2,551 research outputs found

    Undergraduate Diversity Scholar Program: A Proactive Approach to Creating an Inclusive and Multicultural Workforce

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    The University of Kentucky (UK) Libraries approved a statement in September 2013 confirming its commitment to cultivating and encouraging diversity and inclusivity in its personnel policies and in its collections, programs, and services. The library subsequently developed an Undergraduate Diversity Scholar Program to provide two students with a paid internship in the 2014/15 academic year. UK undergraduates interested in diversity issues were encouraged to apply. Applicants were evaluated based on their work experience, volunteer or service activities, recommendations from two referees, and an essay about their belief in the benefits of a diverse society. The successful candidates started the inaugural Program in Fall 2014 and developed and/or led activities and research that promoted the benefits of inclusivity and multicultural awareness in the UK community. They also explored career options in academic librarianship through working in several different library units. Additionally, they received mentoring on building their résumés and preparing for future employment

    Confinement effects in a guided-wave interferometer with millimeter-scale arm separation

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    Guided-wave atom interferometers measure interference effects using atoms held in a confining potential. In one common implementation, the confinement is primarily two-dimensional, and the atoms move along the nearly free dimension under the influence of an off-resonant standing wave laser beam. In this configuration, residual confinement along the nominally free axis can introduce a phase gradient to the atoms that limits the arm separation of the interferometer. We experimentally investigate this effect in detail, and show that it can be alleviated by having the atoms undergo a more symmetric motion in the guide. This can be achieved by either using additional laser pulses or by allowing the atoms to freely oscillate in the potential. Using these techniques, we demonstrate interferometer measurement times up to 72 ms and arm separations up to 0.42 mm with a well controlled phase, or times of 0.91 s and separations of 1.7 mm with an uncontrolled phase.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Stabilizing an Attractive Bose-Einstein Condensate by Driving a Surface Collective Mode

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    Bose-Einstein condensates of 7^7Li have been limited in number due to attractive interatomic interactions. Beyond this number, the condensate undergoes collective collapse. We study theoretically the effect of driving low-lying collective modes of the condensate by a weak asymmetric sinusoidally time-dependent field. We find that driving the radial breathing mode further destabilizes the condensate, while excitation of the quadrupolar surface mode causes the condensate to become more stable by imparting quasi-angular momentum to it. We show that a significantly larger number of atoms may occupy the condensate, which can then be sustained almost indefinitely. All effects are predicted to be clearly visible in experiments and efforts are under way for their experimental realization.Comment: 4 ReVTeX pages + 2 postscript figure

    A Time-Orbiting Potential Trap for Bose-Einstein Condensate Interferometry

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    We describe a novel atom trap for Bose-Einstein condensates of 87Rb to be used in atom interferometry experiments. The trap is based on a time-orbiting potential waveguide. It supports the atoms against gravity while providing weak confinement to minimize interaction effects. We observe harmonic oscillation frequencies omega_x, omega_y, omega_z as low as 2 pi times (6.0,1.2,3.3) Hz. Up to 2 times 10^4 condensate atoms have been loaded into the trap, at estimated temperatures as low as 850 pK. We anticipate that interferometer measurement times of 1 s or more should be achievable in this device.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    A Bose-Einstein condensate interferometer with macroscopic arm separation

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    A Michelson interferometer using Bose-Einstein condensates is demonstrated with coherence times of up to 44 ms and arm separations up to 0.18 mm. This arm separation is larger than that observed for any previous atom interferometer. The device uses atoms weakly confined in a magnetic guide and the atomic motion is controlled using Bragg interactions with an off-resonant standing wave laser beam.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Evidence-based medicine and values-based medicine : partners in clinical education as well as in clinical practice

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    The best clinical decisions are based on both evidence and values in what is known as the ‘twofeet principle’. Anecdotally, educationalists find teaching clinicians to become more evidence based is relatively simple in comparison to encouraging them to become more values based. One reason is likely to be the importance of values awareness. As valuesbased practice is premised on a mutual respect for the diversity of values, clinicians need to develop the skills to ascertain patient values and to get in touch with their own beliefs and preferences in order to understand those at play in any consultation. Only then can shared decision-making processes take place within a shared framework of values. In a research article published in BMC Medicine, AltamiranoBustamante and colleagues highlight difficulties that clinicians face in getting in touch with their own values. Despite finding that healthcare personnel’s core values were honesty and respect, autonomy was initially low ranked by participants. One significant aspect of this work is that this group has demonstrated that the extent to which clinicians value ‘autonomy’ and ‘openness to change’ can both be positively influenced by well designed education

    The Distribution of Dark Matter in a Ringed Galaxy

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    Outer rings are located at the greatest distance from the galaxy center of any feature resonant with a bar. Because of their large scale, their morphology is sensitive to the distribution of the dark matter in the galaxy. We introduce here how study of these rings can constrain the mass-to-light ratio of the bar, and so the percentage of dark matter in the center of these galaxies. We compare periodic orbits integrated in the ringed galaxy NGC 6782 near the outer Lindblad resonance to the shape of the outer ring. The non-axisymmetric component of the potential resulting from the bar is derived from a near-infrared image of the galaxy. The axisymmetric component is derived assuming a flat rotation curve. We find that the pinched non-self-intersecting periodic orbits are more elongated for higher bar mass-to-light ratios and faster bars. The inferred mass-to-light ratio of the bar depends on the assumed inclination of the galaxy. With an assumed galaxy inclination of i=41 degrees, for the orbits to be consistent with the observed ring morphology the mass-to-light ratio of the bar must be high, greater than 70% of a maximal disk value. For i=45 degrees, the mass-to-light ratio of the bar is 75±1575\pm 15% of the maximal disk value. Since the velocity field of these rings can be used to constrain the galaxy inclination as well as which periodic orbit is represented in the ring, further study will yield tighter constraints on the mass-to-light ratio of the bar. If a near maximal disk value for the bar is required, then either there would be little dark matter within the bar, or the dark matter contained in the disk of the galaxy would be non-axisymmetric and would rotate with the bar.Comment: AAS Latex + jpg Figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Measurement of the ac Stark shift with a guided matter-wave interferometer

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    We demonstrate the effectiveness of a guided-wave Bose-Einstein condensate interferometer for practical measurements. Taking advantage of the large arm separations obtainable in our interferometer, the energy levels of the 87Rb atoms in one arm of the interferometer are shifted by a calibrated laser beam. The resulting phase shifts are used to determine the ac polarizability at a range of frequencies near and at the atomic resonance. The measured values are in good agreement with theoretical expectations. However, we observe a broadening of the transition near the resonance, an indication of collective light scattering effects. This nonlinearity may prove useful for the production and control of squeezed quantum states.Comment: 5 pages, three figure