23 research outputs found

    Measuring subdiffusion parameters

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    We propose a method to extract from experimental data the subdiffusion parameter α\alpha and subdiffusion coefficient DαD_\alpha which are defined by means of the relation =2Dα/Γ(1+α)tα =2D_\alpha/\Gamma(1+\alpha) t^\alpha where denotes a mean square displacement of a random walker starting from x=0x=0 at the initial time t=0t=0. The method exploits a membrane system where a substance of interest is transported in a solvent from one vessel to another across a thin membrane which plays here only an auxiliary role. Using such a system, we experimentally study a diffusion of glucose and sucrose in a gel solvent. We find a fully analytic solution of the fractional subdiffusion equation with the initial and boundary conditions representing the system under study. Confronting the experimental data with the derived formulas, we show a subdiffusive character of the sugar transport in gel solvent. We precisely determine the parameter α\alpha, which is smaller than 1, and the subdiffusion coefficient DαD_\alpha.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, revised, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    From the solutions of diffusion equation to the solutions of subdiffusive one

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    Starting with the Green's functions found for normal diffusion, we construct exact time-dependent Green's functions for subdiffusive equation (with fractional time derivatives), with the boundary conditions involving a linear combination of fluxes and concentrations. The method is particularly useful to calculate the concentration profiles in a multi-part system where different kind of transport occurs in each part of it. As an example, we find the solutions of subdiffusive equation for the system composed from two parts with normal diffusion and subdiffusion, respectively.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    How to Measure Subdiffusion Parameters

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    We propose a method to measure the subdiffusion parameter α\alpha and subdiffusion coefficient DαD_{\alpha} which are defined by means of the relation =2DαΓ(1+α)tα =\frac{2D_\alpha} {\Gamma(1+\alpha)} t^\alpha where denotes a mean square displacement of a random walker starting from x=0x=0 at the initial time t=0t=0. The method exploits a membrane system where a substance of interest is transported in a solvent from one vessel to another across a thin membrane which plays here only an auxiliary role. We experimentally study a diffusion of glucose and sucrose in a gel solvent, and we precisely determine the parameters α\alpha and DαD_{\alpha}, using a fully analytic solution of the fractional subdiffusion equation.Comment: short version of cond-mat/0309072, to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Approximate Solutions to Fractional Subdiffusion Equations: The heat-balance integral method

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    The work presents integral solutions of the fractional subdiffusion equation by an integral method, as an alternative approach to the solutions employing hypergeometric functions. The integral solution suggests a preliminary defined profile with unknown coefficients and the concept of penetration (boundary layer). The prescribed profile satisfies the boundary conditions imposed by the boundary layer that allows its coefficients to be expressed through its depth as unique parameter. The integral approach to the fractional subdiffusion equation suggests a replacement of the real distribution function by the approximate profile. The solution was performed with Riemann -Liouville time-fractional derivative since the integral approach avoids the definition of the initial value of the time-derivative required by the Laplace transformed equations and leading to a transition to Caputo derivatives. The method is demonstrated by solutions to two simple fractional subdiffusion equations (Dirichlet problems): 1) Time-Fractional Diffusion Equation, and 2) Time-Fractional Drift Equation, both of them having fundamental solutions expressed through the M-Write function. The solutions demonstrate some basic issues of the suggested integral approach, among them: a) Choice of the profile, b) Integration problem emerging when the distribution (profile) is replaced by a prescribed one with unknown coefficients; c) Optimization of the profile in view to minimize the average error of approximations; d) Numerical results allowing comparisons to the known solutions expressed to the M-Write function and error estimations.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Support software for construction calculations of shape connections

