13 research outputs found

    Tribological properties of the Fe-Al intermetallic alloys after annealing

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    In paper researching results of tribological proprieties Fe3Al intermetallic alloys after annealing are presented. Studies were conducted in the following environments: a water; an air and oil. For investigation purposes the tribotester pin-on-disk type with the contrsample made of steel 40H quenched and tempered was used. Tests were carried out with the following process parameters: pressure p = 2MPa and linear velocity (circuital) V = 0.46m/s. It was noted, that intermetallic samples with the small distinction in chemical compositions, annealed at different temperatures showed a large difference in the quantity of material loss in the all tested environments. Appropriately selected parameters of the intermetallic alloys annealing, provide their greater resistance to abrasion in the air and oil environments than in the case of steel

    A R C H I V E S O f F O U N D R Y E N G I N E E R I N G Tribological properties of the Fe-Al intermetallic alloys after annealing

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    Abstract In paper researching results of tribological proprieties Fe 3 Al intermetallic alloys after annealing are presented. Studies were conducted in the following environments: a water; an air and oil. For investigation purposes the tribotester pin-on-disk type with the contrsample made of steel 40H quenched and tempered was used. Tests were carried out with the following process parameters: pressure p = 2MPa and linear velocity (circuital) V = 0.46m/s. It was noted, that intermetallic samples with the small distinction in chemical compositions, annealed at different temperatures showed a large difference in the quantity of material loss in the all tested environments. Appropriately selected parameters of the intermetallic alloys annealing, provide their greater resistance to abrasion in the air and oil environments than in the case of steel.

    Test stand to tribological wear investigations of the intermetalics FE-AL type and composites on the metallic ground mass

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    W niniejszym opracowaniu przedstawiono konstrukcj臋 aparatu do badania zu偶ycia 艣ciernego intermetali i kompozyt贸w w osnowie metalicznej. Podczas projektowania i wykonywania stanowiska, szczeg贸ln膮 uwag臋 zwracano na mo偶liwo艣膰 zapewnienia jak najwi臋kszych mo偶liwo艣ci badawczych w po艂膮czeniu z prostot膮 obs艂ugi. W pracy przedstawiono rozwi膮zania konstrukcyjne poszczeg贸lnych uk艂ad贸w roboczych urz膮dzenia. W celu przetestowania stanowiska przeprowadzono i przeanalizowano badania trybologiczne wybranych materia艂贸w in偶ynierskich typu kompozyty, intermetale.The design of apparatus for tribological wear investigations of intermetallics and composites on the metallic ground mass is presented in this study. When designing and constructing the test stand, a special attention was paid to assure the greatest research possibilities in conjunction with ease of handling. In paper, constructional solutions of the individual tribotester working layouts are described. In order to test the device, a tribological studies of selected engineering materials such as composites, zinc alloys and intermetallics has been carried out and analyzed

    Methodology of the vertical axis wind turbines location fields researching

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    W pracy poruszono problematyk臋 integracji energetyki wiatrowej ze 艣rodowiskiem. Przedyskutowano plusy i minusy pozyskiwania energii z wykorzystaniem odnawialnych 藕r贸de艂 energii. Zasygnalizowano mo偶liwo艣ci rozwoju turbin wiatrowych o pionowej osi obrotu przeznaczonych dla odbiorc贸w o stosunkowo niewielkim zapotrzebowaniu mocy - do oko艂o 1,5 kW. Zaproponowano nowe autorskie rozwi膮zania konstrukcji maszt贸w (typu "F", "2F" oraz "F/2F") przeznaczonych do mocowania wirnik贸w turbin wiatrowych. Podkre艣lono przy tym, 偶e zaproponowane rozwi膮zanie bardzo dobrze wkomponowuje si臋 w infrastruktur臋 i architektur臋 wyst臋puj膮c膮 na danym terenie. Wed艂ug przeprowadzonych przez autor贸w bada艅 w艂asnych, wykazano, 偶e dla okolic Bia艂egostoku (Nowosi贸艂ki k. Krypna) pr臋dko艣膰 wiatru zmienia si臋 stosunkowo du偶ym przedziale w zale偶no艣ci od czasu pomiaru. Skutkuje to odpowiednio zmianami pozyskiwanych chwilowych mocy przez turbin臋. Analiza wynik贸w bada艅 w艂asnych wykaza艂a r贸wnie偶, 偶e w danych warunkach terenowych wyst臋puj膮 stosunkowo du偶e r贸偶nice potencjalnego pozyskiwania mocy przez turbin臋 w poszczeg贸lnych miesi膮cach.This work touches the problems connected with the integration of wind energetic with the environment. There were discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the gain of energy with the usage of the renewable sources of energy. There were represented the opportunities of the development of wind turbines with the vertical turn axle appropriated for the receivers with about 1,5 kW. The author proposes the new solution of the construction of masts (of "F", "2F" and "F/2F" types) appropriated to the fixing of runners of the wind turbines. It was emphasized, that the proposed solution introduces in the infrastructure and architecture of the local territory. In according with the own author's searches it has been indicated that the speed of wind changing in the relatively large section is depended on the time of measurement for the surrounding of Bia艂ystok (Nowosiolki near Krypno). It causes the changes of the gained transitory power of turbine. The analysis of the results has also showed that in local conditions there are relatively big differences of the potential gaining of power by turbine during several months

