4,261 research outputs found

    Ecological and biological evaluation of varietal resources Paeonia L. in Ukraine

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    The present state of the trends of the use of herbaceous species of Paeonia L. was studied and their prospects for greening the Podillya area were determined. The cultivars and hybrids of peony culture are investigated, entered in the State Register of Ukraine and analyzed the dynamics of their creation over the years. The analysis of researches and publications of cultivars of milky-flowered breeding breeding in our country was carried out. The decorative properties of the herbaceous peony varieties (Paeonia lactiflora Pall.) Were analyzed and the characteristics of the varieties represented by the originator of the varieties represented by all indicators were studied. According to the results of the research, Paeonia L. varieties, which are entered in the State Register on a set of indicators that determine their decorative and economic and biological qualities, are recommended as objects for the enrichment of the plant variety for planting the Ukraine. The analysis of species and grade composition of Paeonia L

    Population of isomers in decay of the giant dipole resonance

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    The value of an isomeric ratio (IR) in N=81 isotones (137^{137}Ba, 139^{139}Ce, 141^{141}Nd and 143^{143}Sm) is studied by means of the (γ,n)\gamma, n) reaction. This quantity measures a probability to populate the isomeric state in respect to the ground state population. In (γ,n)\gamma, n) reactions, the giant dipole resonance (GDR) is excited and after its decay by a neutron emission, the nucleus has an excitation energy of a few MeV. The forthcoming γ\gamma decay by direct or cascade transitions deexcites the nucleus into an isomeric or ground state. It has been observed experimentally that the IR for 137^{137}Ba and 139 ^{139}Ce equals about 0.13 while in two heavier isotones it is even less than half the size. To explain this effect, the structure of the excited states in the energy region up to 6.5 MeV has been calculated within the Quasiparticle Phonon Model. Many states are found connected to the ground and isomeric states by E1E1, E2E2 and M1M1 transitions. The single-particle component of the wave function is responsible for the large values of the transitions. The calculated value of the isomeric ratio is in very good agreement with the experimental data for all isotones. A slightly different value of maximum energy with which the nuclei rest after neutron decay of the GDR is responsible for the reported effect of the A-dependence of the IR.Comment: 16 pages, 4 Fig

    A Quantum Mechanical Model of the Reissner-Nordstrom Black Hole

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    We consider a Hamiltonian quantum theory of spherically symmetric, asymptotically flat electrovacuum spacetimes. The physical phase space of such spacetimes is spanned by the mass and the charge parameters MM and QQ of the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black hole, together with the corresponding canonical momenta. In this four-dimensional phase space, we perform a canonical transformation such that the resulting configuration variables describe the dynamical properties of Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m black holes in a natural manner. The classical Hamiltonian written in terms of these variables and their conjugate momenta is replaced by the corresponding self-adjoint Hamiltonian operator, and an eigenvalue equation for the ADM mass of the hole, from the point of view of a distant observer at rest, is obtained. Our eigenvalue equation implies that the ADM mass and the electric charge spectra of the hole are discrete, and the mass spectrum is bounded below. Moreover, the spectrum of the quantity M2Q2M^2-Q^2 is strictly positive when an appropriate self-adjoint extension is chosen. The WKB analysis yields the result that the large eigenvalues of the quantity M2Q2\sqrt{M^2-Q^2} are of the form 2n\sqrt{2n}, where nn is an integer. It turns out that this result is closely related to Bekenstein's proposal on the discrete horizon area spectrum of black holes.Comment: 37 pages, Plain TeX, no figure

    Копінг-стратегії в системі організації життєстійкої поведінки

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    Мазур К. В. Копінг-стратегії в системі організації життєстійкої поведінки / К. В. Мазур //Актуальні напрями практичної психології і психотерапії : матеріали VII Харків. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 2 берез. 2018 р.) / МВС України, Харк. нац. ун-т внутр. справ, ф-т № 6, Каф. соціології та психології. - Харків, 2018. - С. 65 - 69.Зазначено, що життєстійкість це вміння ефективно існувати всупереч життєвим перешкодам та труднощам. Це здатність людини зберігати баланс між пристосуванням до нових вимог та прагненням жити гармонійно, повноцінно. Потрапляючи у важку життєву ситуацію людина намагається пристосуватися до труднощів, розробити шляхи долання проблем та вирішення труднощів, побудувати стратегії опанування, тобто розробити копінг-стратегії.It is noted that resilience is the ability to effectively exist in spite of life's obstacles and difficulties. This is the ability of a person to maintain a balance between adapting to new requirements and the desire to live harmoniously, fully. Getting into a difficult life situation, a person tries to adapt to difficulties, develop ways to overcome problems and solve difficulties, build mastery strategies, that is, develop coping strategiesОтмечено, что жизнестойкость – это умение эффективно существовать вопреки жизненным препятствиям и трудностям. Это способность человека сохранять баланс между приспособлением новых требований и стремлением жить гармонично, полноценно. Попадая в трудную жизненную ситуацию, человек пытается приспособиться к трудностям, разработать пути преодоления проблем и решения трудностей, построить стратегии овладения, то есть разработать копинг-стратегии

