24 research outputs found

    Energy-Consumption Factors of Air-Stream Moulding Machines

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    In this article, an outline of the key questions connected with the essential problems of energy-consumption of air-stream mouldingmachines has been presented. Research results and calculations of requisite parameters appraisable of energy-consumption of air-streammoulding machines have been supplemented also by the data analysis of offer of the moulding machines manufacturers. The attention onconstructional and technological factors which are favourable for the diminution of energy-consuming of the moulding process has beenpaid

    Analysis of modern methods of assessing the quality of sand foundry moulds

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    Currently offered devices for the hardness measuring or indices of the mould strength, are presented in the hereby paper. The presented results allow to compare approximately the indications of individual devices of different types.The description of the author鈥檚 own microprocessor tester for the quality assessment of the sand foundry moulds, is shown. On the bases of the measurements results it is possible, to evaluate indirectly, the mould apparent density in the selected points, as well as several other properties

    Cohesion and adhesion properties of modified water glass with colloidal solutions of ZnO

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    The article discusses the issue of the influence of colloidal solutions of nanoparticles of ZnO obtained using original method on physical and chemical properties (cohesions, adhesion, wettability) of water glass. Adhesion and cohesion strength has been determined on the basis of own methodology of measurement using a special apparatus. The results of the above measurements have been supplemented with selected measurements of quartz wettability by the modified binder. Also, exemplary results have been presented of tests involving basic properties of moulding sans containing an addition of the aforementioned binder. In conclusions, the influence of binder modification on the properties of moulding sands have been presented

    Cohesion and adhesion properties of modified water glass with colloidal solutions of ZnO

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    The article discusses the issue of the influence of colloidal solutions of nanoparticles of ZnO obtained using original method on physical and chemical properties (cohesions, adhesion, wettability) of water glass. Adhesion and cohesion strength has been determined on the basis of own methodology of measurement using a special apparatus. The results of the above measurements have been supplemented with selected measurements of quartz wettability by the modified binder. Also, exemplary results have been presented of tests involving basic properties of moulding sans containing an addition of the aforementioned binder. In conclusions, the influence of binder modification on the properties of moulding sands have been presented

    Aspekty energoch艂onno艣ci w procesie formowania podci艣nieniowego

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    In the current manufacturing of foundry sand moulds, various methods of moulding sand compaction are used. Researchers are still looking for the optimal methods of mould manufacturing not only in terms of achieving the best technological effects, but also in terms of energy consumption. The article presents selected results of research of their own variant of the synthetic moulding sand compaction process using a vacuum. The measurements were also designed for evaluation the energy consumption in this method. The results were compared with other air flow moulding methods which are widely used. The study was performed on the original design test stand, which allows the visualization of the compaction process.W wytwarzaniu piaskowych form odlewniczych sa stosowane obecnie r贸偶norodne metody zag臋szczania. Nadal poszukiwane s膮 metody wytwarzania form optymalne nie tylko pod wzgl臋dem uzyskiwanych efekt贸w technologicznych, ale r贸wnie偶 pod wzgl臋dem wa偶nego parametru- energoch艂onno艣ci procesu. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane wyniki bada艅 w艂asnego wariantu procesu zag臋szczania podci艣nieniowego syntetycznej masy formierskiej oraz pomiar贸w zmierzaj膮cych do oceny metody w aspekcie energoch艂onno艣ci. Wyniki por贸wnano z wynikami bada艅 innych metod zag臋szczania strumieniowego - powszechnie obecnie stosowanych w wytwarzaniu form odlewniczych. Badania wykonano na oryginalnym stanowisku badawczym w艂asnej konstrukcji, umo偶liwiaj膮cym wizualizacje procesu zag臋szczania

    Control Charts as the Tool for Assessment of the Variability of the Castings Manufacturing Process

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    Szybko rozwijaj膮ca si臋 gospodarka oraz ci膮g艂e wzrastaj膮ce wymagania klient贸w wymuszaj膮 na odlewniach nieustann膮 rywalizacj臋 o egzystencj臋 i dalszy rozw贸j. Osi膮gni臋cie tych dw贸ch podstawowych rzeczy, jest spraw膮 niezmiernie trudn膮. Zarz膮d odlewni staje przed skomplikowanymi decyzjami zwi膮zanymi z maksymalizacj膮 efektywno艣ci produkcji. Do takich decyzji nale偶y m.in. wdra偶anie nowych system贸w czy te偶 instrument贸w zarz膮dzania jako艣ci膮. W artykule poddano analizie i ocenie system kontroli jako艣ci odlew贸w oparty na kartach kontrolnych do pomiar贸w liczbowych [...].Rapidly growing economy and the continuous increasing demands of customers force on foundry companies the ceaseless rivalry for existence and further development. Achieving these two basic aims is extremely difficult matter. Management of foundry is faced with complicated decisions connected with maximization of the production effectiveness. Such decisions include, among others, implementation of new systems or instruments of the quality management. The article analyzes and evaluates the quality control system of casting based on control charts of measurements [...

    Racjonalizacja konstrukcji i eksploatacji urz膮dze艅 do przerobu masy formierskiej

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    The rationalization of construction and vibro- fluidised bed coolers and turbine (rotary) mixers, allows for keep sufficiently high quality and increasing their utility values. This concerns optimization of construction and operation to increase the efficiency of their work. The presented research results illustrate a range of the work designed primarily to supplement theoretical foundations of realized processes in industrial devices, including the topics vibro- fluidization , evaporative cooling and refreshing mixing. Presented results concern the investigation of the industrial devices, which is difficult in the practical accomplishment. The part of testing was conducted in real terms of the functioning devices in the industry.Racjonalizacja konstrukcji i eksploatacji ch艂odziarek wibrofluidyzacyjnych oraz mieszarek wirnikowych pozwala na utrzymywanie odpowiednio wysokiej ich jako艣ci i zwi臋kszanie ich walor贸w u偶ytkowych. Dotyczy to optymalizacji konstrukcji i eksploatacji urz膮dze艅 celem zwi臋kszenia efektywno艣ci ich pracy. Prezentowane wyniki bada艅 ilustruj膮 zakres prowadzonych prac maj膮cych przede wszystkim na celu uzupe艂nienie podstaw teoretycznych realizowanych proces贸w, w tym o zagadnienia wibrofluidyzacji, ch艂odzenia wyparnego i mieszania od艣wie偶aj膮cego. Zaprezentowane wyniki dotycz膮, trudnych w realizacji praktycznej bada艅 urz膮dzen przemys艂owych. Cz臋艣膰 bada艅 przeprowadzono w rzeczywistych warunkach pracy urz膮dze艅 w przemy艣le

    Comparative analysis of power measurement results in the testing of sand mixers

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    Investigations of operating parameters of widely used sand mixers reveal a wide variability range in the values of parameters associated with their power demand. Power efficiency of manufacturing processes has received a great deal of attention lately, which encourages the research efforts to optimise this aspects of operation of machines and installations as well. In the first place these machines and installations have to work properly as a part of the process line- which applies also to moulding sand mixers. Experiments conducted by the authors suggest that the same goal can be achieved at variable energy input levels. To obtain information about the power demands of sand mixers requires the use of highly specialised equipment, methodology and result processing procedures. This study provides a brief characteristic of measurement equipment and results of measurements taken on a unit AG-015 (based on a roller mixer) and a laboratory rotor mixer