59 research outputs found

    Formation of ultracold dipolar molecules in the lowest vibrational levels by photoassociation

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    We recently reported the formation of ultracold LiCs molecules in the rovibrational ground state X1Sigma+,v''=0,J''=0 [J. Deiglmayr et al., PRL 101, 133004 (2008)]. Here we discuss details of the experimental setup and present a thorough analysis of the photoassociation step including the photoassociation line shape. We predict the distribution of produced ground state molecules using accurate potential nergy curves combined with an ab-initio dipole transition moment and compare this prediction with experimental ionization spectra. Additionally we improve the value of the dissociation energy for the X1Sigma+ state by high resolution spectroscopy of the vibrational ground state.Comment: Submitted to Faraday Discussions 142: Cold and Ultracold Molecules 18 pages, 8 figure

    Efficient production of polar molecular Bose-Einstein condensates via an all-optical R-type atom-molecule adiabatic passage

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    We propose a scheme of "RR-type" photoassociative adiabatic passage (PAP) to create polar molecular condensates from two different species of ultracold atoms. Due to the presence of a quasi-coherent population trapping state in the scheme, it is possible to associate atoms into molecules with a \textit{low-power} photoassociation (PA) laser. One remarkable advantage of our scheme is that a tunable atom-molecule coupling strength can be achieved by using a time-dependent PA field, which exhibits larger flexibility than using a tunable magnetic field. In addition, our results show that the PA intensity required in the "RR-type" PAP could be greatly reduced compared to that in a conventional "Λ\Lambda -type" one.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, to appear in New Journal of Physic

    Ultracold Molecules in the Ro-Vibrational Triplet Ground State

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    We report here on the production of an ultracold gas of tightly bound Rb2 molecules in the ro-vibrational triplet ground state, close to quantum degeneracy. This is achieved by optically transferring weakly bound Rb2 molecules to the absolute lowest level of the ground triplet potential with a transfer efficiency of about 90%. The transfer takes place in a 3D optical lattice which traps a sizeable fraction of the tightly bound molecules with a lifetime exceeding 200 ms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Phys. Rev. Lett. accepte

    Optimal trapping wavelengths of Cs2_2 molecules in an optical lattice

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    The present paper aims at finding optimal parameters for trapping of Cs2_2 molecules in optical lattices, with the perspective of creating a quantum degenerate gas of ground-state molecules. We have calculated dynamic polarizabilities of Cs2_2 molecules subject to an oscillating electric field, using accurate potential curves and electronic transition dipole moments. We show that for some particular wavelengths of the optical lattice, called "magic wavelengths", the polarizability of the ground-state molecules is equal to the one of a Feshbach molecule. As the creation of the sample of ground-state molecules relies on an adiabatic population transfer from weakly-bound molecules created on a Feshbach resonance, such a coincidence ensures that both the initial and final states are favorably trapped by the lattice light, allowing optimized transfer in agreement with the experimental observation

    Ultracold polar molecules near quantum degeneracy

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    We report the creation and characterization of a near quantum-degenerate gas of polar 40^{40}K-87^{87}Rb molecules in their absolute rovibrational ground state. Starting from weakly bound heteronuclear KRb Feshbach molecules, we implement precise control of the molecular electronic, vibrational, and rotational degrees of freedom with phase-coherent laser fields. In particular, we coherently transfer these weakly bound molecules across a 125 THz frequency gap in a single step into the absolute rovibrational ground state of the electronic ground potential. Phase coherence between lasers involved in the transfer process is ensured by referencing the lasers to two single components of a phase-stabilized optical frequency comb. Using these methods, we prepare a dense gas of 41044\cdot10^4 polar molecules at a temperature below 400 nK. This fermionic molecular ensemble is close to quantum degeneracy and can be characterized by a degeneracy parameter of T/TF=3T/T_F=3. We have measured the molecular polarizability in an optical dipole trap where the trap lifetime gives clues to interesting ultracold chemical processes. Given the large measured dipole moment of the KRb molecules of 0.5 Debye, the study of quantum degenerate molecular gases interacting via strong dipolar interactions is now within experimental reach

    Resonant Coupling in the Heteronuclear Alkali Dimers for Direct Photoassociative Formation of X(0,0) Ultracold Molecules

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    Promising pathways for photoassociative formation of ultracold heteronuclear alkali metal dimers in their lowest rovibronic levels (denoted X(0,0)) are examined using high quality ab initio calculations of potential energy curves currently available. A promising pathway for KRb, involving the resonant coupling of the 21Π2 ^1\Pi and 11Π1 ^1\Pi states just below the lowest excited asymptote (K(4s4s)+Rb(5p1/25p_{1/2})), is found to occur also for RbCs and less promisingly for KCs as well. The resonant coupling of the 31Σ+3 ^1 \Sigma ^+ and 11Π1 ^1\Pi states, also just below the lowest excited asymptote, is found to be promising for LiNa, LiK, LiRb, and less promising for LiCs and KCs. Direct photoassociation to the 11Π1 ^1\Pi state near dissociation appears promising in the final dimers, NaK, NaRb, and NaCs, although detuning more than 100 cm1^{-1} below the lowest excited asymptote may be required.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, Submitted to Journal of Physical Chemistry

