48 research outputs found

    Optimal transfers from Moon to L2L_2 halo orbit of the Earth-Moon system

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    In this paper, we seek optimal solutions for a transfer from a parking orbit around the Moon to a halo orbit around L2L_2 of the Earth-Moon system, by applying a single maneuver and exploiting the stable invariant manifold of the hyperbolic parking solution at arrival. For that, we propose an optimization problem considering as variables both the orbital characteristics of a parking solution around the Moon, (namely, its Keplerian elements) and the characteristics of a transfer trajectory guided by the stable manifold of the arrival Halo orbit. The problem is solved by a nonlinear programming method (NLP), aiming to minimize the cost of ΔV\Delta V to perform a single maneuver transfer, within the framework of the Earth-Moon system of the circular restricted three-body problem. Results with low ΔV\Delta V and suitable time of flight show the feasibility of this kind of transfer for a Cubesat

    Numerical investigations of the orbital dynamics around a synchronous binary system of asteroids

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    In this article, equilibrium points and families of periodic orbits in the vicinity of the collinear equilibrium points of a binary asteroid system are investigated with respect to the angular velocity of the secondary body, the mass ratio of the system and the size of the secondary. We assume that the gravitational fields of the bodies are modeled assuming the primary as a mass point and the secondary as a rotating mass dipole. This model allows to compute families of planar and halo periodic orbits that emanate from the equilibrium points L1 L_1 and L2L_2. The stability and bifurcations of these families are analyzed and the results are compared with the results obtained with the Restricted Three-Body Problem (RTBP). The results provide an overview of the dynamical behavior in the vicinity of a binary asteroid system

    Theory of Functional Connections and Nelder-Mead optimization methods applied in satellite characterization

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    The growing population of man-made objects with the build up of mega-constellations not only increases the potential danger to all space vehicles and in-space infrastructures (including space observatories), but above all poses a serious threat to astronomy and dark skies. Monitoring of this population requires precise satellite characterization, which is is a challenging task that involves analyzing observational data such as position, velocity, and light curves using optimization methods. In this study, we propose and analyze the application of two optimization procedures to determine the parameters associated with the dynamics of a satellite: one based on the Theory of Functional Connections (TFC) and another one based on the Nelder-Mead heuristic optimization algorithm. The TFC performs linear functional interpolation to embed the constraints of the problem into a functional. In this paper, we propose to use this functional to analytically embed the observational data of a satellite into its equations of dynamics. After that, any solution will always satisfy the observational data. The second procedure proposed in this research takes advantage of the Nealder-Mead algorithm, that does not require the gradient of the objective function, as alternative solution. The accuracy, efficiency, and dependency on the initial guess of each method is investigated, analyzed, and compared for several dynamical models. These methods can be used to obtain the physical parameters of a satellite from available observational data and for space debris characterization contributing to follow-up monitoring activities in space and astronomical observatories.Comment: Submitted to Acta Astronautic

    Statistical Coding and Decoding of Heartbeat Intervals

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    The heart integrates neuroregulatory messages into specific bands of frequency, such that the overall amplitude spectrum of the cardiac output reflects the variations of the autonomic nervous system. This modulatory mechanism seems to be well adjusted to the unpredictability of the cardiac demand, maintaining a proper cardiac regulation. A longstanding theory holds that biological organisms facing an ever-changing environment are likely to evolve adaptive mechanisms to extract essential features in order to adjust their behavior. The key question, however, has been to understand how the neural circuitry self-organizes these feature detectors to select behaviorally relevant information. Previous studies in computational perception suggest that a neural population enhances information that is important for survival by minimizing the statistical redundancy of the stimuli. Herein we investigate whether the cardiac system makes use of a redundancy reduction strategy to regulate the cardiac rhythm. Based on a network of neural filters optimized to code heartbeat intervals, we learn a population code that maximizes the information across the neural ensemble. The emerging population code displays filter tuning proprieties whose characteristics explain diverse aspects of the autonomic cardiac regulation, such as the compromise between fast and slow cardiac responses. We show that the filters yield responses that are quantitatively similar to observed heart rate responses during direct sympathetic or parasympathetic nerve stimulation. Our findings suggest that the heart decodes autonomic stimuli according to information theory principles analogous to how perceptual cues are encoded by sensory systems