94 research outputs found

    Pressure effects on the phase transitions and energy gap in CeRhAs

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    We report on the electrical resistivity, thermal expansion, and x-ray diffraction measurements of single-crystalline sample of the so-called Kondo semiconductor CeRhAs under pressures up to 3 GPa. This compound undergoes successive structural phase transitions at T1 = 360, T2 = 235, and T3 = 165 K at ambient pressure. On cooling below T1, the crystal structure changes from the hexagonal LiGaGe-type to the orthorhombic epsilon-TiNiSi-type with a 2b×2c superlattice. By applying pressure up to 1.5 GPa, T1 increases with a ratio of 270 K/GPa, whereas both T2 and T3 decrease with –100 K/GPa. The concurrent decrease of both the a parameter and the energy gap along the a axis with increasing pressure contradict the c-f hybridization gap model in which the gap is enlarged by the enhancement of hybridization between the 4f electrons and conduction band. Instead, a sort of charge-density-wave transition at T1 is proposed for the origin of gap formation of this compound. The semiconducting behavior in the resistivity vanishes when the phase with the 2b×2c superlattice decomposes into two orthorhombic phases below 100 K and above 1.5 GPa

    Simple excision and closure of a distal limb of loop colostomy prolapse by stapler device

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    Stomal prolapse is one of the common complications in transverse colostomy and can be managed conservatively in most cases; however, laparotomy and reconstruction of the stoma may sometimes be required, especially in case of irreducible colostomy prolapse. We have reported a simple local repair with reconstruction of the loop colostomy. We herein report a new more simple technique to avoid laparotomy and allow excision of the irreducible colostomy prolapse and complete closure of the distal limb of loop colostomy when no decompression is required in the distal limb of the stoma. In this procedure, the number of stapler and the time with blood loss for the operation can be saved

    Toll-like receptor 7 is overexpressed in the bladder of Hunner type interstitial cystitis and its activation in the mouse bladder can induce cystitis and bladder pain

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    Intravenous preload of mesenchymal stem cells rescues erectile function in a rat model of cavernous nerve injury

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    骨髄間葉系幹細胞(MSC)を海綿体神経損傷前に静脈投与することで,神経損傷後の勃起機能が温存された.投与された MSC は骨盤神経節や海綿体神経に分布しており,神経栄養因子の発現が亢進することが神経保護作用を誘導する理由の一つであると推測された

    Orgasm is preserved regardless of ejaculatory dysfunction with selective α1A-blocker administration

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    We evaluated whether ejaculatory dysfunction induced with a selective α1A-blocker influenced orgasm. Fifteen healthy male volunteers took silodosin or a placebo in a randomized, double-blind crossover design. We investigated the ejaculatory volume before and after administration of the agents. After each ejaculation, participants self-reported the answers to an original questionnaire, which was about discomfort on ejaculation, orgasm and satisfaction with the discomforting ejaculation. All participants on silodosin had a complete lack of seminal emission and expulsion. All participants felt orgasm in spite of a complete lack of seminal emission. Of the 15, 12 (80%) who had a somewhat uncomfortable feeling during orgasm were dissatisfied with this feeling, although 9 of the 12 reported that its degree was mild. Orgasm is preserved regardless of the loss of seminal emission with silodosin administration. Although most participants reported mild discomfort during orgasm, they were greatly dissatisfied with the loss of seminal emission

    MALDI imaging mass spectrometry for direct tissue analysis: a new frontier for molecular histology

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    Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) is a powerful tool for investigating the distribution of proteins and small molecules within biological systems through the in situ analysis of tissue sections. MALDI-IMS can determine the distribution of hundreds of unknown compounds in a single measurement and enables the acquisition of cellular expression profiles while maintaining the cellular and molecular integrity. In recent years, a great many advances in the practice of imaging mass spectrometry have taken place, making the technique more sensitive, robust, and ultimately useful. In this review, we focus on the current state of the art of MALDI-IMS, describe basic technological developments for MALDI-IMS of animal and human tissues, and discuss some recent applications in basic research and in clinical settings

    High testosterone levels in prostate tissue obtained by needle biopsy correlate with poor-prognosis factors in prostate cancer patients

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    Background: There is currently no consensus on the correlations between androgen concentrations in prostate tissue and blood and stage and pathological grade of prostate cancer. In this study, we used a newly-developed ultra-sensitive liquid-chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method to measure testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) concentrations in blood and needle biopsy prostate specimens from patients with prostate cancer.Methods: We analyzed androgen levels in 196 men diagnosed with prostate cancer. All patients had undergone systematic needle biopsy, and an additional needle biopsy from the peripheral zone was conducted for the simultaneous determination of T and DHT. We analyzed the relationships between T and DHT levels in tissue and blood and Gleason score, clinical stage, and percentage of positive biopsy cores, using multivariate analysis. Results: The median T and DHT levels in blood were 3551.0 pg/mL and 330.5 pg/mL, respectively. There was a strong correlation between serum T and DHT. The median T and DHT levels in prostate tissue were 0.5667 pg/mg and 7.0625 pg/mg, respectively. In multivariate analysis, serum prostate-specific antigen and tissue T levels were significantly associated with poor prognosis; high T levels in prostate tissue were significantly related to high Gleason score (p = 0.041), advanced clinical stage (p = 0.002), and a high percentage of positive biopsy cores (p = 0.001). Conclusions: The results of this study indicate that high T levels in prostate tissue are related to high Gleason score, advanced clinical stage, and a high percentage of positive biopsy cores in patients with prostate cancer. T level in needle biopsy specimens may therefore be a useful prognostic factor in prostate cancer patients