10 research outputs found

    Performance Exploration of Uncertain RF MEMS Switch Design with Uniform Meanders

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    The design of RF-MEMS Switch is useful for future artificial intelligence applications. Radio detection and range estimation has been employed with RF MEMS technology. Attenuators, limiters, phase shifters, T/R switches, and adjustable matching networks are components of RF MEMS. The proposed RF MEMS technology has been introduced in T/R modules, lenses, reflect arrays, sub arrays and switching beam formers. The uncertain RF MEMS switches have been faced many issues like switching and voltage alterations. This study aims in the direction of design, simulation, model along with RF MEMS switching analysis including consistent curving or meandering. The proposed RF MEMS Switch is a flexure form of the Meanders that attain minimal power in nominal voltage. Moreover, this research work highlights the materials assortment in case of beam along with signal-based dielectric. The performance analysis is demonstrated for various materials that have been utilized in the design purpose. Further, better isolation is accomplished at the range of -31dB necessary regarding 8.06V pull-in voltage through a spring constant valued at 3.588N/m, switching capacitance analysis has been found to be 103 fF at ON state and 7.03pF at OFF state and the proposed switch is optimized to work at 38GHz. The designed RF MEMS switch is giving 30% voltage improvement; switching frequency is improved by 21.32% had been attained, which are outperformance the methodology and compete with present technology

    Radar Reflectivity of Micro Rain Radar (MRR2) At 16.44180N, 80.620E of India

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    To improve accurate standards of Radar Reflectivity Z, Rainfall Rates RR, and even to monitor small size precipitation particles Z-R relation is derived in this work with the help of Micro Rain Radar. Formerly, taking rain/precipitation data from ground-based rain gauges (Cylindrical, Optical, Weighing, Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges, Disdrometers, etc.,) currently, in this work using METEK MRR (Micro Rain Radar) of Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave System which reads the vertical structure of precipitation particles and hence named as vertical profile radar which operates at 24.2 GHz and height up to 6000m/6kms with an increment step size of 200m respectively to monitor the frozen hydrometeors. It is installed at (16.440 N, 80.620 E) K L University, 29 meters above the sea level (ASL) in CARE LAB. To know the Radar Reflectivity of precipitation, it is observing the amount of power received to the radar receiver after hitting the precipitation particles with respect to the transmitted power of the radar. This proposed work considered distinctive rain conditions at different heights ASL ranging from 200m 1200m 2200m, and derived Z-R relations respectively

    Radar Reflectivity of Micro Rain Radar (MRR2) At 16.44180N, 80.620E of India

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    To improve accurate standards of Radar Reflectivity Z, Rainfall Rates RR, and even to monitor small size precipitation particles Z-R relation is derived in this work with the help of Micro Rain Radar. Formerly, taking rain/precipitation data from ground-based rain gauges (Cylindrical, Optical, Weighing, Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges, Disdrometers, etc.,) currently, in this work using METEK MRR (Micro Rain Radar) of Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave System which reads the vertical structure of precipitation particles and hence named as vertical profile radar which operates at 24.2 GHz and height up to 6000m/6kms with an increment step size of 200m respectively to monitor the frozen hydrometeors. It is installed at (16.440 N, 80.620 E) K L University, 29 meters above the sea level (ASL) in CARE LAB. To know the Radar Reflectivity of precipitation, it is observing the amount of power received to the radar receiver after hitting the precipitation particles with respect to the transmitted power of the radar. This proposed work considered distinctive rain conditions at different heights ASL ranging from 200m 1200m 2200m, and derived Z-R relations respectively

    Managing The Tomato Leaf Disease Detection Accuracy Using Computer Vision Based Deep Neural Network

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    Development of leaf disease in the agricultural sector would decrease crop yield output. Thus, leaf disease identification can be achieved in an automatic way to increase the yield in the agriculture sector. However, most of the disease recognition system works with poor disease recognition due to varying patterns of leaf disease which impair detection accuracy. In this article, we are managing this issue by designing a computer vision model that assists in building a system that involves real-time image detection, feature extraction and image classification. The findings are given by the classifier, whether the leaf is diseased or not. In this paper we use Deep Neural Network (DNN) for real-time image classification. The experimental findings on tomato plant indicate that classification rates have increased with the proposed system relative to other current methods

    A simple randomized comparative study to evaluate the efficacy of 0.7% w/v Olopatadine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution and the Fixed Dose Combination of 0.1% w/v Olopatadine hydrochloride and 0.4% w/v Ketorolac tromethamine ophthalmic solution for the

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    Conjunctivitis is defined as the inflammation of the conjunctiva. Allergic conjunctivitis is an acute, intermittent or chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva due to air borne allergens. Allergic reactions occur when the immune system is hypersensitive to normally harmless environmental substances, called allergens. Allergic conjunctivitis is an increasingly prevalent allergic reaction and currently 40% of global population is suffering from allergic conjunctivitis. Being an immunopathological disease, Conjunctival mast cell degranulation plays a major role in ocular allergic disease and so treatment options should be concentrated on preventing degranulation or of antagonizing the effects of the primary mediator, histamine. Commonly used medications are: Topical OTC antihistamines (eg, ketotifen) , topical prescription antihistamines (eg, olopatadine, bepotastine, alcaftadine), NSAIDs (eg, ketorolac), or mast cell stabilizers (eg, nedocromil, cromolyn, azelastine) and can be used separately or in combination. In our study, the safety profile of Olopatadine 0.7% is comparable with fixed dose combination of Olopatadine 0.1% and ketorolac tromethamine 0.4% by assessing the reduction in the severity of four parameters (ocular itching, conjunctival hyperemia, chemosis and tearing) of allergic conjunctivitis over 14 days of daily treatment. Ours is a Prospective case observational study conducted from August 2018-January 2019. A total of 80 patients were screened from the ophthalmology outpatient department. All the subjects who fulfilled eligibility criteria were randomly assigned in equal proportions into two arms i.e, group-1(patients receiving 0.7% olopatidine Hcl eye drops) & group-2( patients receiving 0.1% olopatidine Hcl+ 0.4% ketorolac tromethamine eye drops.). It was observed that there was a significant difference in the percentage reduction of all the four parameters in the group 1 (i.e; patients treated with monotherapy) than the group 2 (i.e; patients treated with combination therapy). From this we concluded that monotherapy of 0.7% Olopatadine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution was found to be more effective in  reducing the clinical signs and symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis than dual combination therapy of 0.1% Olopatadine  hydrochloride + 0.4% Ketorolac tromethamine ophthalmic solution. &nbsp