1,336 research outputs found

    The relationship between regional pain with or without neuropathic symptoms and chronic widespread pain.

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    This study was performed to test whether the risk of developing chronic widespread pain (CWP) in those with regional pain was augmented in those with symptoms of neuropathic pain (NP). Persons free of CWP completed the Douleur Neuropathique 4 (scores ≥3 indicating NP); demographics; Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale; Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; and pain medications. Participants were classified as having no pain, regional pain with no symptoms of NP (NP-), or regional pain with symptoms of NP (NP). At the 12-month follow-up, participants with CWP were identified. Logistic regression estimated the odds ratio, with 95% confidence intervals, of CWP in the NP- and NP groups compared with no pain, and NP compared with NP-. Partial population attributable risks estimated the proportion of CWP attributable to baseline NP- or NP exposure. One thousand one hundred sixty-two participants completed the baseline DN4 and provided pain data at follow-up: 523 (45.0%) had no baseline pain, 562 (48.4%) NP-, and 77 (6.6%) NP. One hundred fifty-three (13.2%) had CWP at 12 months: 19 (3.6%) no pain, 108 (19.2%) NP-, and 26 (33.8%) NP. NP- (2.9 [1.9-4.3]) and NP (2.1 [1.1-4.0]) predicted CWP after adjusting for demographics, Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and medications. The partial population attributable risk was 41.3% (25.2-54.0) for NP- and 6.0% (0.1-11.6) for NP. The NP group were not more likely to develop CWP when compared directly with NP- (1.5 [0.8-2.8]). Neuropathic pain was relatively rare and predicted a small number of new-onset CWP cases. Using these estimates, treatments targeting NP would at best prevent 6% of CWP cases

    Quantitative Proteomics Reveals a "Poised Quiescence" Cellular State after Triggering the DNA Replication Origin Activation Checkpoint

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    An origin activation checkpoint has recently been discovered in the G1 phase of the mitotic cell cycle, which can be triggered by loss of DNA replication initiation factors such as the Cdc7 kinase. Insufficient levels of Cdc7 activate cell cycle arrest in normal cells, whereas cancer cells appear to lack this checkpoint response, do not arrest, and proceed with an abortive S phase, leading to cell death. The differential response between normal and tumor cells at this checkpoint has led to widespread interest in the development of pharmacological Cdc7 inhibitors as novel anticancer agents. We have used RNAi against Cdc7 in combination with SILAC-based high resolution MS proteomics to investigate the cellular mechanisms underlying the maintenance of the origin activation checkpoint in normal human diploid fibroblasts. Bioinformatics analysis identified clear changes in wide-ranging biological processes including altered cellular energetic flux, moderate stress response, reduced proliferative capacity, and a spatially distributed response across the mitochondria, lysosomes, and the cell surface. These results provide a quantitative overview of the processes involved in maintenance of the arrested state, show that this phenotype involves active rather than passive cellular adaptation, and highlight a diverse set of proteins responsible for cell cycle arrest and ultimately for promotion of cellular survival. We propose that the Cdc7-depleted proteome maintains cellular arrest by initiating a dynamic quiescence-like response and that the complexities of this phenotype will have important implications for the continued development of promising Cdc7-targeted cancer therapies

    Roles of Putative Type II Secretion and Type IV Pilus Systems in the Virulence of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli

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    Type II secretion systems (T2SS) and the evolutionarily related type IV pili (T4P) are important virulence determinants in many Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. However, the roles of T2SS and T4P in the virulence of extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli have not been determined.To investigate the functions of putative T2SS and T4P gene clusters present in the model uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) strains UTI89 and CFT073, we deleted the secretin gene present in each cluster. The secretin forms a channel in the outer membrane that is essential for the function of T2S and T4P systems. We compared the secretin deletion mutants with their wild type counterparts using tissue culture assays and the CBA/J mouse model of ascending urinary tract infection. No deficiencies were observed with any of the mutants in adherence, invasion or replication in human bladder or kidney cell lines, but UTI89 DeltahofQ and UTI89 DeltagspD exhibited approximately 2-fold defects in fluxing out of bladder epithelial cells. In the mouse infection model, each of the knockout mutants was able to establish successful infections in the bladder and kidneys by day one post-infection. However, UTI89 DeltahofQ and a CFT073 DeltahofQ DeltayheF double mutant both exhibited defects in colonizing the kidneys by day seven post-infection.Based on our results, we propose that the putative T4P and T2S systems are virulence determinants of UPEC important for persistence in the urinary tract, particularly in renal tissues

