10,028 research outputs found

    Accretion column eclipses in the X-ray pulsars GX 1+4 and RX J0812.4-3114

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    Sharp dips observed in the pulse profiles of three X-ray pulsars (GX 1+4, RX J0812.4-3114 and A 0535+26) have previously been suggested to arise from partial eclipses of the emission region by the accretion column occurring once each rotation period. We present pulse-phase spectroscopy from Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer satellite observations of GX 1+4 and RX J0812.4-3114 which for the first time confirms this interpretation. The dip phase corresponds to the closest approach of the column axis to the line of sight, and the additional optical depth for photons escaping from the column in this direction gives rise to both the decrease in flux and increase in the fitted optical depth measured at this phase. Analysis of the arrival time of individual dips in GX~1+4 provides the first measurement of azimuthal wandering of a neutron star accretion column. The column longitude varies stochastically with standard deviation 2-6 degrees depending on the source luminosity. Measurements of the phase width of the dip both from mean pulse profiles and individual eclipses demonstrates that the dip width is proportional to the flux. The variation is consistent with that expected if the azimuthal extent of the accretion column depends only upon the Keplerian velocity at the inner disc radius, which varies as a consequence of the accretion rate Mdot.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted by MNRAS. Included reference

    The optical counterpart of SAX J1808.4-3658, the transient bursting millisecond X-ray pulsar

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    A set of CCD images have been obtained during the decline of the X-ray transient SAX J1808.4-3658 during April-June 1998. The optical counterpart has been confirmed by several pieces of evidence. The optical flux shows a modulation on several nights which is consistent with the established X-ray binary orbit period of 2 hours. This optical variability is roughly in antiphase with the weak X-ray modulation. The source mean magnitude of V=16.7 on April 18 declined rapidly after April 22. From May 2 onwards the magnitude was more constant at around V=18.45 but by June 27 was below our sensitivity limit. The optical decline precedes the rapid second phase of the X-ray decrease by 3 +/- 1 days. The source has been identified on a 1974 UK Schmidt plate at an estimated magnitude of ~20. The nature of the optical companion is discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; published in MNRAS, March 15th 199

    Fat vs. thin threading approach on GPUs: application to stochastic simulation of chemical reactions

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    We explore two different threading approaches on a graphics processing unit (GPU) exploiting two different characteristics of the current GPU architecture. The fat thread approach tries to minimise data access time by relying on shared memory and registers potentially sacrificing parallelism. The thin thread approach maximises parallelism and tries to hide access latencies. We apply these two approaches to the parallel stochastic simulation of chemical reaction systems using the stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA) by Gillespie (J. Phys. Chem, Vol. 81, p. 2340-2361, 1977). In these cases, the proposed thin thread approach shows comparable performance while eliminating the limitation of the reaction system’s size

    STOCHSIMGPU Parallel stochastic simulation for the Systems\ud Biology Toolbox 2 for MATLAB

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    Motivation: The importance of stochasticity in biological systems is becoming increasingly recognised and the computational cost of biologically realistic stochastic simulations urgently requires development of efficient software. We present a new software tool STOCHSIMGPU which exploits graphics processing units (GPUs)for parallel stochastic simulations of biological/chemical reaction systems and show that significant gains in efficiency can be made. It is integrated into MATLAB and works with the Systems Biology Toolbox 2 (SBTOOLBOX2) for MATLAB.\ud \ud Results: The GPU-based parallel implementation of the Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA), the logarithmic direct method (LDM), and the next reaction method (NRM) is approximately 85 times faster than the sequential implementation of the NRM on a central processing unit (CPU). Using our software does not require any changes to the user’s models, since it acts as a direct replacement of the stochastic simulation software of the SBTOOLBOX2

    Producing poultry meat for profit - Part 2

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    Because the profit per bird is usually small, large numbers must be reared and marketed to give a worthwhile income from poultry meat production. Factors such as feed and labour costs, the degree of cheapness or availability of other meats— and similar influences over which the poultry meat producer has little or no control— are liable to bring about unpredictable variations in returns over a period

    Producing poultry meat for profit

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    Seven factors in profitable poultry farming

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    Profitable poultry farming depends upon getting the greatest number of eggs from the birds by good breeding and management, and carrying enough birds to give a reasonable income

    Planning boosts poultry profits

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    Amazing as it may seem, the time and labour expended in the ordinary everyday chores on a poultry farm carrying 1,000 birds can be reduced five times by adopting modern efficiency methods. This will appeal to poultry farmers in this State who know that low labour costs are closely linked to high profits

    Spectral variation in the X-ray pulsar GX 1+4 during a low-flux episode

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    The X-ray pulsar GX 1+4 was observed with the RXTE satellite for a total of 51ks between 1996 July 19 - 21. During this period the flux decreased smoothly from an initial mean level of ~ 6 X 10^36 erg/s to a minimum of ~ 4 X 10^35 erg/s (2-60 keV, assuming a source distance of 10 kpc) before partially recovering towards the initial level at the end of the observation. BATSE pulse timing measurements indicate that a torque reversal took place approximately 10 d after this observation. Both the mean pulse profile and the photon spectrum varied significantly. The observed variation in the source may provide important clues as to the mechanism of torque reversals. The single best-fitting spectral model was based on a component originating from thermal photons with kT ~ 1 keV Comptonised by a plasma of temperature kT \~ 7 keV. Both the flux modulation with phase during the brightest interval and the evolution of the mean spectra over the course of the observation are consistent with variations in this model component; with, in addition, a doubling of the column density nH contributing to the mean spectral change. A strong flare of duration 50 s was observed during the interval of minimum flux, with the peak flux ~ 20 times the mean level. Although beaming effects are likely to mask the true variation in Mdot thought to give rise to the flare, the timing of a modest increase in flux prior to the flare is consistent with dual episodes of accretion resulting from successive orbits of a locally dense patch of matter in the accretion disc.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, submitted to MNRA
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