3 research outputs found

    Первый опыт успешного вынашивания беременности после симультанной трансплантации печени и почки с рено-портальной транспозицией

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    The article is dedicated to the problem of pregnancy management and delivery after simultaneous liver-kidney transplantation (SLKT). The article contains general historic and statistic information, and presents the first real world clinical case of favorable pregnancy outcome in patient after simultaneous liver-kidney transplantation with reno-portal transposition.Статья посвящена вопросу ведения беременности и родоразрешения после симультанной трансплантации печени и почки (СТПП). Приведены общие исторические и статистические сведения, и представлен первый в мировой практике клинический случай благоприятного исхода беременности у пациентки после СТПП с рено-портальной транспозицией

    First experience in two successful consecutive pregnancies after simultaneous liver-kidney transplantation with reno-portal transposition

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    The paper presents the world’s first clinical case of two full-term successive pregnancies in a patient following simultaneous liver-kidney transplantation with reno-portal transposition. Both pregnancies ended with the birth of healthy children and favorable course of postpartum and long-term periods. The features of management and childbirth are highlighted. Literature review on this problem is presented