433 research outputs found

    Causes of Corruption in Russia: A Disaggregated Analysis

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    This paper examines determinants of corruption across Russian regions. Key contributions include: (i) a formal study of economic corruption determinants across Russian regions; (ii) comparisons of determinants of perceived corruption versus those of actual corruption; and (iii) studying the influence of market competition and other factors on corruption. The results show that economic prosperity, population, market competition and urbanization are significant determinants of Russian corruption. The use of alternative corruption measures reveals that economic prosperity and population have a largely similar impact on corruption perceptions and corruption incidence. However, there are significant differences in the effects of competition and urbanization.corruption perceptions; corruption incidence; Russia; government; competition

    Causes of Corruption in Russia: A Disaggregated Analysis

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    This paper examines determinants of corruption across Russian regions. Key contributions include: (i) a formal study of economic corruption determinants across Russian regions; (ii) comparisons of determinants of perceived corruption versus those of actual corruption; and (iii) studying the influence of market competition and other factors on corruption. The results show that economic prosperity, population, market competition and urbanization are significant determinants of Russian corruption. The use of alternative corruption measures reveals that economic prosperity and population have a largely similar impact on corruption perceptions and corruption incidence. However, there are significant differences in the effects of competition and urbanization.corruption perceptions, corruption incidence, Russia, government, competition

    Improving the Teaching of Foreign Languages through Comparative Analysis of Images in Proverbs and Sayings

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    Introduction. The paper considers the teaching methodology aiding to improve the foreign language acquisition at a technical non-linguistic university by introducing a system of language skills building exercises such as analysis and comparison of images contained in English and Russian proverbs and sayings. The authors consider these techniques as learning and developmental tools. The aim of the study is to describe the above didactic techniques. Relevant research is few. The available practical methodological results are non-systematized. Materials and Methods. The information about the approaches was drawn on 63 sources and generalized. In the linguistic part the authors used the semantic analysis of images, the method of comparison; in the psycho-pedagogical part – the method of psychological-pedagogical experiment. The approbation of techniques was implemented at National Research Irkutsk Technical University in 2017–2018. The objects of the study were represented by 4 groups of first year students (2 experimental and 2 control groups). Results. Firstly, analysis and comparison of semantic images of English and Russian versions of proverbs and sayings helps students of non-linguistic universities to develop their speaking skills. Secondly, the integrative approach develops skills for selecting figurative analogues and contributes to the intelligent use of proverbs and sayings in oral speech. The empirical study proved the adequacy of the authors’ approach. This is a new insight into the problem of potentiality of idioms in the development of foreign language speaking abilities. Discussion and Conclusion. The study conducted with participation of university students works towards improvement of teaching methodology essential for teaching foreign languages based on the psychological- deductive approach. The approach may be applied in teaching students of linguistic universities and schoolchildren. This paper addresses foreign language teaching staff concerned with getting familiar with advanced methodologies

    Features of personal profile in MMPI males with experience of primary samples of psychoactive substances

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    Background. The increase in drug use in the population of Russia and representatives of the youth in particular is a vital issue that is controlled and monitored by the federal state. The rapid rise in drug use in young citizens requires a systematic analysis of the causes, study of criteria and assessment of predisposition for drug use, and also the development of programs to prevent drug addiction in adolescents. Objective. Determination of the psychological predisposition of young men to psychoactive substances using the personality profile of the Multidisciplinary Method of Personality Inventory (MMPI). Research Progress. The research was conducted between 2008 and 2010 on the basis of secondary comprehensive schools, cadet corps, secondary professional educational institutions and universities in Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region, Russia. The sample included 338 males from 15-16 to 22-23 years old, whose average age is 17-18 years. The evaluation of information reported by applicants on the fact of presence / absence of psychoactive substance samples was made based on the results of the psychophysiological test using a polygraph.Research Results. The results of the MMPI test were statistically analyzed according to the nonparametric MannWhitney test, and to a single-factor analysis of variance. The research results show that the scores of the F-scale in the MMPI profile of young males who used psychoactive substances reveal a statistically significant increase (p = 0.008), compared to those who did not use psychoactive substances. The single-factor analysis of the F- MMPI scale did not show a statistically significant difference (p = 0.128). Conclusion. The paper proposes to consider an increase in the F-scale in the MMPI profile as an indicator of individual predisposition to use psychoactive substances, but not to consider an increase in its indices as a cause that affects primary psychoactive substances in adolescence. The results obtained can be used by practical and clinical psychologists when working with adolescents and youths

    Study of nodulation and nitrogen fixation in two cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] cultivars inoculated with different strains of Bradyrhizobium sp.

