132 research outputs found

    X-ray structure of gelonin and gelonin-AMP complex

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    Meningitic Escherichia coli K1 Penetration and Neutrophil Transmigration Across the Blood–Brain Barrier are Modulated by Alpha7 Nicotinic Receptor

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    Alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), an essential regulator of inflammation, is abundantly expressed in hippocampal neurons, which are vulnerable to bacterial meningitis. However, it is unknown whether α7 nAChR contributes to the regulation of these events. In this report, an aggravating role of α7 nAChR in host defense against meningitic E. coli infection was demonstrated by using α7-deficient (α7-/-) mouse brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMEC) and animal model systems. As shown in our in vitro and in vivo studies, E. coli K1 invasion and polymorphonuclear neutrophil (PMN) transmigration across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) were significantly reduced in α7-/- BMEC and α7-/- mice. Stimulation by nicotine was abolished in the α7-/- cells and animals. The same blocking effect was achieved by methyllycaconitine (α7 antagonist). The tight junction molecules occludin and ZO-1 were significantly reduced in the brain cortex of wildtype mice infected with E. coli and treated with nicotine, compared to α7-/- cells and animals. Decreased neuronal injury in the hippocampal dentate gyrus was observed in α7-/- mice with meningitis. Proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, TNFα, MCP-1, MIP-1alpha, and RANTES) and adhesion molecules (CD44 and ICAM-1) were significantly reduced in the cerebrospinal fluids of the α7-/- mice with E. coli meningitis. Furthermore, α7 nAChR is the major calcium channel for nicotine- and E. coli K1-increased intracellular calcium concentrations of mouse BMEC. Taken together, our data suggest that α7 nAChR plays a detrimental role in the host defense against meningitic infection by modulation of pathogen invasion, PMN recruitment, calcium signaling and neuronal inflammation

    Application of the PM6 semi-empirical method to modeling proteins enhances docking accuracy of AutoDock

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Molecular docking methods are commonly used for predicting binding modes and energies of ligands to proteins. For accurate complex geometry and binding energy estimation, an appropriate method for calculating partial charges is essential. AutoDockTools software, the interface for preparing input files for one of the most widely used docking programs AutoDock 4, utilizes the Gasteiger partial charge calculation method for both protein and ligand charge calculation. However, it has already been shown that more accurate partial charge calculation - and as a consequence, more accurate docking- can be achieved by using quantum chemical methods. For docking calculations quantum chemical partial charge calculation as a routine was only used for ligands so far. The newly developed Mozyme function of MOPAC2009 allows fast partial charge calculation of proteins by quantum mechanical semi-empirical methods. Thus, in the current study, the effect of semi-empirical quantum-mechanical partial charge calculation on docking accuracy could be investigated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The docking accuracy of AutoDock 4 using the original AutoDock scoring function was investigated on a set of 53 protein ligand complexes using Gasteiger and PM6 partial charge calculation methods. This has enabled us to compare the effect of the partial charge calculation method on docking accuracy utilizing AutoDock 4 software. Our results showed that the docking accuracy in regard to complex geometry (docking result defined as accurate when the RMSD of the first rank docking result complex is within 2 Å of the experimentally determined X-ray structure) significantly increased when partial charges of the ligands and proteins were calculated with the semi-empirical PM6 method.</p> <p>Out of the 53 complexes analyzed in the course of our study, the geometry of 42 complexes were accurately calculated using PM6 partial charges, while the use of Gasteiger charges resulted in only 28 accurate geometries. The binding affinity estimation was not influenced by the partial charge calculation method - for more accurate binding affinity prediction development of a new scoring function for AutoDock is needed.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results demonstrate that the accuracy of determination of complex geometry using AutoDock 4 for docking calculation greatly increases with the use of quantum chemical partial charge calculation on both the ligands and proteins.</p

    Backbone dynamics of free barnase and its complex with barstar determined by <SUP>15</SUP>N NMR relaxation study

