215 research outputs found

    Asymptotic quasinormal modes of Reissner-Nordstr\"om and Kerr black holes

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    According to a recent proposal, the so-called Barbero-Immirzi parameter of Loop Quantum Gravity can be fixed, using Bohr's correspondence principle, from a knowledge of highly-damped black hole oscillation frequencies. Such frequencies are rather difficult to compute, even for Schwarzschild black holes. However, it is now quite likely that they may provide a fundamental link between classical general relativity and quantum theories of gravity. Here we carry out the first numerical computation of very highly damped quasinormal modes (QNM's) for charged and rotating black holes. In the Reissner-Nordstr\"om case QNM frequencies and damping times show an oscillatory behaviour as a function of charge. The oscillations become faster as the mode order increases. At fixed mode order, QNM's describe spirals in the complex plane as the charge is increased, tending towards a well defined limit as the hole becomes extremal. Kerr QNM's have a similar oscillatory behaviour when the angular index m=0m=0. For l=m=2l=m=2 the real part of Kerr QNM frequencies tends to 2Ω2\Omega, Ω\Omega being the angular velocity of the black hole horizon, while the asymptotic spacing of the imaginary parts is given by 2πTH2\pi T_H.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Added result on the asymptotic spacing of the imaginary part, minor typos correcte

    Superconductivity in Na_xCoO_2yH_2O by charge fluctuation

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    A new mechanism for superconductivity in the newly discovered Co-based oxide is proposed by using charge fluctuation. A single-band extended Hubbard model on the triangular lattice is studied within random phase approximation. ff-wave triplet superconductivity is stabilized in the vicinity of charge-density-wave instability, which is in sharp contrast with the square-lattice case. The physical origin of the realization of the ff-wave triplet state as well as the relevance to experiments are discussed

    On scattering off the extreme Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole in N=2 supergravity

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    The scattering amplitudes for the perturbed fields of the N=2 supergravity about the extreme Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole is examined. Owing to the fact that the extreme hole is a BPS state of the theory and preserves an unbroken global supersymmetry(N=1), the scattering amplitudes of the component fields should be related to each other. In this paper, we derive the formula of the transformation of the scattering amplitudes.Comment: 9 pages, revtex, no figures, a few typing errors correcte

    Gravitational quasinormal radiation of higher-dimensional black holes

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    We find the gravitational resonance (quasinormal) modes of the higher dimensional Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstrem black holes. The effect on the quasinormal behavior due to the presence of the λ\lambda term is investigated. The QN spectrum is totally different for different signs of λ\lambda. In more than four dimensions there excited three types of gravitational modes: scalar, vector, and tensor. They produce three different quasinormal spectra, thus the isospectrality between scalar and vector perturbations, which takes place for D=4 Schwarzschild and Schwarzschild-de-Sitter black holes, is broken in higher dimensions. That is the scalar-type gravitational perturbations, connected with deformations of the black hole horizon, which damp most slowly and therefore dominate during late time of the black hole ringing.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, several references are adde

    Superconductivity in the Three-Fold Charge-Ordered Metal of the Triangular-Lattice Extended Hubbard Model

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    The quarter-filling extended Hubbard model on the triangular lattice is studied to explore pairing instability in the three-fold charge-ordered (CO) metal. We derive a second-order strong-coupling effective Hamiltonian of doped carriers into the three-fold CO insulator at electron density of n=2/3n=2/3, and then study the ff- and dxyd_{xy}-wave superconductivities down to n=1/2n=1/2 by using the BCS mean-field approximation. It is found that the triplet ff-wave pairing is more stable than the dxyd_{xy}-wave one. We also point out that this coexisting state of the charge ordering and superconductivity is possible to have critical temperature Tc0.01tT_c \sim 0.01 t.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    A detailed study of quasinormal frequencies of the Kerr black hole

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    We compute the quasinormal frequencies of the Kerr black hole using a continued fraction method. The continued fraction method first proposed by Leaver is still the only known method stable and accurate for the numerical determination of the Kerr quasinormal frequencies. We numerically obtain not only the slowly but also the rapidly damped quasinormal frequencies and analyze the peculiar behavior of these frequencies at the Kerr limit. We also calculate the algebraically special frequency first identified by Chandrasekhar and confirm that it coincide with the n=8n=8 quasinormal frequency only at the Schwarzschild limit.Comment: REVTEX, 15 pages, 7 eps figure

    Highly damped quasinormal modes of Kerr black holes

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    Motivated by recent suggestions that highly damped black hole quasinormal modes (QNM's) may provide a link between classical general relativity and quantum gravity, we present an extensive computation of highly damped QNM's of Kerr black holes. We do not limit our attention to gravitational modes, thus filling some gaps in the existing literature. The frequency of gravitational modes with l=m=2 tends to \omega_R=2 \Omega, \Omega being the angular velocity of the black hole horizon. If Hod's conjecture is valid, this asymptotic behaviour is related to reversible black hole transformations. Other highly damped modes with m>0 that we computed do not show a similar behaviour. The real part of modes with l=2 and m<0 seems to asymptotically approach a constant value \omega_R\simeq -m\varpi, \varpi\simeq 0.12 being (almost) independent of a. For any perturbing field, trajectories in the complex plane of QNM's with m=0 show a spiralling behaviour, similar to the one observed for Reissner-Nordstrom (RN) black holes. Finally, for any perturbing field, the asymptotic separation in the imaginary part of consecutive modes with m>0 is given by 2\pi T_H (T_H being the black hole temperature). We conjecture that for all values of l and m>0 there is an infinity of modes tending to the critical frequency for superradiance (\omega_R=m) in the extremal limit. Finally, we study in some detail modes branching off the so--called ``algebraically special frequency'' of Schwarzschild black holes. For the first time we find numerically that QNM multiplets emerge from the algebraically special Schwarzschild modes, confirming a recent speculation.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures. Minor typos corrected. Updated references to take into account some recent development

    Invariant varieties of periodic points for some higher dimensional integrable maps

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    By studying various rational integrable maps on C^d\mathbf{\hat C}^d with pp invariants, we show that periodic points form an invariant variety of dimension p\ge p for each period, in contrast to the case of nonintegrable maps in which they are isolated. We prove the theorem: {\it `If there is an invariant variety of periodic points of some period, there is no set of isolated periodic points of other period in the map.'}Comment: 24 page