1,641 research outputs found

    Resonance Scattering on the Lattice with Non-Zero Total Momentum

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    Most hadronic particles are resonances: for example, the rho meson appears as a resonance in the elastic scattering of two pions. A method by Luescher enables one to measure the properties of the resonance particles from finite lattices. We present here a more general method which includes scattering processes where the total momentum of the particles is non-zero. The main advantage is that the resonance scattering can be observed in a considerably smaller spatial volume. We test the method with a simple 3+1 dimensional spin model, and find excellent agreement between the zero momentum and the non-zero momentum scattering sectors.Comment: 4 pages uuencoded postscript, contribution to LATTICE 9

    Volume dependence of light hadron masses in full lattice QCD

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    The aim of the GRAL project is to simulate full QCD with standard Wilson fermions at light quark masses on small to medium-sized lattices and to obtain infinite-volume results by extrapolation. In order to establish the functional form of the volume dependence we study systematically the finite-size effects in the light hadron spectrum. We give an update on the status of the GRAL project and show that our simulation data for the light hadron masses depend exponentially on the lattice size.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, Lattice2003(spectrum

    A note on the practical feasibility of domain-wall fermions

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    Domain-wall fermions preserve chiral symmetry up to terms that decrease exponentially when the lattice size in the fifth dimension is taken to infinity. The associated rates of convergence are given by the low-lying eigenvalues of a simple local operator in four dimensions. These can be computed using the Ritz functional technique and it turns out that the convergence tends to be extremely slow in the range of lattice spacings relevant to large-volume numerical simulations of lattice QCD. Two methods to improve on this situation are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, talk given by P. H. at the workshop on {\em Current theoretical problems in lattice field theory}, Ringberg, German

    Lattice QCD without topology barriers

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    As the continuum limit is approached, lattice QCD simulations tend to get trapped in the topological charge sectors of field space and may consequently give biased results in practice. We propose to bypass this problem by imposing open (Neumann) boundary conditions on the gauge field in the time direction. The topological charge can then flow in and out of the lattice, while many properties of the theory (the hadron spectrum, for example) are not affected. Extensive simulations of the SU(3) gauge theory, using the HMC and the closely related SMD algorithm, confirm the absence of topology barriers if these boundary conditions are chosen. Moreover, the calculated autocorrelation times are found to scale approximately like the square of the inverse lattice spacing, thus supporting the conjecture that the HMC algorithm is in the universality class of the Langevin equation.Comment: Plain TeX source, 26 pages, 4 figures include

    Quark confinement and the bosonic string

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    Using a new type of simulation algorithm for the standard SU(3) lattice gauge theory that yields results with unprecedented precision, we confirm the presence of a γ/r\gamma/r correction to the static quark potential at large distances rr, with a coefficient γ\gamma as predicted by the bosonic string theory. In both three and four dimensions, the transition from perturbative to string behaviour is evident from the data and takes place at surprisingly small distances.Comment: TeX source, 21 pages, figures include

    A new simulation algorithm for lattice QCD with dynamical quarks

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    A previously introduced multi-boson technique for the simulation of QCD with dynamical quarks is described and some results of first test runs on a 63×126^3\times12 lattice with Wilson quarks and gauge group SU(2) are reported.Comment: 7 pages, postscript file (166 KB

    Mass spectrum and elastic scattering in the massive SU(2)_f Schwinger model on the lattice

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    We calculate numerically scattering phases for elastic meson-meson scattering processes in the strongly coupled massive Schwinger-model with an SU(2) flavour symmetry. These calculations are based on Luescher's method in which finite size effects in two-particle energies are exploited. The results from Monte-Carlo simulations with staggered fermions for the lightest meson ("pion") are in good agreement with the analytical strong-coupling prediction. Furthermore, the mass spectrum of low-lying mesonic states is investigated numerically. We find a surprisingly rich spectrum in the mass region [m_\pi,4 m_\pi].Comment: 43 pages, 15 figures, LaTeX, uses feynmf.st

    Continuous external momenta in non-perturbative lattice simulations: a computation of renormalization factors

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    We discuss the usage of continuous external momenta for computing renormalization factors as needed to renormalize operator matrix elements. These kind of external momenta are encoded in special boundary conditions for the fermion fields. The method allows to compute certain renormalization factors on the lattice that would have been very difficult, if not impossible, to compute with standard methods. As a result we give the renormalization group invariant step scaling function for a twist-2 operator corresponding to the average momentum of non-singlet quark densities.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure

    Perturbative calculation of improvement coefficients to O(g^2a) for bilinear quark operators in lattice QCD

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    We calculate the O(g^2 a) mixing coefficients of bilinear quark operators in lattice QCD using a standard perturbative evaluation of on-shell Green's functions. Our results for the plaquette gluon action are in agreement with those previously obtained with the Schr\"odinger functional method. The coefficients are also calculated for a class of improved gluon actions having six-link terms.Comment: 14 pages, REVTe

    Alpha_s from the Lattice Potential

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    We present an extensive study on the direct determination of the running coupling alpha_s from the static quark antiquark force at short distances, in quenched QCD. We find from our high statistics potential analysis that alpha_qq exhibits two-loop asymptotic behaviour for momenta as low as .5 GeV. As a result, we determine the zero flavour Lambda-parameter to be Lambda^0_MSBAR = 0.630(38)\sqrt{\sigma} = 293(18)^{+25}_{-63} MeV. A rough estimate of full QCD effects leads to the five flavour value alpha_MSBAR(m_Z) = .102^{+6}_{-11}. A comparison with other lattice results is made.Comment: 6 pages (LaTeX) with 7 postscript figures (epsf required), Invited talk by K. Schilling held at Lattice '93 conference, Dallas, T