9 research outputs found

    Business Education Management Models

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    Transforming From the Classroom to an Online Nursing Educator: A Transformative Learning Experience for New Online Nursing Faculty

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    This chapter explores through phenomenological methodology the experiences of nursing faculty who transitioned from live to online teaching. These experiences are further examined through the theory of transformative learning to determine whether participants were able to transform their teaching identity from traditional classroom teacher (sage on the stage) to facilitators of learning. One-on-one interviews were conducted with 16 full-time nursing faculty at four state universities. Findings revealed that most faculty were originally hesitant to teach online and had multiple misconceptions regarding teaching methods and online student communication. With one exception, professional development for online teaching was limited. Most participants described transforming their teaching methods and philosophies as they gained more experience. Results implicate that faculty development should focus not only on educational principles and technology, but also on ways to connect with students and develop course content that helps maintain faculty identities

    Transformation of marketing with technology: Case approach for artificial intelligence

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    Marketing lives as a living organism with its competitive environment and several internal conditions. Marketing functions should adapt to the world they are bound to and develop their activities by taking into account the changes and developments in micro and macro factors. With the increase in technology and the spread of social media, transformation in marketing has become inevitable. Advances in business applications have better results about understanding customer and markets. As previous studies examine artificial intelligence concept with different contexts, there is lack of integrated study which examine marketing and artificial intelligence together. This study proposes three-steps plan for implementing AI with marketing while it includes nine scenarios from different marketing goals. Study also has suggestions for implementing AI methodologies into business processes