245 research outputs found

    Effect of electron-lattice interaction on the phase separation in strongly correlated electron systems with two types of charge carriers

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    The effect of electron-lattice interaction is studied for a strongly correlated electron system described by the two-band Hubbard model. A two-fold effect of electron-lattice interaction is taken into account: in non-diagonal terms, it changes the effective bandwidth, whereas in diagonal terms, it shifts the positions of the bands and the chemical potential. It is shown that this interaction significantly affects the doping range corresponding to the electronic phase separation and can even lead to a jump-like transition between states with different values of strains.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Ballistic dynamics of a convex smooth-wall billiard with finite escape rate along the boundary

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    We focus on the problem of an impurity-free billiard with a random position-dependent boundary coupling to the environment. The response functions of such an open system can be obtained non-perturbatively from a supersymmetric generating functional. The derivation of this functional is based on averaging over the escape rates and results in a non-linear ballistic σ\sigma -model, characterized by system-specific parameters. Particular emphasis is placed on the {}``whispering gallery modes'' as the origin of surface diffusion modes in the limit of large dimensionless conductance.Comment: 12 pages, no figure

    Feasibility of a Small, Rapid Optical-to-IR Response, Next Generation Gamma Ray Burst Mission

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    We present motivations for and study feasibility of a small, rapid optical to IR response gamma ray burst (GRB) space observatory. By analyzing existing GRB data, we give realistic detection rates for X-ray and optical/IR instruments of modest size under actual flight conditions. Given new capabilities of fast optical/IR response (about 1 s to target) and simultaneous multi-band imaging, such an observatory can have a reasonable event rate, likely leading to new science. Requiring a Swift-like orbit, duty cycle, and observing constraints, a Swift-BAT scaled down to 190 square cm of detector area would still detect and locate about 27 GRB per yr. for a trigger threshold of 6.5 sigma. About 23 percent of X-ray located GRB would be detected optically for a 10 cm diameter instrument (about 6 per yr. for the 6.5 sigma X-ray trigger).Comment: Elaborated text version of a poster presented at 2012 Malaga/Marbella symposiu

    Quantum phase transition in a minimal model for the Kondo effect in a Josephson junction

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    We propose a minimal model for the Josephson current through a quantum dot in a Kondo regime. We start with the model that consists of an Anderson impurity connected to two superconducting (SC) leads with the gaps Δα=Δαeiθα\Delta_{\alpha}=|\Delta_{\alpha}| e^{i \theta_{\alpha}}, where α=L,R\alpha = L, R for the lead at left and right. We show that, when one of the SC gaps is much larger than the others ΔLΔR|\Delta_L| \gg |\Delta_R|, the starting model can be mapped exactly onto the single-channel model, which consists of the right lead of ΔR\Delta_R and the Anderson impurity with an extra onsite SC gap of ΔdΓLeiθL\Delta_d \equiv \Gamma_L e^{i \theta_L}. Here θL\theta_L and ΓL\Gamma_L are defined with respect to the starting model, and ΓL\Gamma_L is the level width due to the coupling with the left lead. Based on this simplified model, we study the ground-state properties for the asymmetric gap, ΔLΔR|\Delta_L| \gg |\Delta_R|, using the numerical renormalization group (NRG) method. The results show that the phase difference of the SC gaps ϕθRθL\phi \equiv \theta_R -\theta_L, which induces the Josephson current, disturbs the screening of the local moment to destabilize the singlet ground state typical of the Kondo system. It can also drive the quantum phase transition to a magnetic doublet ground state, and at the critical point the Josephson current shows a discontinuous change. The asymmetry of the two SC gaps causes a re-entrant magnetic phase, in which the in-gap bound state lies close to the Fermi level.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, typos are correcte

    Quantum Phases of Vortices in Rotating Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We investigate the groundstates of weakly interacting bosons in a rotating trap as a function of the number of bosons, NN, and the average number of vortices, NVN_V. We identify the filling fraction νN/NV\nu\equiv N/N_V as the parameter controlling the nature of these states. We present results indicating that, as a function of ν\nu, there is a zero temperature {\it phase transition} between a triangular vortex lattice phase, and strongly-correlated vortex liquid phases. The vortex liquid phases appear to be the Read-Rezayi parafermion states

    Thermal conductivity via magnetic excitations in spin-chain materials

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    We discuss the recent progress and the current status of experimental investigations of spin-mediated energy transport in spin-chain and spin-ladder materials with antiferromagnetic coupling. We briefly outline the central results of theoretical studies on the subject but focus mainly on recent experimental results that were obtained on materials which may be regarded as adequate physical realizations of the idealized theoretical model systems. Some open questions and unsettled issues are also addressed.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Superinsulator Phase of Two-Dimensional Superconductors

