12 research outputs found

    Digital terrain model-based coast relief analysis

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    Strefa brzegowa morza to bardzo ważny gospodarczo i społecznie obszar wzajemnej interakcji pomiędzy trzema żywiołami: lądem, morzem i atmosferą a obecnością i działalnością ludzką. Od wieków człowiek obserwuje i bada wybrzeże w celu przewidzenia jego zmiennej natury i ujarzmienia jej. Ochrona brzegu morskiego zmierza przede wszystkim do powstrzymania i usuwania skutków niszczącej działalności morza. Aby działania takie mogły przynieść pożądany skutek niezbędna jest wiedza o miejscu występowania najbardziej wrażliwych i narażonych części brzegu. W tym celu przeprowadzono analizę rzeźby dla pasa technicznego Urzędu Morskiego w Szczecinie z wykorzystaniem numerycznego modelu terenu. Numeryczny model terenu z uwagi na duże możliwości jakie daje informatyka stał się istotnym elementem w modelowaniu różnorodnych zjawisk przestrzennych w systemach GIS. W niniejszym opracowaniu model utworzony na podstawie mapy zasadniczej z roku 2002 w skali 1:2000 był podstawą do przeprowadzenia analiz i w rezultacie pozwolił na stworzenie klasyfikacji morfologicznej badanego terenu i jego ocenę pod kątem zagrożeń od strony morza. Niniejsze badania mogą służyć jako podstawa do bardziej złożonych analiz zmian rzeźby brzegu morskiego z uwzględnieniem dodatkowych parametrów takich jak tempo erozji i akumulacji oraz wzrost poziomu morza.The coastal zone of the sea is an economically and socially important area of interaction between three basic elements: the land, the sea and the atmosphere; it is also affected by human activities. Coastal processes have been for ages investigated to forecast, restrain, and tame their nature. Coastal defence systems are mostly designated to stop or mitigate destructive effects of the sea. Such activities can succeed only if there is sufficient knowledge on the most sensitive and fragile parts of the coast. To identify such areas, a coast strip managed by the Szczecin Maritime Office was analysed with a digital terrain model. Due to its large technical potential, the digital terrain model (DTM) has become a very important tool in modelling of a variety of spatial phenomenon within GIS systems. In this work, a TIN model developed from a 1:2000 map of a technical strip belt for 2002 was used to analyse the morphology of the Polish coast. The analysis allowed to distinguish several morphological classes; in addition, coastal safety classes were identified. The results should be analysed in a wider context taking into account additional variables such as erosion and accumulation rates or the mean sea level rise

    Practical applicability and preliminary results of the Baltic environmental satellite remote sensing system (SATBAŁTYK)

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    The SatBałtyk (Satellite Monitoring of the Baltic Sea Environment) project is being realized in Poland by the SatBałtyk Scientific Consortium, specifically appointed for this purpose, which associates four scientific institutions: the Institute of Oceanology PAN in Sopot – coordinator of the project, the University of Gdańsk (Institute of Oceanography), the Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk (Institute of Physics) and the University of Szczecin (Institute of Marine Sciences). The project is aiming to prepare a technical infrastructure and set in motion operational procedures for the satellite monitoring of the Baltic Sea ecosystem. The main sources of input data for this system will be the results of systematic observations by metrological and environmental satellites such as TIROS N/NOAA, MSG (currently Meteosat 10), EOS/AQUA and Sentinel -1, 2, 3 (in the future). The system will deliver on a routine basis the variety of structural and functional properties of this sea, based on data provided by relevant satellites and supported by hydro-biological models. Among them: the solar radiation influx to the sea’s waters in various spectral intervals, energy balances of the short- and long-wave radiation at the Baltic Sea surface and in the upper layers of the atmosphere over the Baltic, sea surface temperature distribution, dynamic states of the water surface, concentrations of chlorophyll a and other phytoplankton pigments in the Baltic waters, spatial distributions of algal blooms, the occurrence of coastal upwelling events, and the characteristics of primary production of organic matter and photosynthetically released oxygen in the water and many others. The structure of the system and preliminary results will be presented

    The Prevalence of Asthma and Declared Asthma in Poland on the Basis of ECAP Survey Using Correspondence Analysis

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    Results of epidemiological and public health surveys are often presented in the form of cross-classification tables. It is sometimes difficult to analyze data described in this way and to understand relations between variables. Graphical methods such as correspondence analysis are more convenient and useful. Our paper describes an application of correspondence analysis to epidemiological research. We apply the basic concepts of correspondence analysis like profiles, chi-square distance to medical data concerning prevalence of asthma. We aim at describing the relationship between asthma, region, and age. The data presented in this paper come from Epidemiology of Allergy in Poland (ECAP) survey in years 2006–2008. Correspondence analysis shows that there is a fundamental difference in the structure of age groups for people with symptoms compared to those who have declared asthma (regardless of the level of symptoms of asthma and the level of declaration). The variable which best differentiates declared asthma in all regions is “wheezing and whistling.” Correspondence analysis also shows significant differences between locations. Our analyses are performed in the R package “ca”

    Allergies in urban versus countryside settings in Poland as part of the Epidemiology of the Allergic Diseases in Poland (ECAP) study – challenge the early differential diagnosis

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    Introduction: The incidence of allergies depends on a number of factors, including adopting an urban “western” lifestyle, genetic predispositions, and different regions of residence. Aim : To compare the prevalence of allergic conditions (seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) and perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR), bronchial asthma (BA), atopic dermatitis (AD)) in a group of countryside versus urban residents in Poland. Material and methods : The prevalence of allergic conditions in urban versus countryside settings was assessed using the translated and approved questionnaire developed for international ECRHS II and ISAAC studies. Respondents were selected via random multistage sampling, with proportionate stratified sampling, and the Polish Resident Identification Number (PESEL) as the basis. A total of 18,617 respondents took part in the study. Subsequently, approximately 25% of the subjects underwent outpatient assessments: skin-prick, lung function, peak nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF) tests, as well as history-taking. Results : Allergic rhinitis (AR) proved to be the most common condition in the entire study population. Children residing in the countryside were twice more likely to be diagnosed with BA (8.33% vs. 4%; p < 0.05). Conversely, in the adult subgroup, BA was more commonly observed in urban areas. Whereas reported symptom rates were much higher in AR and AD patients, symptomatic BA was proportionately lower with respect to the official diagnoses (underdiagnosed BA phenomenon). Atopic dermatitis was considerably more common in the metropolitan population. One factor that significantly correlated with allergic diseases was a positive family history. Conclusions : Inhabitants of metropolitan areas are to a greater extent predisposed to allergic conditions. One factor significantly contributing to allergies is genetic predisposition. Given the scale of the problem, there is an urgent need to implement measures for early prevention and diagnosis of allergies to minimize distant health effects