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    Backbone dynamics of uniformly 15N-labeled free barnase and its complex with unlabelled barstar have been studied at 40&#176;C, pH 6.6, using 15N relaxation data obtained from proton-detected 2D {1H}-15N NMR spectroscopy. 15N spin-lattice relaxation rate constants (R1), spin-spin relaxation rate constants (R2), and steady-state heteronuclear {1H}-15N NOEs have been measured at a magnetic field strength of 14.1 Tesla for 91 residues of free barnase and for 90 residues out of a total of 106 in the complex (excluding three prolines and the N-terminal residue) backbone amide 15N sites of barnase. The primary relaxation data for both the cases have been analyzed in the framework of the model-free formalism using both isotropic and axially symmetric models of the rotational diffusion tensor. As per the latter, the overall rotational correlation times (m) are &#964;m 5.0 and 9.5 ns for the free and complexed barnase, respectively. The average order parameter is found to be 0.80 for free barnase and 0.86 for the complex. However, the changes are not uniform along the backbone and for about 5 residues near the binding interface there is actually a significant decrease in the order parameters on complex formation. These residues are not involved in the actual binding. For the residues where the order parameter increases, the magnitudes vary significantly. It is observed that the complex has much less internal mobility, compared to free barnase. From the changes in the order parameters, the entropic contribution of NH bond vector motion to the free energy of complex formation has been calculated. It is apparent that these motions cause significant unfavorable contributions and therefore must be compensated by many other favorable contributions to effect tight complex formation. The observed variations in the motion and their different locations with regard to the binding interface may have important implications for remote effects and regulation of the enzyme action

    Resonance assignment of the 500-MHz proton NMR spectrum of self-complementary dodecanucleotide d-GGATCCGGATCC: altered conformations at BamHI cleavage sites

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    Resonance assignments of nonexchangeable base and sugar protons of the self-complementary dodecanucleotide d-GGATCCGGATCC have been obtained by two-dimensional NMR methods and strategies derived from interproton distance calculations on different secondary structures of nucleic acids. Conformational details about the glycosidic dihedral angle and sugar pucker have been derived from the relative intensities of cross peaks in the two-dimensional J-correlated and nuclear Overhauser enhancement correlated spectra in D2O solution. It is observed that d-GGATCCGGATCC assumes a predominantly B-type conformation with sequence-dependent changes along the chain. The recognition site of BamHI shows a distinctly different geometrical environment. The sugar rings of G1 and G7 assume a C3'-endo geometry while the rest of the sugars possess C2'-endo geometry

    Site-directed mutagenesis of human carbonic anhydrase I: structure and function

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    NMR structure of a 2',5' RNA favors: a type duplex with compact C2'endo nucleotide repeat

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    In order to provide a structural basis for the unusual properties of 2',5' nucleic acids, especially their unsuitability as information molecules, we report here a high resolution NMR structure of a 2',5' RNA fragment r(GCCGCGGC). It forms an A type duplex with C2'endo compact nucleotide repeat, instead of the familiar C3'endo compact nucleotide (seen in RNA) supporting the deductions made earlier from stereochemical considerations. This data together with the observation that 2',5' nucleic acids require mandatory slide and displacement for duplex and triplex structure formation suggest their reluctance to form the biologically relevant B type duplex. It is argued that this lack of flexibility for helical polymorphism and other inadequacies as a consequence of this may be a contributing factor for the rejection of 2',5' links by nature. The structure exhibits interesting features such as the syn glycosyl conformation for the terminal guanine and a hydrogen bond between O3' hydroxyl and anionic oxygen of the phosphate

    Sequential resonance assignment of the 500-MHz nmr spectrum of d-(CG)<SUB>6</SUB> and its structure under low-salt conditions

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    Two-dimensional (2D) nmr methods (correlated spectroscopy, nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy, and relayed correlated spectroscopy) have been used to obtain resonance assignment of the nonexchangeable base and sugar protons of a double-helical DNA segment, d-(CG)6 in D2O solutions under conditions of low ionic strength. Detailed information about the glycosidic torsion angle, sugar geometry, stacking patterns of the bases, and the overall solution structure of the dodecanucleotide has been obtained from the relative intensities of cross-peaks in the 2D spectra. The molecule shows general features of B-DNA under the experimental conditions employed. However, in spite of the repeating base sequence, there are subtle and detectable variations in the structure along the double helix. The terminal residues show considerable conformational flexibility