37 research outputs found

    Digitale Assistenten fĂĽr SchĂĽler und Lehrer

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    Das vorliegende Kapitel hat Leserinnen und Leser, deren Interesse vorwiegend in der tatsächlichen Schulpraxis und ihrer Gestaltung liegen mag, konfrontiert mit scheinbar recht fernen Visionen digitaler Assistenz und – schlimmer noch – mit einigen der dahinter steckenden Zusammenhänge. Logik und logische Sichtweisen kommen ins Spiel ebenso wie induktives Lernen. Das kann als Zumutung empfunden werden. In der Tat, der wissenschaftliche und technische Fortschritt mutet uns dauernd einiges zu und er lässt dabei nicht nach. Digitale Assistenzsysteme stehen heute auf der Tagesordnung, gerade wegen des Potenzials der Adaptivität für die Inklusion. Auch wenn es ungefähr 35 Jahre lang irgendwie geklemmt hat, wenn man das so lax sagen darf, adaptive digitale Systeme sind heute in der Entwicklung und werden morgen verfügbar sein. Es ist höchste Zeit, sich darauf einzustellen. Vor allem aber geht es darum, dass diejenigen, die im Fokus dieser Entwicklung stehen – Lehrer und Schüler –, nicht in die Rolle passiver Objekte gedrängt werden, denen man mal wieder versucht, eine Neuerung überzustülpen, sondern dass sie in die Lage versetzt werden, die Innovation mitzugestalten. Ein gewisses Grundverständnis ist ein erster Schritt. Den Entscheidungsträgern soll dieser Beitrag Unterstützung geben, Grundlinien unmittelbar bevorstehender Entwicklungen erkennen und einordnen zu können. Dabei soll deutlich werden, dass die absehbare Leistung adaptiver Systeme beträchtlich ist, aber auch auf wissenschaftlich festem Fundament steht und daher nachhaltig sein wird

    Patterns of game playing behavior as indicators of mastery

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    Every game is a serious one, i.e., every game is appropriate for some learning. How it works and what is learned depends on the context of game playing. Assuming suitable formalizations, there are patterns of game playing behavior. In digital games that are difficult to play, certain occurrences of instances of patterns are indicators of the human player’s mastery or, vice versa, failure. Logically represented pattern concepts set the stage for formal reasoning about characteristics of human game playing experiences and even for automatically learning patterns from instances

    Dramaturgical Design of the Narrative in Digital Games: AI planning of conflicts in non-linear spaces of time

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    Dramaturgy is the design of emotional experience. For digital games that are intended to tell a story, game design includes the anticipation of the players' experiences which shall lead to excitement, fascination, thrill, perhaps to immersion and flow, but not to boredom or confusion. What players will experience takes place over time. Events that happen are linearly ordered and those that may potentially happen form a partially orderded space-the game's story space. Dramaturgical game design is the anticipation of varying experiences and their thoughtful arrangment in a partially ordered space of events which players may possibly experience when playing the game. This may be seen as planning as demonstrated in an original game design case study. The approach particularly applies to those digital games that bear the potentials of telling a story. The inductive approach to AI planning is introduced into dramaturgical design

    Monotonic and non-monotonic inductive inference

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    Formal concepts and methods fostering creative thinking in digital game design

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    Serious design of digital games is aiming at impact. Humans players may be affected by experiences in virtual worlds. Game designers anticipate potential experiences. Storyboarding is the technology of setting up conditions of future experience. Structural properties of storyboards correlate with potential human player experience. Those properties are named patterns. What shows when game play unfolds are instances of patterns. Patterns are formal concepts and relating patterns and instances requires formal methods. But how to arrive at new creative ideas? Patterns make design ideas explicit. The potential opportunities of modifying a certain pattern or of replacing it by another one determine ways of introducing novel variations of game play and related players' experiences-an issue of creative game design

    Web service wrapping technologies for customizable consumer electronics

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    Many vendors or producers of consumer electronics provide web services for collecting data from consumer devices or accessing it from web applications. In this paper, we develop an approach for supporting users of consumer devices in building customized applications on demand. We use Webble technology, a component-based middleware system, as a base technology for distribution of visual components. Users can reuse web services that are connected to data or devices by wrapping those web services as visual components. We demonstrate the potential of the approach with an application example with real world consumer web services

    Patterns - the key to game amusement studies

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    Studies of digital games bridge the gap from game design and technology to the impact of play, thus, being highly interdisciplinary by nature. The scientific discourse is difficult. Pattern is a key term used with largely varying semantics in mind and, even worse, sometimes without any precise meaning. Patterns are general and somehow abstract phenomena that do not show directly, but occur implicitly by means of their instances. Within knowledge processing in studies of game play and its impact, it is decisive to observe instances and to deduce patterns. By its very nature, this is learning from incomplete information. To avoid speculative guesses, studies of learning necessarily need to be based on precise concepts of what to learn and how to learn. The present paper investigates lucid concepts of patterns and their instances, addresses the crucial problem of learning patterns, and illustrates the deployment of a sound theory in practical studies