    Influence of annealing time and temperature on the Fe3Al intermetallic alloys microstructure modification

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    There is an industry interesting in intermetallic alloys in recent years. There are widely possibilities to adopt this kind of materials for structural units. More expensive materials can be replaced by them. A property which limits their wider application is the low plasticity at environment and elevated temperatures. In paper the results of the thermal microstructure modification are shown. To this end, the influence of annealing time and temperature on the intermetallic phase Fe3Al grain size was investigated. The impact of these factors on micro-hardness was examined as well. It was found that these operations cause the grain size reduction and the micro-hardness decrease

    Homologation tests of single-stage R02 reducer

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    This article presents the results of homologation tests of an LPG reducer. Due to the material requirements of the LPG reducer in this case, the R02 reducer, designed by the joint-stock company AC Sp贸艂ka Akcyjna, is used. Test procedures, which must be carried out, are also presented and generally explained with specified conditions for conducting the processes. The advantages of using the R02 are also presented. The properties of aluminium alloy 226, which is the body of the reducer, are characterized and are divided into four groups: technological features/qualitative indications, physical properties, mechanical features and chemical composition. The whole article is summarized with appropriate conclusions

    Overview of tooling concept for microforming

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    Mikroforming (wyciskanie metali w mikro-skali) jest alternatywn膮, do obr贸bek skrawaniem, metod膮 wytwarzania mikro-przedmiot贸w. Ma ona nad nimi t臋 przewag臋, 偶e jest bardziej efektywna oraz zapewnia powtarzalno艣膰 kszta艂t贸w i wymiar贸w. Wymaga jednak zastosowania narz臋dzi, kt贸rych budowa pozwoli na redukcj臋 wp艂ywu efektu skali na proces odkszta艂cania. W pracy zaprezentowano wybrane rozwi膮zania konstrukcyjne mikro-maszyn zaprojektowanych do cel贸w obr贸bki plastycznej metali.Mikroforming is an alternative to machining, production method of micro-parts. Its advantage is to being more effective and assuring dimensions' and shapes' repeatability. However, using this method, its required to apply tools, with construction complied size effects. In this paper selected constructional micro-machines solutions, designed for plastic deformation are described

    Influence of the Savonius rotor geometry on its efficiency

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    Ze wzgl臋du na op艂acalno艣膰 stosowania turbin wiatrowych o pionowej osi obrotu dla potrzeb indywidualnego odbiorcy, powsta艂o zapotrzebowanie na dok艂adne ustalenie ich parametr贸w wymiarowo-geometrycznych oraz opracowanie metodyki okre艣lania najkorzystniejszych lokalizacji terenowych. Z my艣l膮 realizacji tego zadania, zaprojektowano i wykonano stanowisko badawcze w postaci mobilnej turbiny o geometrii kszta艂tu wirnika typu Savoniusa. Stanowisko to umo偶liwia odtworzenie rzeczywistej pracy rotora oraz identyfikacj臋 jego optymalnych wielko艣ci geometrycznych w obranych warunkach terenowych. W pracy przedstawiono wp艂yw tych wielko艣ci na parametry pracy urz膮dzenia w funkcji pr臋dko艣ci wiatru.Due to the cost-effectiveness of the vertical axis wind turbines use for the individual customer's needs, there is a demand to optimize its geometrical parameters and to determine the most favorable location fields. With a view to the implementation of this task, the test stand in the form of a mobile windmill with the Savonius-type rotor shape geometry was designed and manufactured. This stand allows to reproduce the real rotor work and to identify its optimal geometrical parameters in the selected field conditions. In paper, the influence of these parameters on the device performance as a function of wind speed are shown

    Analysis of operating parameters and indicators of a compression ignition engine fuelled with LPG

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    This article presents the possibilities for using alternative fuels to power vehicles equipped with compression ignition (CI) engines (diesel). Systems for using such fuels have been discussed. Detailed analysis and research covered the LPG STAG autogas system, which is used to power dual-fuel engine units (LPG+diesel). A description of the operation of the autogas system and installation in a vehicle has been presented. The basic algorithms of the controller, which is an actuating element of the whole system, have been discussed. Protection systems of a serial production engine unit to guarantee its factorycontrolled durability standards have been presented. A long-distance test drive and examinations of the engine over 150,000 km in a Toyota Hilux have been performed. Operating parameters and performance indicators of the engine with STAG LPG+diesel fuelling have been verified. Directions and perspectives for the further development of such a system in diesel-powered cars have been also indicated