7 research outputs found
Influence of neck flexion angle on gravitational moment and neck muscle activity when using a smartphone while standing
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Lumbar spinal stenosis
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Prosthetic Finger Joint Implants
- Author
- A. Erdogan
- A.B. Swanson
- A.G.L. Kay
- C.A. Goldfarb
- C.G. Hagert
- C.M. Jensen
- D. Kirschenbaum
- D.C. Ferlic
- D.J. Beevers
- E.A. Biddis
- E.J. Bieber
- E.R. Bogoch
- E.R. Bogoch
- I. Olsen
- J.M. Penrose
- J.M. Penrose
- K. Moller
- K. Rhodes
- K.C. Chung
- K.K. Hansraj
- L. Mannerfelt
- M. Nabarro
- M.C. Hume
- N.W. Williams
- P.A. McArthur
- S. Ekstein
- S. Schindele
- S.A. Meguid
- S.G. Fleming
- T.J. Joyce
- W.F. Blair
- Y.G. Wilson
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Use of Hypertonic 7.5% Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Solution in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injuries Trauma: Antibiotics in Open Fractures: Sedation Update: Time for a Change?
- Author
- Barrientos-Vega R.
- Battison C.
- Bergman B.R.
- Blachut P.A.
- Carrasco G.
- Carson S.S.
- Chamorro C.
- Christian C.A.
- Cooper D.J.
- Cruse P.
- Dellinger E.P.
- Ellis V.H.
- Gosselin R.A.
- Gustilo R.B.
- Gustilo R.B.
- Hansraj K.K.
- Jacobi J.
- Kollef M.H.
- Kress J.P.
- Kress J.P.
- Manley G.
- Ostermann P.A.
- Oxman A.D.
- Patzakis M.J.
- Patzakis M.J.
- Richman P.S.
- Robinson D.
- Vassar M.J.
- Vassar M.J.
- Vassar M.J.
- Vialet R.
- Vincent J.L.
- Weinbroum A.A.
- Weitz-Marshall A.D.
- Wittbrodt E.T.
- Zalavras C.G.
- Zalavras C.G.
- Publication venue
- 'Thomas Land Publishers'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Surgical treatment of spondylolisthesis: strategic and technical considerations
- Author
- A.K. Pedersen
- B.E. Dall
- C. Rombold
- D. Goutallier
- F.B. Christensen
- G. Rosa La
- G.G. Gill
- G.J. Werf Van der
- H. Pascal-Mousselard
- H.L. Feffer
- I. Kimura
- J. -Y. Lazennec
- J.E. Buck
- J.E. Ricciardi
- J.L. Lerat
- J.N. Katz
- J.P. Ghosez
- J.R. Johnson
- J.S. Fischgrund
- J.W. Brantigan
- K. Takahashi
- K.C. Booth
- K.H. Bridwell
- K.K. Hansraj
- L.D. Herron
- L.P. Johnson
- M. -A. Rousseau
- M. Winter
- N.H. Kim
- P. Ekman
- R. Louis
- S. Konno
- S. Madan
- S.I. Suk
- T. Kinoshita
- W. Taillard
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Immunohistochemical Analysis of Matrix Proteolytic Enzymes in the Periprosthetic Tissue in the Patients with Loosening Prostheses.
- Author
- Agins H.J., Alcock, N.W., Bansal, M., Salvati, E.A., Wilson, P.D., Jr., Pellicci, P.M. &
- Anderson R.E., Woodbury, D.M. &
- Appel A.M., Sowder, W.G., Siverhus, S.W., Hopson, C.N. &
- Birkedal-Hansen H.
- Bobyn J.D., Mortimes, E.S., Glassman, A.H., Engh, C.A., Miller, J.E. &
- Boss J.H., Shajrawi, I., Soudry, M. &
- Breen D.J. &
- Bullough P.G., DiCarlo, E.F., Hansraj, K.K. &
- Callaghan J.J.
- Chiba J., Schwendeman, L.J., Booth, R.E., Crossett, L. &
- Dorr L.D., Bloebaum, R., Emmanual, J. &
- Ferris B.D.
- Goldring S.R., Schiller, A.L., Roelke, M., Rourke, C.M., O'neill, D.A. &
- Harris W.H.
- Haynes D.R., Rogers, S.D., Hay, S., Pearcy, M.J. &
- Herman J.H., Sowder, W.G., Anderson, D., Appel, A.M. &
- Horowitz S.M., Doty, S.B., Lane, J.M. &
- Howie D.W.
