1,360 research outputs found

    On the sensitivity of the dijet asymmetry to the physics of jet quenching

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    The appearance of monojets is among the most striking signature of jet quenching in the context of ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. Experimentally, the disappearance of jets has been quantified by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations in terms of the dijet asymmetry observable A_J. While the experimental findings initially gave rise to claims that the measured A_J would challenge the radiative energy loss paradigm, the results of a systematic investigation of A_J in different models for the medium evolution and for the shower-medium interaction presented here suggest that the observed properties of A_J arise fairly generically and independent of specific model assumptions for a large class of reasonable models. This would imply that rather than posing a challenge to any particular model, the observable prompts the question what model dynamics is not compatible with the data.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, added computations of jet R_AA and R=0.2 result

    Energy deposition in hard dihadron triggered events in heavy-ion collisions

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    The experimental observation of hadrons correlated back-to-back with a (semi-)hard trigger in heavy ion collisions has revealed a splitting of the away side correlation structure in a low to intermediate transverse momentum (P_T) regime. This is consistent with the assumption that energy deposited by the away side parton into the bulk medium produced in the collision excites a sonic shockwave (a Mach cone) which leads to away side correlation strength at large angles. A prediction following from assuming such a hydrodynamical origin of the correlation structure is that there is a sizeable elongation of the shockwave in rapidity due to the longitudinal expansion of the bulk medium. Using a single hadron trigger, this cannot be observed due to the unconstrained rapidity of the away side parton. Using a dihadron trigger, the rapidity of the away side parton can be substantially constrained and the longitudinal structure of the away side correlation becomes accessible. However, in such events several effects occur which change the correlation structure substantially: There is not only a sizeable contribution due to the fragmentation of the emerging away side parton, but also a systematic bias towards small energy deposition into the medium and hence a weak shockwave. In this paper, both effects are addressed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Systematics of parton-medium interaction from RHIC to LHC

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    Despite a wealth of experimental data for high-P_T processes in heavy-ion collisions, discriminating between different models of hard parton-medium interactions has been difficult. A key reason is that the pQCD parton spectrum at RHIC is falling so steeply that distinguishing even a moderate shift in parton energy from complete parton absorption is essentially impossible. In essence, energy loss models are effectively only probed in the vicinity of zero energy loss and, as a result, at RHIC energies only the pathlength dependence of energy loss offers some discriminating power. At LHC however, this is no longer the case: Due to the much flatter shape of the parton p_T spectra originating from 2.76 AGeV collisions, the available data probe much deeper into the model dynamics. A simultaneous fit of the nuclear suppression at both RHIC and LHC energies thus has great potential for discriminating between various models that yield equally good descriptions of RHIC data alone.Comment: Talk given at Quark Matter 2011, 22-28 May 2011, Annecy, Franc

    Papers in New Guinea Linguistics No. 6

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    Outage Capacity of Incremental Relaying at Low Signal-to-Noise Ratios

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    We present the \epsilon-outage capacity of incremental relaying at low signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) in a wireless cooperative network with slow Rayleigh fading channels. The relay performs decode-and-forward and repetition coding is employed in the network, which is optimal in the low SNR regime. We derive an expression on the optimal relay location that maximizes the \epsilon-outage capacity. It is shown that this location is independent of the outage probability and SNR but only depends on the channel conditions represented by a path-loss factor. We compare our results to the \epsilon-outage capacity of the cut-set bound and demonstrate that the ratio between the \epsilon-outage capacity of incremental relaying and the cut-set bound lies within 1/\sqrt{2} and 1. Furthermore, we derive lower bounds on the \epsilon-outage capacity for the case of K relays.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be presented at VTC Fall 2009 in Anchorage, Alask

    Thermal photons from fluctuating initial conditions

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    Event-by-event fluctuations of initial QCD-matter density produced in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC enhance the production of thermal photons significantly in the region 2≤pT≤42 \le p_T \le 4 GeV/cc compared to a smooth initial-state averaged profile in the ideal hydrodynamic calculation. This enhancement is a an early time effect due to the presence of hotspots or over-dense regions in the fluctuating initial state. The effect of fluctuations is found to be stronger in peripheral than in central collisions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Talk given at Quark Matter 2011, 22-28 May 2011, Annecy, Franc

    Energy loss in a fluctuating hydrodynamical background

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    Recently it has become apparent that event-by-event fluctuations in the initial state of hydrodynamical modelling of ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions are crucial in order to understand the full centrality dependence of the elliptic flow coefficient v_2. In particular, in central collisions the density fluctuations play a major role in generating the spatial eccentricity in the initial state. This raises the question to what degree high P_T physics, in particular leading-parton energy loss, which takes place in the background of an evolving medium, is sensitive to the presence of the event-by-event density fluctuations in the background. In this work, we report results for the effects of fluctuations on the nuclear modification factor R_AA in both central and noncentral sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC. Two different types of energy-loss models, a radiative and an elastic, are considered. In particular, we study the dependence of the results on the assumed spatial size of the density fluctuations, and discuss the angular modulation of R_AA with respect to the event plane.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Angular hadron correlations probing the early medium evolution

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    Hard processes are a well calibrated probe to study heavy-ion collisions. However, the information to be gained from the nuclear suppression factor R_AA is limited, hene one has to study more differential observables to do medium tomography. The angular correlations of hadrons associated with a hard trigger appear suitable as they show a rich pattern when going from low p_T to high p_T. Of prime interest is the fate of away side partons with an in-medium pathlength O(several fm). At high p_T the correlations become dominated by the punchtrough of the away side parton with subsequent fragmentation. We discuss what information about the medium density can be gained from the data.Comment: Talk given at the 19th International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Quark Matter 2006 (QM 2006), Shanghai, China, 14-20 Nov 200

    Comparing different freeze-out scenarios in azimuthal hadron correlations induced by fast partons

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    I review the linearized hydrodynamical treatment of a fast parton traversing a perturbative quark-gluon plasma. Using numerical solutions for the medium's response to the fast parton, I obtain the medium's distribution function which is then used in a Cooper-Frye freeze-out prescription to obtain an azimuthal particle spectrum. Two different freeze-out scenarios are considered which yield significantly different results. I conclude that any meaningful comparison of azimuthal hadron correlation functions to RHIC data requires implementing a realistic freeze-out scenario in an expanding medium.Comment: Contribution to the Proceedings for 2008 Hot Quarks in Estes Park, CO, as accepted for publication in EPJ-
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