2,557 research outputs found

    Collapse of Double-Walled Carbon Nanotube Bundles under Hydrostatic Pressure

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    We use classical molecular dynamics simulations to study the collapse of single (SWNT) and double-walled (DWNT) carbon nanotube bundles under hydrostatic pressure. The collapse pressure (pc) varies as 1/R^3, where R is the SWNT radius or the DWNT effective radius. The bundles show ~ 30% hysteresis and the hexagonally close packed lattice is completely restored on decompression. The pc of DWNT is found to be close to the sum of its values for the inner and the outer tubes considered separately as SWNT, demonstrating that the inner tube supports the outer tube and that the effective bending stiffness of DWNT, D(DWNT) ~ 2D(SWNT) . We use an elastica formulation to derive the scaling and the collapse behavior of DWNT and multi-walled carbon nanotubes.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in Physical Review B. After publication, it will be available at http://prb.aps.org


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    In this dissertation, we present an information hiding approach incorporating anonymity that builds on existing classical steganographic models. Current security definitions are not sufficient to analyze the proposed information hiding approach as steganography offers data privacy by hiding the existence of data, a property that is distinct from confidentiality (data existence is known but access is restricted) and authenticity (data existence is known but manipulation is restricted). Combinations of the latter two properties are common in analyses, such as Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD), yet there is a lack of research on combinations with steganography. This dissertation also introduces the security definition of Authenticated Stegotext with Associated Data (ASAD), which captures steganographic properties even when there is contextual information provided alongside the hidden data. We develop a hierarchical framework of ASAD variants, corresponding to different channel demands. We present a real-world steganographic embedding scheme, Authenticated SteGotex with Associated tRansaction Data (ASGARD), that leverages a blockchain-based application as a medium for sending hidden data. We analyze ASGARD in our framework and show that it meets Level-4 ASAD security. Finally, we implement ASGARD on the Ethereum platform as a proof-of-concept and analyze some of the ways an adversary might detect our embedding activity by analyzing historical Ethereum data.Lieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Bifurcation in cell cycle dynamics regulated by p53

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    We study the regulating mechanism of p53 on the properties of cell cycle dynamics in the light of the proposed model of interacting p53 and cell cycle networks via p53. Irradiation (IR) introduce to p53 compel p53 dynamics to suffer different phases, namely oscillating and oscillation death (stabilized) phases. The IR induced p53 dynamics undergo collapse of oscillation with collapse time \Delta t which depends on IR strength. The stress p53 via IR drive cell cycle molecular species MPF and cyclin dynamics to different states, namely, oscillation death, oscillations of periods, chaotic and sustain oscillation in their bifurcation diagram. We predict that there could be a critical \Delta t_c induced by p53 via IR_c, where, if \Delta t < \Delta t_c the cell cycle may come back to normal state, otherwise it will go to cell cycle arrest (apoptosis)