2 research outputs found

    Overview of the IPARD Program Funds Usage in the Republic of Croatia

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    The Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance – IPA was offered as an aid to the Republic of Croatia for implementation of required reforms within its preparation for full membership in the European Union. The assistance is aimed to support the set-up of a system for efficient management of European Union funds. The IPA program was established by the EU Council Regulation no. 1085/2006, which defines general principles and assistance framework. Detailed provisions are defined in the Regulation no. 718/2007, made up of five components: IPA-TAIB, IPA-CBC, IPA-RD, IPA-HRD and IPARD. Financial framework of the Program is determined by the Multiannual Financial Framework of the European Commission - MFF for each participating country in the IPA components. The main objective of the IPARD program is to improve the agricultural sector and its market efficiency according to the EU standards, to implement preparatory activities for incorporation of agricultural and environmental measures and the LEADER, as well as to develop rural economy. The IPARD program in the Republic of Croatia is carried out through the Measure 101 “Investments in agricultural holdings to restructure and upgrade to the EU standards”, Measure 103 “Investments in processing and marketing of agriculture and fishery products to restructure and upgrade to the EU standards”, Measure 301 “Improvement and development of rural infrastructure”, Measure 302 “Development and diversification of rural economic activities” and Measure 202 “Preparation and implementation of local rural development strategies”. The objective of presented paper is to overview the usage of IPARD funds in the Republic of Croatia in the period 2010-2013


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    Abstract CRNCAN, A., J. KRISTIC and K. ZMAIC, 2014. Impact of eu regulations on investments in Croatian table egg production and its competitiveness. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., Table egg production in Croatia is in the process of adjustment to eu standards. Direct questionnaire was aimed to determine the level of compliance of table egg production with the Council Directive 1999/74/EC, as well as to define future developments. Obtained results indicated that 85% of producers fulfilled all requirements, while 15% of producers still have not complied with regulative. Out of 85% producers that comply with eu legislative, 71% of them invested in enriched cages, which usage is already prohibited in some eu countries. Only 33% of producers used IPARD grants to invest in production facilities. This paper presents an overview of experiences of some eu countries related to implementation of regulatives and main characteristics of Croatian table egg production. Analyses are presented about costs in table egg production, egg market prices and implemented new technologies as key factors of egg production competitiveness. Based on analyzed factors, high production costs are affecting increased market price of eggs produced in Croatia, which has negative impacts on production efficiency and existence of Croatian table egg producers. In order to overcome all above stated issues, producers shall implement new technology, reduce production costs, focus on product properties that potential buyers will recognize and position themselves to meet consumers' needs