2,646 research outputs found

    Regge description of spin-spin asymmetry in photon diffractive dissociation

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    We explore the possibility whether the gluon helicity distribution ΔG(x)\Delta G(x) can be extracted from a comparison of experimental data on the longitudinal spin-spin asymmetry ALLA_{LL} in γp\gamma p diffractive deep inelastic scattering with calculations performed within the framework of perturbative QCD (pQCD). The data could be obtained at the future HERA collider in scattering of polarized electrons/positrons off polarized protons. In this paper we look for such kinematical regions where contributions to ALLA_{LL} from soft processes (reggeon exchanges) are suppressed to guarantee an applicability of pQCD. It is shown that for the square of the center-of-mass energy sγp≥103GeV2s_{\gamma p} \geq 10^3 GeV^2, the hadronic diffractive mass MX≤10GeV/c2M_X \leq 10 GeV/c^2, the momentum transferred to the proton ΔT≤0.5GeV/c\Delta_T\leq 0.5 GeV/c, and Q2≥4(GeV/c)2Q^2\geq4 (GeV/c)^2 the longitudinal spin-spin asymmetry due to reggeon exchanges is less than 10^{-4}. This value is presumably lower than the asymmetry which can be measured with modern experimental technique. This means that the pQCD prediction can be reliably compared with data in this kinematical region.Comment: 44 pages, LaTeX, 12 figure

    Casimir densities for a spherical boundary in de Sitter spacetime

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    Two-point functions, mean-squared fluctuations, and the vacuum expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor operator are investigated for a massive scalar field with an arbitrary curvature coupling parameter, subject to a spherical boundary in the background of de Sitter spacetime. The field is prepared in the Bunch-Davies vacuum state and is constrained to satisfy Robin boundary conditions on the sphere. Both the interior and exterior regions are considered. For the calculation in the interior region, a mode-summation method is employed, supplemented with a variant of the generalized Abel-Plana formula. This allows us to explicitly extract the contributions to the expectation values which come from de Sitter spacetime without boundaries. We show that the vacuum energy-momentum tensor is non-diagonal with the off-diagonal component corresponding to the energy flux along the radial direction. With dependence on the boundary condition and the mass of the field, this flux can be either positive or negative. Several limiting cases of interest are then studied. In terms of the curvature coupling parameter and the mass of the field, two very different regimes are realized, which exhibit monotonic and oscillatory behavior of the vacuum expectation values, respectively, far from the sphere. The decay of the boundary induced expectation values at large distances from the sphere is shown to be power-law (monotonic or oscillating), independent of the value of the field mass.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, new paragraph about generalizations, discussion and references added, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Pseudoclassical theories of Majorana, Weyl and Majorana--Weyl particles

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    A pseudoclassical theories of Majorana, Weyl and Majorana--Weyl particles in the space--time dimensions D=2nD=2n are constructed. The canonical quantization of these theories is carried out and as a result we obtain the quantum mechanical description of neutral particle in D=2nD=2n , Weyl particle in D=2nD=2n and neutral Weyl particle in D=4n+2D=4n+2. In D=2,4(mod8)D=2,4({\rm mod}8) dimensional space--time the description of the neutral particle coincides with the field theoretical description of the Majorana particle in the Foldy--Wouthuysen representation. In D=8k+2D=8k+2 dimensions the neutral Weyl particle coincides with the Majorana--Weyl particle in the Foldy--Wouthuysen representation.Comment: LATEX, 17 pages, no figure

    Synchrotron radiation from a charge moving along a helical orbit inside a dielectric cylinder

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    The radiation emitted by a charged particle moving along a helical orbit inside a dielectric cylinder immersed into a homogeneous medium is investigated. Expressions are derived for the electromagnetic potentials, electric and magnetic fields, and for the spectral-angular distribution of radiation in the exterior medium. It is shown that under the Cherenkov condition for dielectric permittivity of the cylinder and the velocity of the particle image on the cylinder surface, strong narrow peaks are present in the angular distribution for the number of radiated quanta. At these peaks the radiated energy exceeds the corresponding quantity for a homogeneous medium by some orders of magnitude. The results of numerical calculations for the angular distribution of radiated quanta are presented and they are compared with the corresponding quantities for radiation in a homogeneous medium. The special case of relativistic charged particle motion along the direction of the cylinder axis with non-relativistic transverse velocity (helical undulator) is considered in detail. Various regimes for the undulator parameter are discussed. It is shown that the presence of the cylinder can increase essentially the radiation intensity.Comment: 18 pages, 8 EPS figure

    Whightman function and scalar Casimir densities for a wedge with a cylindrical boundary

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    Whightman function, vacuum expectation values of the field square, and the energy-momentum tensor are investigated for a scalar field inside a wedge with and without a coaxial cylindrical boundary. Dirichlet boundary conditions are assumed on the bounding surfaces. The vacuum energy-momentum tensor is evaluated in the general case of the curvature coupling parameter. Making use of a variant of the generalized Abel-Plana formula, expectation values are presented as the sum of two terms. The first one corresponds to the geometry without a cylindrical boundary and the second one is induced by the presence of this boundary. The asymptotic behaviour of the field square, vacuum energy density and stresses near the boundaries are investigated. The additional vacuum forces acting on the wedge sides due the presence of the cylindrical boundary are evaluated and it is shown that these forces are attractive. As a limiting case, the geometry of two parallel plates perpendicularly intersected by a third one is analyzed.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, new section is added on the VEVs for the region outside the cylidrical shell, discussion and references added, accepted for publication in J. Phys.
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