27 research outputs found

    Low CD10 mRNA Expression Identifies High-Risk Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS)

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    PURPOSE: Optimal management of breast ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is controversial, and many patients are still overtreated. The local death of myoepithelial cells (MECs) is believed to be a pre-requisite to tumor invasion. We thus hypothesized that loss of CD10 expression, a MEC surface peptidase, would signify basement membrane disruption and confer increased risk of relapse in DCIS. The aim of our study was to retrospectively evaluate the prognostic value of CD10 in DCIS. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: CD10 expression was evaluated by quantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry using paraffin-embedded samples of normal breast tissue (n = 11); of morphologically normal ducts associated with DCIS (n = 10); and of DCIS without an invasive component (n = 154). RESULTS: CD10 immunostaining was only observed in MECs in normal tissue and in DCIS. Normal tissue showed high mRNA expression levels of CD10, whereas DCIS showed a variable range. After a median follow-up of 6 years, DCIS with CD10 expression below the levels observed in normal tissue (71%) demonstrated a higher risk of local relapse (HR = 1.88; [95CI:1.30-2.70], p = 0.001) in univariate analysis. No relapse was observed in patients expressing high CD10 mRNA levels (29%) similar to the ones observed in normal tissue. In multivariate analysis including known prognostic factors, low CD10 mRNA expression remained significant (HR = 2.25; [95%CI:1.24-4.09], p = 0.008), as did the recently revised Van Nuys Prognostic Index (VNPI) score (HR = 2.03; [95%CI:1.23-3.35], p = 0.006). CONCLUSION: The decrease of CD10 expression in MECs is associated with a higher risk of relapse in DCIS; this knowledge has the potential to improve DCIS management

    Survival models with preclustered gene groups as covariates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An important application of high dimensional gene expression measurements is the risk prediction and the interpretation of the variables in the resulting survival models. A major problem in this context is the typically large number of genes compared to the number of observations (individuals). Feature selection procedures can generate predictive models with high prediction accuracy and at the same time low model complexity. However, interpretability of the resulting models is still limited due to little knowledge on many of the remaining selected genes. Thus, we summarize genes as gene groups defined by the hierarchically structured Gene Ontology (GO) and include these gene groups as covariates in the hazard regression models. Since expression profiles within GO groups are often heterogeneous, we present a new method to obtain subgroups with coherent patterns. We apply preclustering to genes within GO groups according to the correlation of their gene expression measurements.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We compare Cox models for modeling disease free survival times of breast cancer patients. Besides classical clinical covariates we consider genes, GO groups and preclustered GO groups as additional genomic covariates. Survival models with preclustered gene groups as covariates have similar prediction accuracy as models built only with single genes or GO groups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The preclustering information enables a more detailed analysis of the biological meaning of covariates selected in the final models. Compared to models built only with single genes there is additional functional information contained in the GO annotation, and compared to models using GO groups as covariates the preclustering yields coherent representative gene expression profiles.</p

    MIB1/Ki-67 labelling index can classify grade 2 breast cancer into two clinically distinct subgroups

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    International audienceHistological grade is recognized as one of the strongest prognostic factors in operable breast cancer (BC). Although grade 1 and grade 3 tumours are biologically and clinically distinct, grade 2 tumours bear considerable difficulty in outcome prediction and planning therapies. Several attempts such as genomic grade index have been performed to subclassify grade 2 into two subgroups with clinical relevance. Here, we present evidence that the routinely evaluable immunohistochemical MIB1/Ki67 labelling index (MIB-LI) can classify grade 2 tumours into two clinically distinct subgroups. In this study, growth fractions of 1,550 primary operable invasive breast carcinomas were immunohistochemically assayed on full-face tissue sections using the MIB1 clone of Ki-67. Growth fractions were assessed as number of MIB1 positive nuclei in 1,000 tumour nuclei at high-power magnification and expressed as MIB1-LI. Using a 10% cut-point of MIB1-LI, grade 2 BCs were classified into low (49.8%) and high (50.2%) proliferative subgroups. Univariate and multivariate survival analysis revealed statistically significant differences between these subgroups regarding patients' BC specific survival ( < 0.001), and metastasis free survival ( < 0.001) which was independent of the well-established prognostic factors (HR = 2.944, 95% CI = 1.634-5.303,  < 0.001). In conclusion, our results further demonstrate that grade 2 BCs may represent at least two biological or behaviourally different entities. Assay of growth fraction in BC using MIB1/Ki67 immunohistochemistry is a robust cost-effective diagnostic tool that subdivides grade 2 tumours into low and high risk populations providing additional prognostic information in planning therapies and outcome prediction

    High-precision photometry by telescope defocussing - VIII. WASP-22, WASP-41, WASP-42 and WASP-55

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    We present 13 high-precision and four additional light curves of four bright southern-hemisphere transiting planetary systems: WASP-22, WASP-41, WASP-42 and WASP-55. In the cases of WASP-42 and WASP-55, these are the first follow-up observations since their discovery papers. We present refined measurements of the physical properties and orbital ephemerides of all four systems. No indications of transit timing variations were seen. All four planets have radii inflated above those expected from theoretical models of gas-giant planets; WASP-55 b is the most discrepant with a mass of 0.63M(Jup) and a radius of 1.34 R-Jup. WASP-41 shows brightness anomalies during transit due to the planet occulting spots on the stellar surface. Two anomalies observed 3.1 d apart are very likely due to the same spot. We measure its change in position and determine a rotation period for the host star of 18.6 +/- 1.5 d, in good agreement with a published measurement from spot-induced brightness modulation, and a sky-projected orbital obliquity of lambda = 6 +/- 11 degrees. We conclude with a compilation of obliquity measurements from spot-tracking analyses and a discussion of this technique in the study of the orbital configurations of hot Jupiters

    EPMA position paper in cancer: current overview and future perspectives

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