- Howie D.W. &
- Jiranek W.A., Machado, M., Jasty, M., Jevsevar, D., Wolfe, H.J., Goldring, S.R., Goldberg, M.J. &
- Lah T.T., Babnik, J., Schiffmann, E., Turk, V. &
- Langkamer V.G., Case, C.P., Heap, P., Taylor, A., Collins, C., Pearse, M. &
- Lewis C.G., Belniak, R.M., Hopfer, S.M. &
- Lombardi A.V., Mallory, T.H. &
- Maloney W.J. &
- Maloney W.J., Smith, R.L., Castro, F. &
- Murray D.W. &
- Page R.C.
- Pazzaglia U.E. &
- Saffar N.A. &
- Salvati E.A., Betts, F. &
- Santavirta S., Hoikka, V., Eskola, A., Konttinen, Y.T., Paavilainen, T. &
- Santavirta S., Konttinen, Y.T., Hoikka, V. &
- Santavirta S., Sorsa, T., Konttinen, Y.T., Saari, H., Eskola, A. &
- Thornhill T.S., Ozuna, R.M., Shortkroff, S., Keller, K., Sledge, C.B. &
- Trabandt A., Gay, R.E., Fassbender, H. &
- Wahl L.M. &
- Westacott C.I., Taylor, G., Atkins, R. &
- Witt J.D. &
- Publication venue
- 'Tohoku University Medical Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1998
- Field of study
Concentration of Metal Elements in the Blood and Urine in the Patients with Cementless Total Knee Arthroplasty.
- Author
- Agins H.J., Alcock, N.W., Bansal, M., Salvati, E.A., Wilson, P.D., Jr., Pellicci, P.M. &
- Anderson R.E., Woodbury, D.M. &
- Black J., Sherk, H., Bonini, J., Rostoker, W.R., Schajowicz, F. &
- Bobyn J.D., Glassman, A.H., Goto, H., Krygier, J.J., Miller, J.E. &
- Bobyn J.D., Mortimes, E.S., Glassman, A.H., Engh, C.A., Miller, J.E. &
- Breen D.J. &
- Brien W.W., Salvati, E.A., Betts, F., Bullough, P., Wright, T., Rimnac, C., Buly, R. &
- Bullough P.G., DiCarlo, E.F., Hansraj, K.K. &
- Callaghan J.J.
- Cracchiolo A. &
- Dorr L.D., Bloebaum, R., Emmanual, J. &
- Engh C.A. &
- Gruen T.A., McNeice, G.M. &
- Harris W.H.
- Horowitz S.M., Doty, S.B., Lane, J.M. &
- Horowitz S.M., Frondoza, C.G. &
- Insall J. N., Ranawat, C.S., Aglietti, P. &
- Jones L.C. &
- Langkamer V.G., Case, C.P., Heap, P., Taylor, A., Collins, C., Pearse, M. &
- Lewis C.G., Belniak, R.M., Hopfer, S.M. &
- Lombardi A.V., Mallory, T.H. &
- Maloney W.J. &
- Matsuda Y., Yamamuro, T., Kasai, R., Matsusue, Y. &
- Michel R., Nolte, M., Reich, M. &
- Mirra J.M., Amstutz, H.C., Matos, M. &
- Pazzaglia U.E., Minoia, C., Gualtieri, G., Gualtieri, I., Riccardi, C. &
- Rae T.
- Salvati E.A., Betts, F. &
- Santavirta S., Hoikka, V., Eskola, A., Konttinen, Y.T., Paavilainen, T. &
- Santavirta S., Sorsa, T., Konttinen, Y.T., Saari, H., Eskola, A. &
- Stulberg B.N., Watson, J.T. &
- Sunderman F.W., Jr., Hopfer, S.M., Swift, T., Swift, T., Rezuke, W.N., Ziebka, L., Highman, P., Edwards, B., Folcik, M. &
- Tetlebaum S.L. &
- Weingart D., Steinemann, S., Schilli, W., Strub, J.R., Hellerich, U., Assenmacher, J. &
- Witt J.D. &
- Zaidi M., Fuller, K., Bevis, P.J., GainesDas, R.E., Chambers, T.J. &
- Publication venue
- 'Tohoku University Medical Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1998
- Field of study