12 research outputs found

    Spectra of produced particles at CERN SPS heavy-ion collisions from a parton-cascade model

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    We evaluate the spectra of produced particles (pions, kaons, antiprotons) from partonic cascades which may develop in the wake of heavy-ion collisions at CERN SPS energies and which may hadronize by formation of clusters which decay into hadrons. Using the experimental data obtained by NA35 and NA44 collaborations for S+S and Pb+Pb collisions, we conclude that the Monte Carlo implementation of the recently developed parton-cascade/cluster-hadronization model provides a reasonable description of the distributions of the particles produced in such collisions. While the rapidity distribution of the mid-rapidity protons is described reasonably well, their transverse momentum distribution falls too rapidly compared to the experimental values, implying a significant effect of final state scattering among the produced hadrons neglected so far

    Correlations and Fluctuations in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions

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    Nucleon correlations in the target and projectile nuclei are shown to reduce significantly the fluctuations in multiple nucleon-nucleon collisions, total multiplicity and transverse energy in relativistic heavy-ion collisions, in particular for heavy projectile and target. The interplay between cross-section fluctuations, from color transparency and opacity, and nuclear correlations is calculated and found to be able to account for large fluctuations in transverse energy spectra. Numerical implementation of correlations and cross-section fluctuations in Monte-Carlo codes is discussed.Comment: 30 pages, in Revtex, plus 4 figures. Figures and preprint can be obtained by mailing address to: [email protected]

    High Temperature Matter and Gamma Ray Spectra from Microscopic Black Holes

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    The relativistic viscous fluid equations describing the outflow of high temperature matter created via Hawking radiation from microscopic black holes are solved numerically for a realistic equation of state. We focus on black holes with initial temperatures greater than 100 GeV and lifetimes less than 6 days. The spectra of direct photons and photons from π0\pi^0 decay are calculated for energies greater than 1 GeV. We calculate the diffuse gamma ray spectrum from black holes distributed in our galactic halo. However, the most promising route for their observation is to search for point sources emitting gamma rays of ever-increasing energy.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, to be submitted to PR

    Relativistic Viscous Fluid Description of Microscopic Black Hole Wind

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    Microscopic black holes explode with their temperature varying inversely as their mass. Such explosions would lead to the highest temperatures in the present universe, all the way to the Planck energy. Whether or not a quasi-stationary shell of matter undergoing radial hydrodynamic expansion surrounds such black holes is been controversial. In this paper relativistic viscous fluid equations are applied to the problem. It is shown that a self-consistent picture emerges of a fluid just marginally kept in local thermal equilibrium; viscosity is a crucial element of the dynamics.Comment: 11 pages, revte


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