9 research outputs found

    10 GHz ECRIS for Warsaw Cyclotron

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    Cusp type, 10 GHz ECRIS has been built and tested earlier. For obtaining intensive beams, more relevant for cyclotron, cusp geometry has been replaced by hexapole. Discharge chamber (stainless steel, 50 mm diameter, 250 mm long) is an extension of a coaxial line, feeding RF (9,6 GHz, up to 200 W) to the plasma. The NdFeB hexapole (0,52 T on the surface) has been used. The axial magnetic field is created by water cooled coils. The axial injection line dedicated to K160 isochronous heavy ion cyclotron has been constructed. The line consists of Glaser lenses, double focusing magnet, solenoid and mirror type inflector. The system provides sufficient transmission of the beam from ECR ion source to the firsts orbits of the cyclotron for m/q ranging from 7 to 2. After successful initial tests which were done in July 1997 the ECRIS serves as an external source for Warsaw Cyclotron


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    On est en train a l'Université de Varsovie de construire la source ECR de ions pour un U-200 cyclotrone pour ions lourds. Le but principal de travaux est l'examination de l'idée d'une ECR source de ions sans permanent aimant et alimentée d'un simple pas cher 2.45 GHz générateur.A Cusp ECR ion source is being developed in Warsaw University to be used on U-200 heavy ion cyclotron. The main goal of the work is the test of the idea of an ECR source constructed without permanent magnets and by means of an inexpensive 2.45GHz generator

    Status of the Warsaw ECR ion source and injection line

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    A room temperature home built 10 GHz ECR ion source delivers beams of B, C, N, O, F, Ne, S, Ar to the Cyclotron U200-P. The same ion source has also been used for surface irradiation of the solids. To upgrade the ion source and increase the ion current in the cyclotron an oven for evaporation of solid materials has been constructed and a two gap buncher has been installed in the injection line. Some new observations on the influence of the extraction system on the ion beam current will be presented

    Warsaw cyclotron: present status and plans of development

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    The operation of the Warsaw heavy ion cyclotron is presented. Technical solutions adopted were intended to accommodate the needs of different groups of users requiring a wide scope of beam species and energies. The accelerating structure of the machine, with two 45 degree dees, allows for the operation in the harmonics modes from 2 to 6 (first harmonic mode is also possible, although the acceleration of protons and deuterons is currently not within the scope of interest). Available energies range from 2 to about 10 MeV/amu due to the wide range of the stripping extraction system. Development of the multiturn stripping extraction technique was necessary to achieve the flexibility in energy variation, otherwise not reachable due to the highly saturated iron structure, which makes impossible the change of magnetic field and radio-frequency within the desirable limits. At present, the cyclotron, equipped with the ECR ion source, is capable of delivering ion beams from gaseous media up to Ar. Available ion beam species, their energies and intensities obtained up-to-date are shown. An overview of the experiments performed on the Warsaw cyclotron, including basic nuclear physics research, solid state physics and materials science, is intended to demonstrate the potential of the facility. The efficiency of the cyclotron and the ion beam line optics is discussed, as well as the plans for the future upgrade of the cyclotron and its infrastructure

    Status report on ECR ion sources at HIMAC

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    The Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC) at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) is the first heavy-ion accelerator complex dedicated to cancer therapy. Over 1600 patients have already been treated with 140-400 MeV/amu carbon beams since 1994. The production of carbon ions for medical applications has been established. It is quite obvious from our experiences that the ECR ion source is an extremely suitable type of ion source for this purpose. An 18 GHz ECR ion source is mainly operated to offer various heavy-ion beams for basic experiments of biomedical science, physics, chemistry, etc. The results of recent developments, a thermal-controlled MIVOC system, and an electron bombardment evaporator are also reported. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics

    Status report on ECR ion sources at HIMAC

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    The Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC) at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) is the first heavy-ion accelerator complex dedicated to cancer therapy. Over 1600 patients have already been treated with 140-400 MeV/amu carbon beams since 1994. The production of carbon ions for medical applications has been established. It is quite obvious from our experiences that the ECR ion source is an extremely suitable type of ion source for this purpose. An 18 GHz ECR ion source is mainly operated to offer various heavy-ion beams for basic experiments of biomedical science, physics, chemistry, etc. The results of recent developments, a thermal-controlled MIVOC system, and an electron bombardment evaporator are also reported. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics