10 research outputs found

    Studies of Sensitivity to Avian Flu Virus A/H5N1 in Chickens

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    ) appear to be highly virulent for chickens. The chance of AFV infection of chickens in case of intranasal challenge is 20 times as great as in the case of peroral one, and 300 times as great as in the case of intragastral one, which bears evidence to higher sensitivity to AFV of the tissues of avian respiratory organs, in comparison with the tissues of gastro-intestinal tract. Therewith, primary target organ for virus in intranasal infected birds is their respiratory channel (mucous membrane of the nasal cavity in particular). Registered is the possibility of existence of fecal-nasal AFV transfer mechanism in chickens

    Management and Performance of Diagnostic Investigations on the Platform of the Specialized Anti-Epidemic Team Mobile Complex During EVD Epidemics in 2014 in the Republic of Guinea

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    Given is an account of the EVD epidemics that started in the Republic of Guinea in December, 2013 and spread over West African countries within 2014. Established have been the grounds for the Rospotrebnadzor SAET deployment in the Republic of Guinea, objectives, goals and stuffing of the mission, and mobile complex technical performance. Described are the key stages of the work, including the process of integration into the UNMEER. Outlined are priority areas of collaboration with the National Public Health Ministry and international partner organizations. Represented are the results of work on the Ebola fever and other dangerous infectious diseases diagnostics, carried out at the mobile facility. Provided is molecular-genetic characteristics of the Ebola virus

    Nitrogen Oxides and Nitroxyls

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    Developments in Physical Chemistry and Basic Principles

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