141 research outputs found

    First-order phase transition in the tethered surface model on a sphere

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    We show that the tethered surface model of Helfrich and Polyakov-Kleinert undergoes a first-order phase transition separating the smooth phase from the crumpled one. The model is investigated by the canonical Monte Carlo simulations on spherical and fixed connectivity surfaces of size up to N=15212. The first-order transition is observed when N>7000, which is larger than those in previous numerical studies, and a continuous transition can also be observed on small-sized surfaces. Our results are, therefore, consistent with those obtained in previous studies on the phase structure of the model.Comment: 6 pages with 7 figure

    Phase transitions of a tethered surface model with a deficit angle term

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    Nambu-Goto model is investigated by using the canonical Monte Carlo simulations on fixed connectivity surfaces of spherical topology. Three distinct phases are found: crumpled, tubular, and smooth. The crumpled and the tubular phases are smoothly connected, and the tubular and the smooth phases are connected by a discontinuous transition. The surface in the tubular phase forms an oblong and one-dimensional object similar to a one-dimensional linear subspace in the Euclidean three-dimensional space R^3. This indicates that the rotational symmetry inherent in the model is spontaneously broken in the tubular phase, and it is restored in the smooth and the crumpled phases.Comment: 6 pages with 6 figure

    Phase transition of triangulated spherical surfaces with elastic skeletons

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    A first-order transition is numerically found in a spherical surface model with skeletons, which are linked to each other at junctions. The shape of the triangulated surfaces is maintained by skeletons, which have a one-dimensional bending elasticity characterized by the bending rigidity bb, and the surfaces have no two-dimensional bending elasticity except at the junctions. The surfaces swell and become spherical at large bb and collapse and crumple at small bb. These two phases are separated from each other by the first-order transition. Although both of the surfaces and the skeleton are allowed to self-intersect and, hence, phantom, our results indicate a possible phase transition in biological or artificial membranes whose shape is maintained by cytoskeletons.Comment: 15 pages with 10 figure

    Phase transition of meshwork models for spherical membranes

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    We have studied two types of meshwork models by using the canonical Monte Carlo simulation technique. The first meshwork model has elastic junctions, which are composed of vertices, bonds, and triangles, while the second model has rigid junctions, which are hexagonal (or pentagonal) rigid plates. Two-dimensional elasticity is assumed only at the elastic junctions in the first model, and no two-dimensional bending elasticity is assumed in the second model. Both of the meshworks are of spherical topology. We find that both models undergo a first-order collapsing transition between the smooth spherical phase and the collapsed phase. The Hausdorff dimension of the smooth phase is H\simeq 2 in both models as expected. It is also found that H\simeq 2 in the collapsed phase of the second model, and that H is relatively larger than 2 in the collapsed phase of the first model, but it remains in the physical bound, i.e., H<3. Moreover, the first model undergoes a discontinuous surface fluctuation transition at the same transition point as that of the collapsing transition, while the second model undergoes a continuous transition of surface fluctuation. This indicates that the phase structure of the meshwork model is weakly dependent on the elasticity at the junctions.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    Collapsing transition of spherical tethered surfaces with many holes

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    We investigate a tethered (i.e. fixed connectivity) surface model on spherical surfaces with many holes by using the canonical Monte Carlo simulations. Our result in this paper reveals that the model has only a collapsing transition at finite bending rigidity, where no surface fluctuation transition can be seen. The first-order collapsing transition separates the smooth phase from the collapsed phase. Both smooth and collapsed phases are characterized by Hausdorff dimension H\simeq 2, consequently, the surface becomes smooth in both phases. The difference between these two phases can be seen only in the size of surface. This is consistent with the fact that we can see no surface fluctuation transition at the collapsing transition point. These two types of transitions are well known to occur at the same transition point in the conventional surface models defined on the fixed connectivity surfaces without holes.Comment: 7 pages with 11 figure

    Spherical surface models with directors

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    A triangulated spherical surface model is numerically studied, and it is shown that the model undergoes phase transitions between the smooth phase and the collapsed phase. The model is defined by using a director field, which is assumed to have an interaction with a normal of the surface. The interaction between the directors and the surface maintains the surface shape. The director field is not defined within the two-dimensional differential geometry, and this is in sharp contrast to the conventional surface models, where the surface shape is maintained only by the curvature energies. We also show that the interaction makes the Nambu-Goto model well-defined, where the bond potential is given by the area of triangles; the Nambu-Goto model is well-known as an ill-defined one even when the conventional two-dimensional bending energy is included in the Hamiltonian.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    In-plane deformation of a triangulated surface model with metric degrees of freedom

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    Using the canonical Monte Carlo simulation technique, we study a Regge calculus model on triangulated spherical surfaces. The discrete model is statistical mechanically defined with the variables XX, gg and ρ\rho, which denote the surface position in R3{\bf R}^3, the metric on a two-dimensional surface MM and the surface density of MM, respectively. The metric gg is defined only by using the deficit angle of the triangles in {MM}. This is in sharp contrast to the conventional Regge calculus model, where {gg} depends only on the edge length of the triangles. We find that the discrete model in this paper undergoes a phase transition between the smooth spherical phase at btoinftyb to infty and the crumpled phase at bto0b to 0, where bb is the bending rigidity. The transition is of first-order and identified with the one observed in the conventional model without the variables gg and ρ\rho. This implies that the shape transformation transition is not influenced by the metric degrees of freedom. It is also found that the model undergoes a continuous transition of in-plane deformation. This continuous transition is reflected in almost discontinuous changes of the surface area of MM and that of X(M)X(M), where the surface area of MM is conjugate to the density variable ρ\rho.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Phase transitions of an intrinsic curvature model on dynamically triangulated spherical surfaces with point boundaries

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    An intrinsic curvature model is investigated using the canonical Monte Carlo simulations on dynamically triangulated spherical surfaces of size upto N=4842 with two fixed-vertices separated by the distance 2L. We found a first-order transition at finite curvature coefficient \alpha, and moreover that the order of the transition remains unchanged even when L is enlarged such that the surfaces become sufficiently oblong. This is in sharp contrast to the known results of the same model on tethered surfaces, where the transition weakens to a second-order one as L is increased. The phase transition of the model in this paper separates the smooth phase from the crumpled phase. The surfaces become string-like between two point-boundaries in the crumpled phase. On the contrary, we can see a spherical lump on the oblong surfaces in the smooth phase. The string tension was calculated and was found to have a jump at the transition point. The value of \sigma is independent of L in the smooth phase, while it increases with increasing L in the crumpled phase. This behavior of \sigma is consistent with the observed scaling relation \sigma \sim (2L/N)^\nu, where \nu\simeq 0 in the smooth phase, and \nu=0.93\pm 0.14 in the crumpled phase. We should note that a possibility of a continuous transition is not completely eliminated.Comment: 15 pages with 10 figure