7,628 research outputs found

    Characters for Projective Modules in the BGG Category O for General Linear Lie Superalgebras

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    We determine the Verma multiplicities and the characters of projective modules for atypical blocks in the BGG Category O for the general linear Lie superalgebras gl(2∣2)\frak{gl}(2|2) and gl(3∣1)\frak{gl}(3|1). We then explicitly determine the composition factor multiplcities of Verma modules in the atypicality 2 block of gl(2∣2)\frak{gl}(2|2)

    Explicit Demazure character formula for negative dominant characters

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    In this paper, we prove that for any semisimple simply connected algebraic group GG, for any regular dominant character Ξ»\lambda of a maximal torus TT of GG and for any element Ο„\tau in the Weyl group WW, the character eρ⋅char(H0(X(Ο„),LΞ»βˆ’Ο))e^{\rho}\cdot char(H^{0}(X(\tau), \mathcal{L}_{\lambda-\rho})) is equal to the sum βˆ‘w≀τchar(Hl(w)(X(w),Lβˆ’Ξ»))βˆ—)\sum_{w\leq \tau}char(H^{l(w)}(X(w),\mathcal{L}_{-\lambda}))^{*}) of the characters of dual of the top cohomology modules on the Schubert varieties X(w)X(w), ww running over all elements satisfying w≀τw\leq \tau. Using this result, we give a basis of the intersection of the Kernels of the Demazure operators DΞ±D_{\alpha} using the sums of the characters of Hl(w)(X(w),Lβˆ’Ξ»)H^{l(w)}(X(w),\mathcal{L}_{-\lambda}), where the sum is taken over all elements ww in the Weyl group WW of GG.Comment: 11 page

    Torus quotients of homogeneous spaces of the general linear group and the standard representation of certain symmetric groups

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    We give a stratification of the GIT quotient of the Grassmannian G2,nG_{2,n} modulo the normaliser of a maximal torus of SLn(k)SL_{n}(k) with respect to the ample generator of the Picard group of G2,nG_{2,n}. We also prove that the flag variety GLn(k)/BnGL_{n}(k)/B_{n} can be obtained as a GIT quotient of GLn+1(k)/Bn+1GL_{n+1}(k)/B_{n+1} modulo a maximal torus of SLn+1(k)SL_{n+1}(k) for a suitable choice of an ample line bundle on GLn+1(k)/Bn+1GL_{n+1}(k)/B_{n+1}.Comment: 19 page

    Association Rule Pruning based on Interestingness Measures with Clustering

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    Association rule mining plays vital part in knowledge mining. The difficult task is discovering knowledge or useful rules from the large number of rules generated for reduced support. For pruning or grouping rules, several techniques are used such as rule structure cover methods, informative cover methods, rule clustering, etc. Another way of selecting association rules is based on interestingness measures such as support, confidence, correlation, and so on. In this paper, we study how rule clusters of the pattern Xi - Y are distributed over different interestingness measures.Comment: International Journal of Computer Science Issues, IJCSI Volume 6, Issue 1, pp35-43, November 200

    Nondegeneracy for Quotient Varieties under Finite Group Actions

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    We prove that for an abelian group GG of order nn the morphism φ ⁣:P(Vβˆ—)⟢P((symnVβˆ—)G) \varphi\colon \mathbf{P}(V^*)\longrightarrow \mathbf{P} ((\mathrm{sym}^n V^*)^G) defined by Ο†([f])=[βˆΟƒβˆˆGΟƒβ‹…f]\varphi([f]) = [\prod_{\sigma\in G} \sigma \cdot f ] is nondegenerate for every finite-dimensional representation VV of GG if and only if either nn is a prime number or n=4n=4.Comment: 8 page

    Projective normality of finite group quotients and EGZ theorem

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    In this note, we prove that for any finite dimensional vector space VV over C\mathbb {C}, and for a finite cyclic group GG, the projective variety P(V)/G\mathbb P(V)/G is projectively normal with respect to the descent of O(1)βŠ—βˆ£G∣\mathcal O(1)^{\otimes |G|} by a method using toric variety, and deduce the EGZ theorem as a consequence.Comment: 3 page

    Torus quotients of homogeneous spaces-minimal dimensional Schubert Variety admitting semi-stable points

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    In this paper, for any simple, simply connected algebraic group GG of type Bn,CnB_n,C_n or DnD_n and for any maximal parabolic subgroup PP of GG, we describe all minimal dimensional Schubert varieties in G/PG/P admitting semistable points for the action of a maximal torus TT with respect to an ample line bundle on G/PG/P. In this paper, we also describe, for any semi-simple simply connected algebraic group GG and for any Borel subgroup BB of GG, all Coxeter elements Ο„\tau for which the Schubert variety X(Ο„)X(\tau) admits a semistable point for the action of the torus TT with respect to a non-trivial line bundle on G/BG/B

    Projective normality of Weyl group quotients

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    In this note, we prove that for the standard representation VVof the Weyl group WW of a semi-simple algebraic group of type An,Bn,Cn,Dn,F4A_n, B_n, C_n, D_n, F_4 and G2G_2 over C\mathbb C, the projective variety P(Vm)/W\mathbb P(V^m)/W is projectively normal with respect to the descent of O(1)βŠ—βˆ£W∣\mathcal O(1)^{\otimes |W|}, where VmV^m denote the direct sum of mm copies of VV. We also prove that for any finite group GG and for any finite dimentional representation VV over C\mathbb C, the projective variety P(V)/GP(V)/G is projectively normal with respect to the descent of O(1)βŠ—n!\mathcal O(1)^{\otimes n!} as a consequence.Comment: 10 page

    Role of Interestingness Measures in CAR Rule Ordering for Associative Classifier: An Empirical Approach

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    Associative Classifier is a novel technique which is the integration of Association Rule Mining and Classification. The difficult task in building Associative Classifier model is the selection of relevant rules from a large number of class association rules (CARs). A very popular method of ordering rules for selection is based on confidence, support and antecedent size (CSA). Other methods are based on hybrid orderings in which CSA method is combined with other measures. In the present work, we study the effect of using different interestingness measures of Association rules in CAR rule ordering and selection for associative classifier

    Syzygies of some GIT quotients

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    Let XX be flat scheme over Z\mathbb{Z} such that its base change, XpX_p, to Fˉp\bar{\mathbb{F}}_p is Frobenius split for all primes pp. Let GG be a reductive group scheme over Z\mathbb{Z} acting on XX. In this paper, we prove a result on the NpN_p property for line bundles on GIT quotients of XCX_{\mathbb{C}} for the action of GCG_{\mathbb{C}}. We apply our result to the special cases of (1) an action of a finite group on the projective space and (2) the action of a maximal torus on the flag variety of type AnA_n.Comment: 11 pages; improved bounds in main results; new references adde
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