    Formation of ultracold RbCs molecules by photoassociation

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    The formation of ultracold metastable RbCs molecules is observed in a double species magneto-optical trap through photoassociation below the ^85Rb(5S_1/2)+^133Cs(6P_3/2) dissociation limit followed by spontaneous emission. The molecules are detected by resonance enhanced two-photon ionization. Using accurate quantum chemistry calculations of the potential energy curves and transition dipole moment, we interpret the observed photoassociation process as occurring at short internuclear distance, in contrast with most previous cold atom photoassociation studies. The vibrational levels excited by photoassociation belong to the 5th 0^+ or the 4th 0^- electronic states correlated to the Rb(5P_1/2,3/2)+Cs(6S_1/2) dissociation limit. The computed vibrational distribution of the produced molecules shows that they are stabilized in deeply bound vibrational states of the lowest triplet state. We also predict that a noticeable fraction of molecules is produced in the lowest level of the electronic ground state

    Dark resonances for ground state transfer of molecular quantum gases

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    One possible way to produce ultracold, high-phase-space-density quantum gases of molecules in the rovibronic ground state is given by molecule association from quantum-degenerate atomic gases on a Feshbach resonance and subsequent coherent optical multi-photon transfer into the rovibronic ground state. In ultracold samples of Cs_2 molecules, we observe two-photon dark resonances that connect the intermediate rovibrational level |v=73,J=2> with the rovibrational ground state |v=0,J=0> of the singlet X1Σg+X^1\Sigma_g^+ ground state potential. For precise dark resonance spectroscopy we exploit the fact that it is possible to efficiently populate the level |v=73,J=2> by two-photon transfer from the dissociation threshold with the stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) technique. We find that at least one of the two-photon resonances is sufficiently strong to allow future implementation of coherent STIRAP transfer of a molecular quantum gas to the rovibrational ground state |v=0,J=0>.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Bound Chains of Tilted Dipoles in Layered Systems

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    Ultracold polar molecules in multilayered systems have been experimentally realized very recently. While experiments study these systems almost exclusively through their chemical reactivity, the outlook for creating and manipulating exotic few- and many-body physics in dipolar systems is fascinating. Here we concentrate on few-body states in a multilayered setup. We exploit the geometry of the interlayer potential to calculate the two- and three-body chains with one molecule in each layer. The focus is on dipoles that are aligned at some angle with respect to the layer planes by means of an external eletric field. The binding energy and the spatial structure of the bound states are studied in several different ways using analytical approaches. The results are compared to stochastic variational calculations and very good agreement is found. We conclude that approximations based on harmonic oscillator potentials are accurate even for tilted dipoles when the geometry of the potential landscape is taken into account.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to Few-body Systems special issue on Critical Stability, revised versio

    Observation of coherent many-body Rabi oscillations

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    A two-level quantum system coherently driven by a resonant electromagnetic field oscillates sinusoidally between the two levels at frequency Ω\Omega which is proportional to the field amplitude [1]. This phenomenon, known as the Rabi oscillation, has been at the heart of atomic, molecular and optical physics since the seminal work of its namesake and coauthors [2]. Notably, Rabi oscillations in isolated single atoms or dilute gases form the basis for metrological applications such as atomic clocks and precision measurements of physical constants [3]. Both inhomogeneous distribution of coupling strength to the field and interactions between individual atoms reduce the visibility of the oscillation and may even suppress it completely. A remarkable transformation takes place in the limit where only a single excitation can be present in the sample due to either initial conditions or atomic interactions: there arises a collective, many-body Rabi oscillation at a frequency N0.5ΩN^0.5\Omega involving all N >> 1 atoms in the sample [4]. This is true even for inhomogeneous atom-field coupling distributions, where single-atom Rabi oscillations may be invisible. When one of the two levels is a strongly interacting Rydberg level, many-body Rabi oscillations emerge as a consequence of the Rydberg excitation blockade. Lukin and coauthors outlined an approach to quantum information processing based on this effect [5]. Here we report initial observations of coherent many-body Rabi oscillations between the ground level and a Rydberg level using several hundred cold rubidium atoms. The strongly pronounced oscillations indicate a nearly complete excitation blockade of the entire mesoscopic ensemble by a single excited atom. The results pave the way towards quantum computation and simulation using ensembles of atoms