212 research outputs found

    Studies on conjugation of Spirogyra using monoclonal culture

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    We succeeded in inducing conjugation of Spirogyracastanacea by incubating algal filaments on agar plate. Conjugation could be induced using clone culture. The scalariform conjugation was generally observed, while lateral conjugation was rarely. When two filaments formed scalariform conjugation, all cells of one filament behaved as male and those of other filament did as female. Very rarely, however, zygospores were formed in both of pair filaments. The surface of conjugation tube was stained with fluorescently labeled-lectins, such as Bandeiraea (Griffonia) simplicifolia lectin (BSL-I) and jacalin. BSL-I strongly stained the conjugation tubes, while weakly did the cell surface of female gamete first and then that of male gamete. Jacalin stained mainly the conjugation tubes. Addition of jacalin inhibited the formation of papilla, suggesting some important role of jacalin-binding material at the initial step of formation of the conjugation tubes

    Influence of brain-derived neurotrophic factor on pathfinding of dentate granule cell axons, the hippocampal mossy fibers

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    Mossy fibers, the dentate granule cell axons, are generated throughout an animal's lifetime. Mossy fiber paths and synapses are primarily restricted to the stratum lucidum within the CA3 region. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a neurotrophin family protein that activates Trk neurotrophin receptors, is highly expressed in the stratum lucidum in an activity-dependent manner. The addition of a Trk neurotrophin receptor inhibitor, K252a, to cultured hippocampal slices induced aberrant extension of mossy fibers into ectopic regions. BDNF overexpression in granule cells ameliorated the mossy fiber pathway abnormalities caused by a submaximal dose of K252a. A similar rescue was observed when BDNF was expressed in CA3 pyramidal cells, most notably in mossy fibers distal to the expression site. These findings are the first to clarify the role of BDNF in mossy fiber pathfinding, not as an attractant cue but as a regulator, possibly acting in a paracrine manner. This effect of BDNF may be as a signal for new fibers to fasciculate and extend further to form synapses with neurons that are far from active BDNF-expressing synapses. This mechanism would ensure the emergence of new independent dentate gyrus-CA3 circuits by the axons of new-born granule cells

    Theory of Interaction of Memory Patterns in Layered Associative Networks

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    A synfire chain is a network that can generate repeated spike patterns with millisecond precision. Although synfire chains with only one activity propagation mode have been intensively analyzed with several neuron models, those with several stable propagation modes have not been thoroughly investigated. By using the leaky integrate-and-fire neuron model, we constructed a layered associative network embedded with memory patterns. We analyzed the network dynamics with the Fokker-Planck equation. First, we addressed the stability of one memory pattern as a propagating spike volley. We showed that memory patterns propagate as pulse packets. Second, we investigated the activity when we activated two different memory patterns. Simultaneous activation of two memory patterns with the same strength led the propagating pattern to a mixed state. In contrast, when the activations had different strengths, the pulse packet converged to a two-peak state. Finally, we studied the effect of the preceding pulse packet on the following pulse packet. The following pulse packet was modified from its original activated memory pattern, and it converged to a two-peak state, mixed state or non-spike state depending on the time interval

    Sparse and Dense Encoding in Layered Associative Network of Spiking Neurons

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    A synfire chain is a simple neural network model which can propagate stable synchronous spikes called a pulse packet and widely researched. However how synfire chains coexist in one network remains to be elucidated. We have studied the activity of a layered associative network of Leaky Integrate-and-Fire neurons in which connection we embed memory patterns by the Hebbian Learning. We analyzed their activity by the Fokker-Planck method. In our previous report, when a half of neurons belongs to each memory pattern (memory pattern rate F=0.5F=0.5), the temporal profiles of the network activity is split into temporally clustered groups called sublattices under certain input conditions. In this study, we show that when the network is sparsely connected (F<0.5F<0.5), synchronous firings of the memory pattern are promoted. On the contrary, the densely connected network (F>0.5F>0.5) inhibit synchronous firings. The sparseness and denseness also effect the basin of attraction and the storage capacity of the embedded memory patterns. We show that the sparsely(densely) connected networks enlarge(shrink) the basion of attraction and increase(decrease) the storage capacity

    Universal features of correlated bursty behaviour

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    Inhomogeneous temporal processes, like those appearing in human communications, neuron spike trains, and seismic signals, consist of high-activity bursty intervals alternating with long low-activity periods. In recent studies such bursty behavior has been characterized by a fat-tailed inter-event time distribution, while temporal correlations were measured by the autocorrelation function. However, these characteristic functions are not capable to fully characterize temporally correlated heterogenous behavior. Here we show that the distribution of the number of events in a bursty period serves as a good indicator of the dependencies, leading to the universal observation of power-law distribution in a broad class of phenomena. We find that the correlations in these quite different systems can be commonly interpreted by memory effects and described by a simple phenomenological model, which displays temporal behavior qualitatively similar to that in real systems