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    Using path-integral Quantum Monte Carlo we study the low-temperature phase diagram of a two-dimensional superconductor within a phenomenological model, where vortices have a finite mass and move in a dissipative environment modeled by a Caldeira-Leggett term. The quantum vortex liquid at high magnetic fields exhibits superfluidity and thus corresponds to a {\em superinsulating} phase which is characterized by a nonlinear voltage-current law for an infinite system in the absence of pinning. This superinsulating phase is shifted to higher magnetic fields in the presence of dissipation.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (Oktober 1998

    Patterning graphene nanostripes in substrate-supported functionalized graphene: A promising route to integrated, robust, and superior transistors

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    It is promising to apply quantum-mechanically confined graphene systems in field-effect transistors. High stability, superior performance, and large-scale integration are the main challenges facing the practical application of graphene transistors. Our understandings of the adatom-graphene interaction combined with recent progress in the nanofabrication technology indicate that very stable and high-quality graphene nanostripes could be integrated in substrate-supported functionalized (hydrogenated or fluorinated) graphene using electron-beam lithography. We also propose that parallelizing a couple of graphene nanostripes in a transistor should be preferred for practical application, which is also very useful for transistors based on graphene nanoribbon.Comment: Frontiers of Physics (2012) to be publishe

    Характеризация наночастиц кристаллического кремния, легированного железом, и их модификация цитрат-анионами для использования in vivo

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    Objectives. This paper presents data on the development and study of the structural properties of iron-doped crystalline silicon (nc-Si/SiOx/Fe) nanoparticles obtained using the plasma-chemical method for application in magnetic resonance imaging diagnostics and treatment of oncological diseases. This work aimed to use a variety of analytical methods to study the structural properties of nc-Si/SiOx/Fe and their colloidal stabilization with citrate anions for in vivo applications.Methods. Silicon nanoparticles obtained via the plasma-chemical synthesis method were characterized by laser spark emission spectroscopy, atomic emission spectroscopy, Fouriertransform infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The hydrodynamic diameter of the nanoparticles was estimated using dynamic light scattering. The toxicity of the nanoparticles was investigated using a colorimetric MTT test for the cell metabolic activity. Elemental iron with different Fe/Si atomic ratios was added to the feedstock during loading.Results. The particles were shown to have a large silicon core covered by a relatively thin layer of intermediate oxides (interface) and an amorphous oxide shell, which is silicon oxide with different oxidation states SiOx (0 ≤ x ≤ 2). The samples had an iron content of 0.8–1.8 at %. Colloidal solutions of the nanoparticles stabilized by citrate anions were obtained and characterized. According to the analysis of the cytotoxicity of the modified nanosilicon particles using monoclonal K562 human erythroleukemia cells, no toxicity was found for cells in culture at particle concentrations of up to 5 µg/mL.Conclusions. Since the obtained modified particles are nontoxic, they can be used in in vivo theranostic applications.Цели. В работе приводятся данные по разработке и изучению структурных свойств полученных плазмохимическим методом наночастиц кремния nc-Si/SiOx/Fe, легированных железом. Цель работы – исследование свойств наночастиц кремния, легированных железом, комплексом аналитических методов и их стабилизация цитрат-анионами для применения в диагностике методом магнитно-резонансной томографии и лечении онкологических заболеваний.Методы. Наночастицы кремния, полученные плазмохимическим методом синтеза, были охарактеризованы лазерно-искровым эмиссионным методом, методом атомной эмиссионной спектроскопии, Фурье-ИК-спектроскопией, рентгеновской фотоэлектронной спектроскопией. Гидродинамический диаметр наночастиц оценивали методом динамического светорассеяния. Исследование токсичности наночастиц проводили с помощью колориметрического МТТ теста на метаболическую активность клеток. В исходное сырье при загрузке добавляли элементарное железо с разным атомным соотношением Fe/Si.Результаты. Было показано, что частица имеет кремниевое ядро с аморфной оксидной оболочкой, представляющей собой оксиды кремния с разной степенью окисления SiO x (0 ≤ x ≤ 2). Содержание железа в образцах составило от 0.8 до 1.8 ат. %. Были получены и охарактеризованы коллоидные растворы наночастиц, стабилизированные цитрат-анионами. Анализ цитотоксичности модифицированных частиц нанокремния с использованием моноклонизированных клеток эритролейкоза человека К562 показал отсутствие токсичности для клеток в культуре при концентрации частиц до 5 мкг/мл.Выводы. Полученные модифицированные частицы не обладают токсичностью, поэтому их можно рекомендовать для использования в in vivo приложениях для тераностик

    Pairing Symmetry Competition in Organic Superconductors

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    A review is given on theoretical studies concerning the pairing symmetry in organic superconductors. In particular, we focus on (TMTSF)2_2X and κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2X, in which the pairing symmetry has been extensively studied both experimentally and theoretically. Possibilities of various pairing symmetry candidates and their possible microscopic origin are discussed. Also some tests for determining the actual pairing symmtery are surveyed.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., special issue on "Organic Conductors