

    Gauge Theory Loop Operators and Liouville Theory

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    We propose a correspondence between loop operators in a family of four dimensional N=2 gauge theories on S^4 -- including Wilson, 't Hooft and dyonic operators -- and Liouville theory loop operators on a Riemann surface. This extends the beautiful relation between the partition function of these N=2 gauge theories and Liouville correlators found by Alday, Gaiotto and Tachikawa. We show that the computation of these Liouville correlators with the insertion of a Liouville loop operator reproduces Pestun's formula capturing the expectation value of a Wilson loop operator in the corresponding gauge theory. We prove that our definition of Liouville loop operators is invariant under modular transformations, which given our correspondence, implies the conjectured action of S-duality on the gauge theory loop operators. Our computations in Liouville theory make an explicit prediction for the exact expectation value of 't Hooft and dyonic loop operators in these N=2 gauge theories. The Liouville loop operators are also found to admit a simple geometric interpretation within quantum Teichmuller theory as the quantum operators representing the length of geodesics. We study the algebra of Liouville loop operators and show that it gives evidence for our proposal as well as providing definite predictions for the operator product expansion of loop operators in gauge theory.Comment: 67 pages; v.3 made minor corrections and added comment

    Combinatorial topology of salts of inorganic oxoacids: zero-, one- and two-dimensional units with corner-sharing between coordination polyhedra

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