3 research outputs found

    Informe de verificación y asesoría en las condiciones del sistema de habilitación de prestadores de servicios de salud E.S.E. hospital San Francisco de Asís.

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    Este trabajo se desarrolla como modalidad de grado, para optar al título de Especialistas en Gerencia de la Calidad y Auditoría en Salud. Para ello se realizó el Diplomado de Verificadores de las Condiciones de Habilitación de los Prestadores de Servicios de Salud y se desarrolló la práctica en la E.S.E. Hospital San Francisco de Asís del municipio de San Francisco (Antioquia), donde se verificaron los estándares de habilitación en varios servicios, utilizando como guía las normas vigentes para la materia; entre ellas la principal que es la Resolución 2003 de 2014 que regula específicamente la materia. Se presenta el informe de práctica con lo cual se brinda asesoría a la institución para que dichos resultados y recomendaciones sean incluidos en el Plan de Mejoramiento de la institución. Siendo éste un ejercicio académico de cómo sería una visita de verificación de condiciones de Habilitación para las IPS, no solo desde el punto de vista del ente territorial, sino como verificadores internos de cada institución y poder así cumplir con la norma y evitar algún tipo de no conformidad en las visitas de verificación de las condiciones de habilitación. Se llevó a cabo mediante una visita programada en el mes de septiembre de 2018, donde se obtuvieron las observaciones que fueron la base para la realización de este trabajo.Agradecimientos. -- Resumen. -- Reseña institucional. -- Introducción. -- Justificación. -- Antecedentes normativos. -- Objetivos. -- Productos. -- Alcance. -- Actividades y metodología. -- Diagnóstico. -- Limitaciones y fortalezas. -- Resultados. -- Conclusiones y recomendaciones. -- Anexos. [email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@[email protected]@campusucc.edu.c

    Evaluation of Allied Healthcare in Patients Recovering from Covid-19: Study Protocol and Baseline Data of s National Prospective Cohort Study

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    OBJECTIVE: To report the study protocol and baseline characteristics of a prospective cohort study to evaluate longitudinal recovery trajectories of patients recovering from COVID-19 who have visited a primary care allied health professional. DESIGN: Report of the protocol and baseline characteristics for a prospective cohort study with a mixed-methods approach. PATIENTS: Patients recovering from COVID-19 treated by primary care dietitians, exercise therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists and/or speech and language therapists in the Netherlands. METHODS: The prospective study will measure primary outcome domains: participation, health-related quality of life, fatigue, physical functioning, and costs, at baseline, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Interviews, on the patients' experiences with allied healthcare, will be held with a subsample of patients and allied health professionals. RESULTS: The cohort comprises 1,451 patients (57% female, mean age 49 (standard deviation 13) years). Preliminary results for the study cohort show that 974 (67%) of the participants reported mild/moderate severity symptoms during the infection period and patients reported severe restrictions in activities of daily living compared with previous research in other patient populations. Both quantitative and qualitative, will provide insight into the recovery of patients who are treated by allied health professionals. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, this will be the first comprehensive study to longitudinally evaluate the recovery trajectories and related costs of patients recovering from COVID-19 who are treated by allied health professionals in the Netherlands. This study will provide evidence for the optimal strategy to treat patients recovering from COVID-19 infection, including which patients benefit, and to what extent, from treatment, and which factors might impact their recovery course over time. The preliminary results of this study demonstrated the severity of restrictions and complaints at the start of therapy are substantial

    Evaluation of Allied Healthcare in Patients Recovering from Covid-19:Study Protocol and Baseline Data of s National Prospective Cohort Study

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    Objective: To report the study protocol and baseline characteristics of a prospective cohort study to evaluate longitudinal recovery trajectories of patients recovering from COVID-19 who have visited a primary care allied health professional. Design: Report of the protocol and baseline characteristics for a prospective cohort study with a mixed-methods approach. Patients: Patients recovering from COVID-19 treated by primary care dietitians, exercise therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists and/or speech and language therapists in the Netherlands. Methods: The prospective study will measure primary outcome domains: participation, health-related quality of life, fatigue, physical functioning, and costs, at baseline, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Interviews, on the patients’ experiences with allied healthcare, will be held with a subsample of patients and allied health professionals. Results: The cohort comprises 1,451 patients (57% female, mean age 49 (standard deviation 13) years). Preliminary results for the study cohort show that 974 (67%) of the participants reported mild/moderate severity symptoms during the infection period and patients reported severe restrictions in activities of daily living compared with previous research in other patient populations. Both quantitative and qualitative, will provide insight into the recovery of patients who are treated by allied health professionals. Conclusion: In conclusion, this will be the first comprehensive study to longitudinally evaluate the recovery trajectories and related costs of patients recovering from COVID-19 who are treated by allied health professionals in the Netherlands. This study will provide evidence for the optimal strategy to treat patients recovering from COVID-19 infection, including which patients benefit, and to what extent, from treatment, and which factors might impact their recovery course over time. The preliminary results of this study demonstrated the severity of restrictions and complaints at the start of therapy are substantial