30 research outputs found

    Thermal decomposition of foundry resins: A determination of organic products by thermogravimetry–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (TG–GC–MS)

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    AbstractThe article presents the results of research on thermal decomposition of Ester-Cured Alkaline Phenolic No-Bake (ALPHASET) binders used in molding technology. In the ALPHASET system phenol-formaldehyde resin of resole type is cured with a liquid mixture of esters. Under the influence of the molten metal the thermal decomposition of the binder follows, resulting in the evolution of gases, often harmful, e.g. from benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) or Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) groups. The identification of gases evolved during the pyrolysis of the binders was carried out and their decomposition temperatures were determined using the Thermogravimetry–Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (TG–GC–MS) technique. The tests were subjected to two types of binders from different manufacturers. Among the products of pyrolysis there have been identified mainly benzene and its derivatives, and phenol and its derivatives. Compounds identified in pyrolytic gas are largely considered to be harmful to humans and the environment (some of the compounds are carcinogenic and mutagenic). The presented results of the TG–GC–MS measurements show that the applied analytic methods are feasible to perform a qualitative and also quantitative characterization of the binder samples

    Thermal decomposition of foundry resins: A determination of organic products by thermogravimetry–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (TG–GC–MS)

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    AbstractThe article presents the results of research on thermal decomposition of Ester-Cured Alkaline Phenolic No-Bake (ALPHASET) binders used in molding technology. In the ALPHASET system phenol-formaldehyde resin of resole type is cured with a liquid mixture of esters. Under the influence of the molten metal the thermal decomposition of the binder follows, resulting in the evolution of gases, often harmful, e.g. from benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) or Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) groups. The identification of gases evolved during the pyrolysis of the binders was carried out and their decomposition temperatures were determined using the Thermogravimetry–Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry (TG–GC–MS) technique. The tests were subjected to two types of binders from different manufacturers. Among the products of pyrolysis there have been identified mainly benzene and its derivatives, and phenol and its derivatives. Compounds identified in pyrolytic gas are largely considered to be harmful to humans and the environment (some of the compounds are carcinogenic and mutagenic). The presented results of the TG–GC–MS measurements show that the applied analytic methods are feasible to perform a qualitative and also quantitative characterization of the binder samples

    Gardens of Franciscans-Reformers in Polish Cities, Selected Examples

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    This work presents an attempt to analyse monastery-garden establishments present in selected Polish cities. The influence of the Order of Friar Minors on the cultural development, education and school system of selected cities is underappreciated. The whole composition of complexes apart from the cubature of the temple and monastery buildings were inherently gardens. Due to the beggarly character of the order their functioning was based on utilitarianism. Throughout centuries gardens were transformed - now with viridaria are an undeniably trace of tradition and heritage inscribing in the trend connected with Christian Europe. Currently, often with blurred composition, it is destined for different than original functions, dictated by contemporary needs

    Betony w projektowaniu ogrodów

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    About the changeability of the beauty criterion using selected industrial and sacral landscapes (18th–21st centuries)

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    Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje zagadnienia dotyczące zmieniających się kryteriów wartościowania krajobrazów w zależności od uwarunkowań, które je kształtowały w kolejnych epokach, od okresu przemysłowego do współczesności. Ma na celu przeanalizowanie przyczyn zachodzących zmian, ich tendencje oraz kierunki w odniesieniu do przestrzeni o charakterze przemysłowym i sakralnym, dominujących na obszarze Górnego Śląska, oraz odnalezienie w tych przemianach specyfiki tożsamości kulturowej regionu.This article undertakes the issue pertaining to the changing criteria of evaluating landscapes, depending on the conditions they were shaped by in subsequent epochs from the industrial period to the contemporary times. It is aimed at analysing the reasons for the occurring changes, their tendencies and directions with reference to the industrial and sacral space dominating in Upper Silesia and finding the specificity of the region's cultural identity in these changes

    Landscape sacrum, aesthetisation of urban space

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    Strefy sacrum występują z różnym nasileniem w strukturach urbanistycznych miast, są to miejsca szczególne. Zgodnie z definicją wiążą się one z kultem religijnym, symboliką, wyjątkowymi wydarzeniami i zwyczajami. W różny sposób aranżowane, komponowane, świadczą o tradycji i tożsamości miejsca. W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowanie zostaną różnorodne postaci sacrum krajobrazowego oraz sposoby wydobywania ich walorów, wpływające na podniesienie atrakcyjności krajobrazu miejskiego.Sacrum areas are present in city structures to different degree; they are special places. According to the definition they are connected with religious cult, symbolism, extraordinary events and customs. Variously arranged, composed, they give testimony to the tradition and identity of the place. This article presents different forms of landscape sacrum and show various ways of extracting their values improving the attractiveness of the urban landscape

    The revitalisation project as a tool to revival and regenerate the object's value illustrated with an example of Oberau castle

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    Rewitalizacja to przywrócenie wartości utraconych zespołów, wsi, miast. Zaprezentowany przykład koncepcji projektowej ukazuje sposoby wykorzystania walorów miejsca z równoczesną próbą ich aktywizacji dla turystyki regionu. Prace prowadzone na wielu płaszczyznach, przy poparciu społecznym, prowadzić mogą do odzyskania atrakcyjnego lokalnego dziedzictwa, przynosząc realne zyski gospodarcze i kulturowe.Revitalisation is to regenerate the lost objects’, villages’ and cities’ value. The presented example of a design concept presents how to take advantage of the place’s value with the simultaneous attempt to revival tourist offer of the region. Analyses carried out in numerous dimensions, with the support of society, can lead to the recovery of attractive local heritage, bringing real economic and cultural benefits