879 research outputs found

    N=1 Supersymmetric Product Group Theories in the Coulomb Phase

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    We study the low-energy behavior of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories with product gauge groups SU(N)^M and M chiral superfields transforming in the fundamental representation of two of the SU(N) factors. These theories are in the Coulomb phase with an unbroken U(1)^(N-1) gauge group. For N >= 3, M >= 3 the theories are chiral. The low-energy gauge kinetic functions can be obtained from hyperelliptic curves which we derive by considering various limits of the theories. We present several consistency checks of the curves including confinement through the addition of mass perturbations and other limits.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, minor changes. Eqs. (20) and (42) correcte

    Supersymmetry Breaking, R-Symmetry Breaking and Metastable Vacua

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    Models of spontaneous supersymmetry breaking generically have an R-symmetry, which is problematic for obtaining gaugino masses and avoiding light R-axions. The situation is improved in models of metastable supersymmetry breaking, which generically have only an approximate R-symmetry. Based on this we argue, with mild assumptions, that metastable supersymmetry breaking is inevitable. We also illustrate various general issues regarding spontaneous and explicit R-symmetry breaking, using simple toy models of supersymmetry breaking.Comment: 23 page

    A Sequence of Duals for Sp(2N) Supersymmetric Gauge Theories with Adjoint Matter

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    We consider supersymmetric Sp(2N) gauge theories with F matter fields in the defining representation, one matter field in the adjoint representation, and no superpotential. We construct a sequence of dual descriptions of this theory using the dualities of Seiberg combined with the ``deconfinement'' method introduced by Berkooz. Our duals hint at a new non-perturbative phenomenon that seems to be taking place at asymptotically low energies in these theories: for small F some of the degrees of freedom form massless, non-interacting bound states while the theory remains in an interacting non-Abelian Coulomb phase. This phenomenon is the result of strong coupling gauge dynamics in the original description, but has a simple classical origin in the dual descriptions. The methods used for constructing these duals can be generalized to any model involving arbitrary 2-index tensor representations of Sp(2N), SO(N), or SU(N) groups.Comment: version (with additional references) to appear in Phys. Rev. D, 20 pages, LaTeX, one embedded eps figur

    More on Chiral-Nonchiral Dual Pairs

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    Expanding upon earlier work of Pouliot and Strassler, we construct chiral magnetic duals to nonchiral supersymmetric electric theories based upon SO(7), SO(8) and SO(9) gauge groups with various numbers of vector and spinor matter superfields. Anomalies are matched and gauge invariant operators are mapped within each dual pair. Renormalization group flows along flat directions are also examined. We find that confining phase quantum constraints in the electric theories are recovered from semiclassical equations of motion in their magnetic counterparts when the dual gauge groups are completely Higgsed.Comment: 25 pages, harvmac and tables macros, 1 figur

    Chirally Symmetric Phase of Supersymmetric Gluodynamics

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    We argue that supersymmetric gluodynamics (theory of gluons and gluinos) has a condensate-free phase. Unlike the standard phase, the discrete axial symmetry of the Lagrangian is unbroken in this phase, and the gluino condensate does not develop. Extra unconventional vacua are supersymmetric and are characterized by the presence of (bosonic and fermionic) massless bound states. A set of arguments in favor of the conjecture includes: (i) analysis of the effective Lagrangian of the Veneziano-Yankielowicz type which we amend to properly incorporate all symmetries of the model; (ii) consideration of an unsolved problem with the Witten index; (iii) interpretation of a mismatch between the strong-coupling and weak coupling instanton calculations of the gluino condensate detected previously. Impact on Seiberg's results is briefly discussed.Comment: Minor typos corrected; final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Color Superconductivity from Supersymmetry

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    A supersymmetric composite model of color superconductivity is proposed. Quarks and diquarks are dynamically generated as composite fields by a newly introduced strong gauge dynamics. It is shown that the condensation of the scalar component of the diquark supermultiplet occurs when the chemical potential becomes larger than some critical value. We believe that the model well captures aspects of the diquark condensate behavior and helps our understanding of the diquark dynamics in real QCD. The results obtained here might be useful when we consider a theory composed of quarks and diquarks.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, An error in Eq.(10) correcte

    On the Z_2 Monopole of Spin(10) Gauge Theories

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    An "expanded" description is introduced to examine the spinor-monopole identification proposed by Strassler for four-dimensional N\cal N = 1 supersymmetric Spin(10) gauge theories with matter in F vector and N spinor representations. It is shown that a Z_2 monopole in the "expanded" theory is associated with massive spinors of the Spin(10) theory. For N=2, two spinor case, we confirm this identification by matching the transformation properties of the two theories under SU(2) flavor symmetry. However, for N ≥\ge 3, the transformation properties are not matched between the spinors and the monopole. This disagreement might be due to the fact that the SU(N) flavor symmetry of the Spin(10) theory is partially realized as an SU(2) symmetry in the "expanded" theory.Comment: 16 pages, LaTex, no figur

    Renormalization Group Invariance of Exact Results in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    We clarify the notion of Wilsonian renormalization group (RG) invariance in supersymmetric gauge theories, which states that the low-energy physics can be kept fixed when one changes the ultraviolet cutoff, provided appropriate changes are made to the bare coupling constants in the Lagrangian. We first pose a puzzle on how a quantum modified constraint (such as Pf(Q^i Q^j) = \Lambda^{2(N+1)} in SP(N) theories with N+1 flavors) can be RG invariant, since the bare fields Q^i receive wave function renormalization when one changes the ultraviolet cutoff, while we naively regard the scale \Lambda as RG invariant. The resolution is that \Lambda is not RG invariant if one sticks to canonical normalization for the bare fields as is conventionally done in field theory. We derive a formula for how \Lambda must be changed when one changes the ultraviolet cutoff. We then compare our formula to known exact results and show that their consistency requires the change in \Lambda we have found. Finally, we apply our result to models of supersymmetry breaking due to quantum modified constraints. The RG invariance helps us to determine the effective potential along the classical flat directions found in these theories. In particular, the inverted hierarchy mechanism does not occur in the original version of these models.Comment: LaTeX, 26 page

    Nuclear Physics in a Susy Universe

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    We refine a previous zeroth order analysis of the nuclear properties of a supersymmetric (susy) universe with standard model particle content plus degenerate susy partners. No assumptions are made concerning the Higgs structure except we assume that the degenerate fermion/sfermion masses are non-zero. This alternate universe has been dubbed Susyria and it has been proposed that such a world may exist with zero vacuum energy in the string landscape.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    D-term Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking Generating Split N=2 Gaugino Masses of Mixed Majorana-Dirac Type

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    Under a few mild assumptions, N=1 supersymmetry in four dimensions is shown to be spontaneously broken in a self-consistent Hartree-Fock approximation of BCS/NJL type to one-loop off-shell, in the gauge theory specified by the gauge kinetic function and the superpotential of adjoint chiral superfields, in particular, that possesses N=2 extended supersymmetry spontaneously broken to N=1 at tree level. The N=2 gauginos receive mixed Majorana-Dirac masses and are split. We derive an explicit form of the gap equation, showing the existence of a nontrivial solution.Comment: 4 pages, the paper extended (a numerical plot of the solution to the gap equation, an estimate of the decay rate of the metastable vacuum, and discussion on nonvanishing term induced by the D term dynamical supersymmetry breaking diven), references adde
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