2 research outputs found

    The experience in treatment of dengue fever using antiviral drug riamilovir in the Republic of Guinea (case report)

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    Dengue fever is classified as one of the most common viral diseases with a transmission mechanism implemented through arthropod vectors. The expansion of of the Aedes aegypti mosquito is leading to a significant increase in the number of cases of dengue fever in more than 100 countries, highlighting the importance of developing and implementing specific prevention and treatment measures. Etiotropic drugs with proven efficacy against the pathogen are not registered, and the use of the vaccine is approved only among seropositive individuals. In this regard, pathogenetic treatment remains the main therapeutic strategy, however, work on the synthesis of antiviral drugs is being actively carried out. Due to the unique functions of non-structural proteins NS3 and NS5 in the viral replication cycle, they have become the main targets for studying the antiviral activity of a number of chemotherapy drugs. Of these proteins, due to the most conserved structure, the NS5 protein is a promising target for inhibition, however, success in obtaining a clinical effect using a number of available antiviral drugs has not been reached. This study describes the positive experience of using the nucleoside analogue riamilovir in the treatment of a patient with dengue fever in the Republic of Guinea

    Epidemiological Peculiarities and Clinical Features of Ebola Virus Disease in the Republic of Guinea

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    The current outbreak of the Ebola fever in West Africa is unprecedented in terms of its scale. As of today, 27550 suspected cases and 11235 deaths have been reported. The outbreak differs from previous epidemics in terms of epidemiological and clinical progression of the disease. The article covers several epidemiological issues related to Ebola virus disease by the example of the Guinean outbreak, which has been plaguing the country since 2014. Given is the preliminary clinical analysis of the medical observations, performed in the Research and Diagnostic Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology built by RUSAL. Regarded are epidemiological and clinical features of the Ebola virus disease (EVD) in 83 patients, who were admitted to RUSAL Treatment Center since March 6th till June 30th, 2015. In 28 of the patients, EVD diagnosis was laboratory confirmed. The principle assessment criteria are: morbidity rate, lethality index, gender, age, occupation, time since the onset of the disease until hospitalization, an average duration of the stay at the hospital, complaints, symptoms, complications, and the therapy provided