    Experience-Dependent, Rapid Structural Changes in Hippocampal Pyramidal Cell Spines

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    Morphological changes in dendritic spines may contribute to the fine tuning of neural network connectivity. The relationship between spine morphology and experience-dependent neuronal activity, however, is largely unknown. In the present study, we combined 2 histological analyses to examine this relationship: 1) Measurement of spines of neurons whose morphology was visualized in brain sections of mice expressing membrane-targeted green florescent protein (Thy1-mGFP mice) and 2) Categorization of CA1 neurons by immunohistochemical monitoring of Arc expression as a putative marker of recent neuronal activity. After mice were exposed to a novel, enriched environment for 60 min, neurons that expressed Arc had fewer small spines and more large spines than Arc-negative cells. These differences were not observed when the exploration time was shortened to 15 min. This net-balanced structural change is consistent with both synapse-specific enhancement and suppression. These results provide the first evidence of rapid morphological changes in spines that were preferential to a subset of neurons in association with an animal's experiences

    Glutathione Restores the Mechanism of Synaptic Plasticity in Aged Mice to That of the Adult

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    Glutathione (GSH), the major endogenous antioxidant produced by cells, can modulate the activity of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) through its reducing functions. During aging, an increase in oxidative stress leads to decreased levels of GSH in the brain. Concurrently, aging is characterized by calcium dysregulation, thought to underlie impairments in hippocampal NMDAR-dependent long-term potentiation (LTP), a form of synaptic plasticity thought to represent a cellular model for memory

    Support for a synaptic chain model of neuronal sequence generation

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    In songbirds, the remarkable temporal precision of song is generated by a sparse sequence of bursts in the premotor nucleus HVC. To distinguish between two possible classes of models of neural sequence generation, we carried out intracellular recordings of HVC neurons in singing zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). We found that the subthreshold membrane potential is characterized by a large, rapid depolarization 5–10 ms before burst onset, consistent with a synaptically connected chain of neurons in HVC. We found no evidence for the slow membrane potential modulation predicted by models in which burst timing is controlled by subthreshold dynamics. Furthermore, bursts ride on an underlying depolarization of ~10-ms duration, probably the result of a regenerative calcium spike within HVC neurons that could facilitate the propagation of activity through a chain network with high temporal precision. Our results provide insight into the fundamental mechanisms by which neural circuits can generate complex sequential behaviours.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant MH067105)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant DC009280)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (IOS-0827731)Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Research Fellowship

    β-Amyloid 1-42 Oligomers Impair Function of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Forebrain Cholinergic Neurons

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    Cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients is associated with a decline in the levels of growth factors, impairment of axonal transport and marked degeneration of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons (BFCNs). Neurogenesis persists in the adult human brain, and the stimulation of regenerative processes in the CNS is an attractive prospect for neuroreplacement therapy in neurodegenerative diseases such as AD. Currently, it is still not clear how the pathophysiological environment in the AD brain affects stem cell biology. Previous studies investigating the effects of the β-amyloid (Aβ) peptide on neurogenesis have been inconclusive, since both neurogenic and neurotoxic effects on progenitor cell populations have been reported. In this study, we treated pluripotent human embryonic stem (hES) cells with nerve growth factor (NGF) as well as with fibrillar and oligomeric Aβ1-40 and Aβ1-42 (nM-µM concentrations) and thereafter studied the differentiation in vitro during 28-35 days. The process applied real time quantitative PCR, immunocytochemistry as well as functional studies of intracellular calcium signaling. Treatment with NGF promoted the differentiation into functionally mature BFCNs. In comparison to untreated cells, oligomeric Aβ1–40 increased the number of functional neurons, whereas oligomeric Aβ1–42 suppressed the number of functional neurons. Interestingly, oligomeric Aβ exposure did not influence the number of hES cell-derived neurons compared with untreated cells, while in contrast fibrillar Aβ1–40 and Aβ1–42 induced gliogenesis. These findings indicate that Aβ1–42 oligomers may impair the function of stem cell-derived neurons. We propose that it may be possible for future AD therapies to promote the maturation of functional stem cell-derived neurons by altering the brain microenvironment with trophic support and by targeting different aggregation forms of Aβ