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    Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) is a vegetable legume with promise for agricultural production in Russia. The impact of inoculation with three strains of Bradyrhizobium sp. from the All Russian Institute of Agricultural Microbiology (St. Petersburg) on nodulation and nitrogen fixation on two cowpea cultivars, Sibirskiy razmer and Yunnanskaya, has been explored All the strains used made both cultivars produce nitrogen fixing nodules. Differences between the varieties in the ability to form nodules and fix nitrogen following exposure to the different strains have been identified. High variation of the nodulation ability of both cultivars has been observed: at the beginning of flowering, the number of nodules per plant was 4–47 in Sibirskiy razmer and 17–117 in Yunnanskaya. Uninoculated vigna roots used as the control did not form nodules. At the beginning of flowering (48 days after inoculation) Sibirskiy razmer plants inoculated with strain 164 0503 (03) had the highest nodule weight per plant (0.79 g) and N2 fixation rates (5155.3 nmol С2H4/plant/h). The corresponding measures in Yunnanskaya were 1.41 g and 5255.5 nmol С2H4/plant/h following exposure to strain 162 0501 (01) and 4673.0 nmol С2H4/plant/h following exposure to strain (03). Analysis showed a correlation between nitrogen fixation rate and nodule weight (pcs./plant), r = 0.78 (p > 0.95). Data obtained suggest that effective symbioses are achieved between Sibirskiy razmer and strain 03 as well as between Yunnanskaya and strain 01

    Current status of the temperature and humidity regime of the troposphere in the Siberian sector in different circulation periods

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    The paper studies the long-term dynamics of air temperature and relative humidity anomaly indices in the surface layer and at different levels of the troposphere in Siberia and neighboring regions (European and Far Eastern sectors). As the main cause of the observed variations in climatic parameters we considered circulation factors, which were taken into account using the typification of macrocirculation processes proposed by B.L. Dzerdzeevsky. Seasonal differences were revealed in the distribution of anomaly indices and the area occupied by anomalies of different signs of annual and monthly mean temperature and relative air humidity, which are most pronounced during circulation periods of increased duration of meridional northern processes in the Siberian sector and in the Northern Hemisphere as a whole. The highest rates of change in the temperature regime in the Siberian sector over recent decades have been observed at the level of the isobaric surface AT–700 hPa (3 km), which affects the advective-dynamic factors of surface cyclo- and frontogenesis, as well as the processes of cloud formation and precipitation. In general, an increase in the heat content of the lower and middle troposphere and a decrease in the relative moisture content near the tropopause can be accompanied by an increase in the amount of the potential energy and convective instability energy reserves and can lead to an increase in climate risks in the Siberian sector

    The nature of the legal impact and its role in the formation and institutionalization of national interests in the state from psychological perspective

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    This article is devoted to the analysis of the nature of legal influence and its role in the formation and institutionalization of national interests in the state. It is established that the national interests of various states are diverse and, moreover, often do not have common points of contact, however, to a large extent, their formation and further institutionalization occurs under the influence of law and other socio-legal norms and value

    Blood saving possibilities in delivering patients with placenta increta

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    According to the results of systematic reviews of WHO, maternal mortality associated with massive bleeding almost reached 30% and has no tendency to decrease. Among the causes of massive obstetric hemorrhage, the most challenging ones are uterine hypotension and morbidity adherence placenta. Most severe complication for placentation is placenta increta in the uterine wall. Over the past 50 years, the number of cases with morbidity adherence placenta has increased tenfold. By all indications, this pathology has taken on the character of an epidemic and is one of the main causes for massive blood loss and blood transfusion, as well as peripartum hysterectomy. For surgical hemostasis in this pathology we apply X-ray vascular methods (temporary balloon occlusion of large vessels, vascular embolization), ligation of the iliac, uterine, ovarian arteries, various versions of distal hemostasis, including the use of uterine turnstiles, intrauterine and vaginal cylinders, compression sutures. However, data confirming the advantage of any specified methods are not enough. The risk of massive bleeding is high while using any of these methods. The article analyzes the blood saving methods existing at the present stage and possibility of these methods usage in obstetrics. Besides, we describe efficacy and safety of their use in massive blood loss, including the surgical treatment of morbidity adherence placenta