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in cancer pain: A database analysis to determine recruitment feasibility for a clinical trial

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    Background: Insufficient evidence exists to support or refute use of NSAIDs for managing cancer pain. Palliative physicians support a placebo-controlled trial of NSAIDs as strong opioid adjuncts for cancer-induced bone pain as the most pragmatic design to benefit clinical practice. Aim: We aimed to determine patient numbers receiving palliative radiotherapy for cancer-induced bone pain, estimate the suitability of NSAID prescription and determine survival, guiding future trial feasibility. Design: A retrospective observational database analysis was undertaken using 5 years of routinely collected regional radiotherapy and healthcare data, filtered to achieve a cohort with cancer-induced bone pain. Demographics and survival were linked to available serology and co-morbidity data. Setting/participants: Data was sourced from the regional Leeds Cancer Centre, a tertiary care setting. Patients who underwent palliative single fraction 8 gray (Gy) radiotherapy treatment for cancer-induced bone pain were included, totalling 2411 over 5 years. Results: A mean of 478 patients received palliative radiotherapy for cancer-induced bone pain annually. Median age (IQR) was 70 (62–77); negatively skewed (−0.69). 65.3% died within 1 year of radiotherapy; 48.0% within 6 months. Age was not associated with survival on univariable analysis (HR 0.999 (95% CI 0.996–1.003)). Serology from 1063 patients (44.2%) were available; eGFR was ⩾60 mL/min/1.73 m2 in 83.0%. From available data (1352 pts; 51.6% of sample), 20.2% had a coded co-morbidity contra-indicating NSAIDs. Combining serology and co-morbidities, 68.5% could be considered for NSAID prescription. Conclusions: Patient numbers at a regional radiotherapy centre support the feasibility of trial recruitment. Available serology and co-morbidity data suggest two-thirds may be suitable for NSAID prescription

    Constructive pointfree topology eliminates non-constructive representation theorems from Riesz space theory

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    In Riesz space theory it is good practice to avoid representation theorems which depend on the axiom of choice. Here we present a general methodology to do this using pointfree topology. To illustrate the technique we show that almost f-algebras are commutative. The proof is obtained relatively straightforward from the proof by Buskes and van Rooij by using the pointfree Stone-Yosida representation theorem by Coquand and Spitters

    An ALM model for pension funds using integrated chance constraints

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    We discuss integrated chance constraints in their role of short-term risk constraints in a strategic ALM model for Dutch pension funds. The problem is set up as a multistage recourse model, with special attention for modeling short-term risk prompted by the development of new guidelines by the regulating authority for Dutch pension funds. The paper concludes with a numerical illustration of the importance of such short-term risk constraints

    Prediction of photoperiodic regulators from quantitative gene circuit models

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    Photoperiod sensors allow physiological adaptation to the changing seasons. The external coincidence hypothesis postulates that a light-responsive regulator is modulated by a circadian rhythm. Sufficient data are available to test this quantitatively in plants, though not yet in animals. In Arabidopsis, the clock-regulated genes CONSTANS (CO) and FLAVIN, KELCH, F-BOX (FKF1) and their lightsensitive proteins are thought to form an external coincidence sensor. We use 40 timeseries of molecular data to model the integration of light and timing information by CO, its target gene FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), and the circadian clock. Among other predictions, the models show that FKF1 activates FT. We demonstrate experimentally that this effect is independent of the known activation of CO by FKF1, thus we locate a major, novel controller of photoperiodism. External coincidence is part of a complex photoperiod sensor: modelling makes this complexity explicit and may thus contribute to crop improvement

    From Surveillance to Witnessing: Revanche, Red Road, and the Anti-Revenge Film

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    This essay examines recent European art films that reinterpret the revenge plot and radically challenge the possibility of legitimized violence. I argue that what I term “anti-revenge” films, in particular Andrea Arnold’s Red Road (2006), and Götz Spielmann’s Revanche (2008), frustrate the desire for vengeance (both the protagonist’s and the spectator’s), replacing violent spectacle with uneasy engagement that inhibits revenge, gesturing instead toward the possibility, however remote, of forgiveness. In both films prolonged surveillance, surveillance ostensibly in the service of retribution, inadvertently becomes a means for ethical engagement that actually prohibits violence. In their failure to conform to generic conventions and their depiction of the collapse of the retributive drive, these films challenge the moral legitimacy of revenge, substituting uneasy, often inconclusive moments of potential forgiveness for violent spectacle