11 research outputs found

    Direct Interband Light Absorption in Strongly Prolated Ellipsoidal Quantum Dots’ Ensemble

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    Within the framework of adiabatic approximation, the energy levels and direct interband light absorption in a strongly prolated ellipsoidal quantum dot are studied. Analytical expressions for the particle energy spectrum and absorption threshold frequencies in three regimes of quantization are obtained. Selection rules for quantum transitions are revealed. Absorption edge and absorption coefficient for three regimes of size quantization (SQ) are also considered. To facilitate the comparison of obtained results with the probable experimental data, size dispersion distribution of growing quantum dots by the small semiaxe in the regimes of strong and weak SQ by two experimentally realizing distribution functions have been taken into account. Distribution functions of Lifshits–Slezov and Gaussian have been considered

    Adiabatic description of nonspherical quantum dot models

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    Within the effective mass approximation an adiabatic description of spheroidal and dumbbell quantum dot models in the regime of strong dimensional quantization is presented using the expansion of the wave function in appropriate sets of single-parameter basis functions. The comparison is given and the peculiarities are considered for spectral and optical characteristics of the models with axially symmetric confining potentials depending on their geometric size making use of the total sets of exact and adiabatic quantum numbers in appropriate analytic approximations

    Experimental progress in positronium laser physics

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