    Духовна криза особистості як психологічний феномен

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    Мазур, К. В. Духовна криза особистості як психологічний феномен / Катерина Віталіївна Мазур // Особистість, суспільство, закон : тези доп. учасників міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., присвяч. пам’яті проф. С. П. Бочарової (м. Харків, 25 квіт. 2019 р.) / МВС України, Харк. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків, 2019. – С. 82-85.Розглянуто проблему духовної кризи особистості як психологічного феномена, проаналізовано її концепцію та досліджено специфіку духовної кризи осіб похилого віку.The problem of the spiritual crisis of the individual as a psychological phenomenon was considered, its concept was analyzed, and the specifics of the spiritual crisis of the elderly were investigated.Рассмотрена проблема духовного кризиса личности как психологического феномена, проанализирована ее концепция и исследована специфика духовного кризиса пожилых людей

    Development of a model of cyber security management for automated systems

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    A model of a system of managing information security of automated data processing systems of critical application is offered in the article. The model allows to evaluate the level of risk for the information security and provides support of decision-making on the counteraction to the unauthorized access to the information circulating in the information systems

    Regulator constants and the parity conjecture

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    The p-parity conjecture for twists of elliptic curves relates multiplicities of Artin representations in p-infinity Selmer groups to root numbers. In this paper we prove this conjecture for a class of such twists. For example, if E/Q is semistable at 2 and 3, K/Q is abelian and K^\infty is its maximal pro-p extension, then the p-parity conjecture holds for twists of E by all orthogonal Artin representations of Gal(K^\infty/Q). We also give analogous results when K/Q is non-abelian, the base field is not Q and E is replaced by an abelian variety. The heart of the paper is a study of relations between permutation representations of finite groups, their "regulator constants", and compatibility between local root numbers and local Tamagawa numbers of abelian varieties in such relations.Comment: 50 pages; minor corrections; final version, to appear in Invent. Mat

    Area spectrum of the Schwarzschild black hole

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    We consider a Hamiltonian theory of spherically symmetric vacuum Einstein gravity under Kruskal-like boundary conditions in variables associated with the Einstein-Rosen wormhole throat. The configuration variable in the reduced classical theory is the radius of the throat, in a foliation that is frozen at the left hand side infinity but asymptotically Minkowski at the right hand side infinity, and such that the proper time at the throat agrees with the right hand side Minkowski time. The classical Hamiltonian is numerically equal to the Schwarzschild mass. Within a class of Hamiltonian quantizations, we show that the spectrum of the Hamiltonian operator is discrete and bounded below, and can be made positive definite. The large eigenvalues behave asymptotically as~2k\sqrt{2k}, where kk is an integer. The resulting area spectrum agrees with that proposed by Bekenstein and others. Analogous results hold in the presence of a negative cosmological constant and electric charge. The classical input that led to the quantum results is discussed.Comment: 30 pages, REVTeX v3.0. (Minor additions, several added references.

    Sustaining Educational Reforms in Introductory Physics

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    While it is well known which curricular practices can improve student performance on measures of conceptual understanding, the sustaining of these practices and the role of faculty members in implementing these practices are less well understood. We present a study of the hand-off of Tutorials in Introductory Physics from initial adopters to other instructors at the University of Colorado, including traditional faculty not involved in physics education research. The study examines the impact of implementation of Tutorials on student conceptual learning across eight first-semester, and seven second-semester courses, for fifteen faculty over twelve semesters, and includes roughly 4000 students. It is possible to demonstrate consistently high, and statistically indistinguishable, student learning gains for different faculty members; however, such results are not the norm, and appear to rely on a variety of factors. Student performance varies by faculty background - faculty involved in, or informed by physics education research, consistently post higher student learning gains than less-informed faculty. Student performance in these courses also varies by curricula used - all semesters in which the research-based Tutorials and Learning Assistants are used have higher student learning gains than those semesters that rely on non-research based materials and do not employ Learning Assistants.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, and other essential inf