    Выбор анестезиологического пособия при органосохраняющих операциях по поводу врастания плаценты

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    Abstract Placenta accreta (PAS-disorders) is one of the most serious complications of pregnancy, associated with the risk of massive uterine bleeding, massive hemotransfusion and maternal mortality. Peripartum hysterectomy is a common treatment strategy for patients with placenta accreta. Currently, there is a clear trend of changing surgical tactics in favor of organ-saving operations, but there are no studies devoted to anesthesiological support of such operations.The aim of the study is to substantiate an effective and safe method of anaesthesia in organ-saving operations for placenta accreta spectrum disorders.Materia l and methods The study involved 80 patients with a diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum disorders, confirmed intraoperatively, who underwent organ-saving operations. The patients were randomized depending on the method of anesthesia into 3 groups: general anesthesia, spinal anesthesia with planned conversion to general after fetal extraction and epidural anesthesia with planned conversion to general also after fetal extraction. The comparison of intraoperative hemodynamics, efficiency of tissue perfusion, efficiency of antinociceptive protection at the stages of surgery was performed. A comparative analysis of the volume of blood loss and blood transfusion, time of patients activation in the postoperative period, severity of pain on the first day after surgery, duration of hospital stay before discharge and comparison of the assessment of the newborn according to Apgar score at first and fifth minute after extraction.Conclusion The study shows that the optimal method of anesthesia in organ-saving operations for placenta accreta spectrum disorders is epidural anesthesia with its planned conversion to general anesthesia with an artificial lung ventilation after fetal extraction. Such an approach to anesthesia allows to maintain stable hemodynamic profile with minimal vasopressor support, sufficient heart performance, providing effective tissue perfusion and a high level of antinociceptive protection at the intraoperative stage and reduce the volume of intraoperative blood loss and hemotransfusion. In the current study there were no differences in neonatal outcomes and duration of hospitalization depending on the method of anesthesia. The advantage of epidural anesthesia with its conversion to general anesthesia was earlier activation after surgery and lower intensity of postoperative pain syndrome.Резюме Врастание плаценты (placenta accreta, PAS-disorders) - одно из наиболее серьезных осложнений беременности, сопряженное с риском массивного маточного кровотечения, массивной гемотрансфузии и материнской смертности. Общепринятой стратегией лечения пациенток с врастанием плаценты является перипартальная гистерэктомия. В настоящее время отмечается отчетливая тенденция изменения хирургической тактики в пользу органосохраняющих операций, но исследований, посвященных анестезиологическому обеспечению таких операций, нет.Цель исследования Обоснование эффективного и безопасного способа анестезиологического пособия при органосохраняющих операциях по поводу врастания плаценты.Материал и методы В исследовании приняли участие 80 пациенток с диагнозом врастания плаценты, который был подтвержден интраоперационно. Всем пациенткам выполнены органосохраняющие операции. В зависимости от способа анестезиологического пособия были сформированы три группы: общей анестезии, субарахноидальной анестезии с плановой конверсией в общую после извлечения плода и эпидуральной анестезии с плановым переходом в общую также после извлечения плода. Выполнено сравнение интраоперационной гемодинамики, показателей эффективности тканевой перфузии, эффективности антиноцицептивной защиты на этапах операции. Проведен сравнительный анализ объемов кровопотери и гемотрансфузии, времени активизации пациенток в послеоперационном периоде, оценки выраженности болевого синдрома в 1-е сутки после операции, длительности пребывания в стационаре до выписки и сравнение оценки новорожденных по шкале Апгар на 1-й и 5-й минутах после извлечения.Зак лючение В исследовании показано, что оптимальным способом анестезиологического пособия при органосохраняющих операциях по поводу врастания плаценты является эпидуральная анестезия с ее плановой конверсией в общую анестезию с искусственной вентиляцией легких после извлечения плода. Подобный подход к анестезии позволяет поддерживать стабильность гемодинамического профиля и минимизировать вазопрессорную поддержку, сохранить достаточную производительность сердца и перфузию тканей. Антиноцицептивный эффект сочетания эпидуральной и общей анестезии был выше как на интраоперационном этапе, так и в послеоперационном периоде. Преимуществом эпидуральной анестезии с ее переходом в общую явилось снижение объемов интраоперационной кровопотери и гемотрансфузии. В проведенном исследовании не выявлено различий в неонатальных исходах и сроках госпитализации в стационаре в зависимости от способа анестезиологического пособия