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    Celem pracy było wytworzenie "przyjaznej" aplikacji, wspomagającej pracę inżyniera w zakresie projektowania połączeń kształtowych. Aplikacja powinna dotyczyć szerokiego spektrum połączeń kształtowych. Zgodnie z zasadami inżynierii oprogramowania sformułowano wymagania funkcjonalne i niefunkcjonalne oraz przeprowadzono modelowanie obiektowe (w notacji UML), budując stosowne diagramy. Aplikację wykonano w środowisku Visual Studio.NET. Zbudowany system umożliwia zaprojektowanie połączenia nitowego, wpustowego, wielowypustowego i kołkowego z kołkami poprzecznymi i wzdłużnymi. Wytworzona aplikacja spełnia postawione zadania - jest programem wspomagającym pracę konstruktora przy projektowaniu połączeń kształtowych, a równocześnie (poprzez wbudowane bazy danych, rysunki poglądowe i system rozbudowanych podpowiedzi) dobrze spełnia funkcję edukacyjną w zakresie tej problematyki. Obsługa programu wymaga od użytkownika posiadania podstawowej wiedzy z zakresu konstrukcji mechanicznych.The purpose of the work was to create a "friendly" software supporting the work of an engineer within the scope of designing shape connections. The software should concern a wide spectrum of shape connections. According to the principles of software engineering, functional and nonfunctional requirements and object modelling, which were carried out (in UML notation system), were formulated forming appropriate diagrams. The software was created in Visual Studio. NETenvironment. The constructed system enables designing riveted, groove, multi-groove and pin joints with a transverse pin and a lengthwise pin. The created software fulfils the duties - it is a programme supporting the constructor's work at designing shape connections and simultaneously (through building-in a data base, reference drawings and the system of extending tips) fulfils the educational function within this issue. This programme requires form the user to have a basic knowledge on mechanical constructions

    The computer aid system for constructional calculations of screw joints

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    W pracy przedstawiono aplikację komputerową wspomagającą pracę inżyniera przy konstruowaniu połączeń śrubowych. Edukacyjny charakter oprogramowania umożliwia wykorzystanie go do nauczania przedmiotu „Podstawy konstrukcji maszyn” na technicznych kierunkach studiów.The paper presents the computer application of engineer work aid by screw join constructing. The educational character of software makes possible to use it at lecture of “The Basis of Machines Construction” on the technical faculties of studies

    Costs of energy from various sources used for heating and car drive

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    Porównanie efektów zagospodarowania wytłoków jabłkowych na cele energetyczne w procesach fermentacji oraz spalania

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    The search for alternative fuels is becoming increasingly common due to exhausting conventional energy sources. One of the solutions is to manage waste from agricultural and food production for energy purposes. The aim of the study was to compare possible energy gains from the use of apple pomace as a fuel in two variants. The first option consisted in converting waste into solid fuel for combustion, while the second option included methane fermentation of pomace and the use of the resulting fermentation for combustion. The research was carried out to determine the energy usefulness of apple pomace extruders, among others. combustion heat, calorific value and biogas efficiency. The amount of energy that can be obtained from biogas resulting from the decomposition of pomace as well as from the post-process fermentation was also determined. Energy expenditures necessary for the processes that transform the raw material into fuel were simulated. Then an energy balance was carried out which showed that the fermentation of pomace and the combustion of the fermented pulp, taking into account the losses, resulted in an energy gain of 4.03 MJ⋅kg-1 (1.12 kWh⋅kg-1) higher than the use of pomace for combustion alone.Ze względu na wyczerpujące się konwencjonalne źródła energii coraz powszechniejsze staje się poszukiwanie paliw alternatywnych. Jednym z rozwiązań jest zagospodarowywanie odpadów pochodzących z produkcji rolniczej oraz spożywczej na cele energetyczne. Celem pracy było porównanie możliwych zysków energetycznych z wykorzystania wytłoków jabłkowych jako paliwa w dwóch wariantach. Wariant pierwszy obejmował przekształcenie odpadu na paliwo stałe w celu spalenia, natomiast wariant drugi dotyczył fermentacji metanowej wytłoków oraz wykorzystania powstałego w jej wyniku pofermentu na sposób spalania. W pracy wykonano badania pozwalające określić przydatność energetyczną wytłoków jabłkowych m.in. ciepło spalania, wartość opałową oraz wydajność biogazową. Wyznaczono również ilość energii możliwą do uzyskania z biogazu powstałego w wyniku rozkładu wytłoków oraz z pofermentu pozostałego po tym procesie. Dokonano symulacji nakładów energetycznych potrzebnych na procesy przekształcające surowiec do postaci paliwa. Następnie wykonano bilans energetyczny, który wykazał, że w wyniku fermentacji wytłoków oraz spalania pofermentu przy uwzględnieniu strat możliwe jest uzyskanie o 4.03 MJ⋅kg-1 (1.12 kWh⋅kg-1