320 research outputs found

    Boundary Terms and Junction Conditions for the DGP Pi-Lagrangian and Galileon

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    In the decoupling limit of DGP, Pi describes the brane-bending degree of freedom. It obeys second order equations of motion, yet it is governed by a higher derivative Lagrangian. We show that, analogously to the Einstein-Hilbert action for GR, the Pi-Lagrangian requires Gibbons-Hawking-York type boundary terms to render the variational principle well-posed. These terms are important if there are other boundaries present besides the DGP brane, such as in higher dimensional cascading DGP models. We derive the necessary boundary terms in two ways. First, we derive them directly from the brane-localized Pi-Lagrangian by demanding well-posedness of the action. Second, we calculate them directly from the bulk, taking into account the Gibbons-Hawking-York terms in the bulk Einstein-Hilbert action. As an application, we use the new boundary terms to derive Israel junction conditions for Pi across a sheet-like source. In addition, we calculate boundary terms and junction conditions for the galileons which generalize the DGP Pi-lagrangian, showing that the boundary term for the n-th order galileon is the (n-1)-th order galileon.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure. Extended the analysis to the general galileon field. Version to appear in JHE

    Smooth Initial Conditions from Weak Gravity

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    CMB measurements reveal an unnaturally smooth early universe. We propose a mechanism to make this smoothness natural by weakening the strength of gravity at early times, and therefore altering which initial conditions have low entropy.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. Minor changes, version appearing in PL

    Superluminality in DGP

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    We reconsider the issue of superluminal propagation in the DGP model of infrared modified gravity. Superluminality was argued to exist in certain otherwise physical backgrounds by using a particular, physically relevant scaling limit of the theory. In this paper, we exhibit explicit five-dimensional solutions of the full theory that are stable against small fluctuations and that indeed support superluminal excitations. The scaling limit is neither needed nor invoked in deriving the solutions or in the analysis of its small fluctuations. To be certain that the superluminality found here is physical, we analyze the retarded Green's function of the scalar excitations, finding that it is causal and stable, but has support on a widened light-cone. We propose to use absence of superluminal propagation as a method to constrain the parameters of the DGP model. As a first application of the method, we find that whenever the 4D energy density is a pure cosmological constant and a hierarchy of scales exists between the 4D and 5D Planck masses, superluminal propagation unavoidably occurs.Comment: 23 pages. Minor corrections. Version to appear in JHE

    Generalizing Galileons

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    The Galileons are a set of terms within four-dimensional effective field theories, obeying symmetries that can be derived from the dynamics of a 3+1-dimensional flat brane embedded in a 5-dimensional Minkowski Bulk. These theories have some intriguing properties, including freedom from ghosts and a non-renormalization theorem that hints at possible applications in both particle physics and cosmology. In this brief review article, we will summarize our attempts over the last year to extend the Galileon idea in two important ways. We will discuss the effective field theory construction arising from co-dimension greater than one flat branes embedded in a flat background - the multiGalileons - and we will then describe symmetric covariant versions of the Galileons, more suitable for general cosmological applications. While all these Galileons can be thought of as interesting four-dimensional field theories in their own rights, the work described here may also make it easier to embed them into string theory, with its multiple extra dimensions and more general gravitational backgrounds.Comment: 16 pages; invited brief review article for a special issue of Classical and Quantum Gravity. Submitted to CQ

    Conformal consistency relations for single-field inflation

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    We generalize the single-field consistency relations to capture not only the leading term in the squeezed limit---going as 1/q^3, where q is the small wavevector---but also the subleading one, going as 1/q^2. This term, for an (n+1)-point function, is fixed in terms of the variation of the n-point function under a special conformal transformation; this parallels the fact that the 1/q^3 term is related with the scale dependence of the n-point function. For the squeezed limit of the 3-point function, this conformal consistency relation implies that there are no terms going as 1/q^2. We verify that the squeezed limit of the 4-point function is related to the conformal variation of the 3-point function both in the case of canonical slow-roll inflation and in models with reduced speed of sound. In the second case the conformal consistency conditions capture, at the level of observables, the relation among operators induced by the non-linear realization of Lorentz invariance in the Lagrangian. These results mean that, in any single-field model, primordial correlation functions of \zeta are endowed with an SO(4,1) symmetry, with dilations and special conformal transformations non-linearly realized by \zeta. We also verify the conformal consistency relations for any n-point function in models with a modulation of the inflaton potential, where the scale dependence is not negligible. Finally, we generalize (some of) the consistency relations involving tensors and soft internal momenta.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure. v2. Corrected typos, notably a sign error in eq. (54). Matches JCAP published versio

    The Pseudo-Conformal Universe: Scale Invariance from Spontaneous Breaking of Conformal Symmetry

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    We present a novel theory of the very early universe which addresses the traditional horizon and flatness problems of big bang cosmology and predicts a scale invariant spectrum of perturbations. Unlike inflation, this scenario requires no exponential accelerated expansion of space-time. Instead, the early universe is described by a conformal field theory minimally coupled to gravity. The conformal fields develop a time-dependent expectation value which breaks the flat space so(4,2) conformal symmetry down to so(4,1), the symmetries of de Sitter, giving perturbations a scale invariant spectrum. The solution is an attractor, at least in the case of a single time-dependent field. Meanwhile, the metric background remains approximately flat but slowly contracts, which makes the universe increasingly flat, homogeneous and isotropic, akin to the smoothing mechanism of ekpyrotic cosmology. Our scenario is very general, requiring only a conformal field theory capable of developing the appropriate time-dependent expectation values, and encompasses existing incarnations of this idea, specifically the U(1) model of Rubakov and the Galileon Genesis scenario. Its essential features depend only on the symmetry breaking pattern and not on the details of the underlying lagrangian. It makes generic observational predictions that make it potentially distinguishable from standard inflation, in particular significant non-gaussianities and the absence of primordial gravitational waves.Comment: 51 pages, 3 figures. v2 discussion and refs added, minus sign in transformation laws fixed. Version appearing in JCA

    On the (A)dS decoupling limits of massive gravity

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    We consider various decoupling limits of ghost-free massive gravity on (A)dS. The first is a decoupling limit on AdS space where the mass goes to zero while the AdS radius is held fixed. This results in an interacting massive Proca vector theory with a Λ2 ∼ (MPlm)1/2 strong coupling scale which is ghost-free by construction and yet can not be put in the form of the generalized Proca theories considered so far. We comment on the existence of a potential duality between this Proca theory and a CFT on the boundary. The second decoupling limit we consider is a new limit on dS, obtained by sending the mass towards the finite partially massless value. We do this by introducing the scalar Stückelberg field which restores the partially massless symmetry. For generic values of the parameters, only a finite number of operators enter the partially massless decoupling limit and take the form of dS Galileons. If the interactions are chosen to be precisely those of the ‘candidate’ non-linear partially massless theory, the resulting strong coupling scale has a higher value and the resulting decoupling limit includes an infinite number of interactions which we give in closed form. These interactions preserve both the linear partially massless symmetry and the dS version of the Galileon shift symmetry

    Interacting spin-2 fields in three dimensions

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    Using the frame formulation of multi-gravity in three dimensions, we show that demanding the presence of secondary constraints which remove the Boulware-Deser ghosts restricts the possible interaction terms of the theory and identifies invertible frame field combinations whose effective metric may consistently couple to matter. The resulting ghost-free theories can be represented by theory graphs which are trees. In the case of three frame fields, we explicitly show that the requirement of positive masses and energies for the bulk spin-2 modes in AdS3_3 is consistent with a positive central charge for the putative dual CFT2_2.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures, v2: minor changes, matches published versio
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