601 research outputs found

    Topological engineering of interfacial optical Tamm states for highly-sensitive near-singular-phase optical detection

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    We developed planar multilayered photonic-plasmonic structures, which support topologically protected optical states on the interface between metal and dielectric materials, known as optical Tamm states. Coupling of incident light to the Tamm states can result in perfect absorption within one of several narrow frequency bands, which is accompanied by a singular behavior of the phase of electromagnetic field. In the case of near-perfect absorptance, very fast local variation of the phase can still be engineered. In this work, we theoretically and experimentally demonstrate how these drastic phase changes can improve sensitivity of optical sensors. A planar Tamm absorber was fabricated and used to demonstrate remote near-singular-phase temperature sensing with an over an order of magnitude improvement in sensor sensitivity and over two orders of magnitude improvement in the figure of merit over the standard approach of measuring shifts of resonant features in the reflectance spectra of the same absorber. Our experimentally demonstrated phase-to-amplitude detection sensitivity improvement nearly doubles that of state-of-the-art nano-patterned plasmonic singular-phase detectors, with further improvements possible via more precise fabrication. Tamm perfect absorbers form the basis for robust planar sensing platforms with tunable spectral characteristics, which do not rely on low-throughput nano-patterning techniques.Comment: 31 pages; 6 main text figures and 10 supplementary figure

    From QFT to DCC

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    A quantum field theoretical model for the dynamics of the disoriented chiral condensate is presented. A unified approach to relate the quantum field theory directly to the formation, decay and signals of the DCC and its evolution is taken. We use a background field analysis of the O(4) sigma model keeping one-loop quantum corrections (quadratic order in the fluctuations). An evolution of the quantum fluctuations in an external, expanding metric which simulates the expansion of the plasma, is carried out. We examine, in detail, the amplification of the low momentum pion modes with two competing effects, the expansion rate of the plasma and the transition rate of the vacuum configuration from a metastable state into a stable state.We show the effect of DCC formation on the multiplicity distributions and the Bose-Einstein correlations.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figure

    Topological Darkness of Tamm Plasmons for High-Sensitivity Singular-Phase Optical Detection

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    Multilayered photonic-plasmonic structures exhibit topologically protected zero reflection if they are designed to support Tamm plasmon modes. Sharp phase changes associated with the Tamm mode excitation dramatically improve sensitivity of detectors

    Losses in plasmonics: from mitigating energy dissipation to embracing loss-enabled functionalities

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    Unlike conventional optics, plasmonics enables unrivalled concentration of optical energy well beyond the diffraction limit of light. However, a significant part of this energy is dissipated as heat. Plasmonic losses present a major hurdle in the development of plasmonic devices and circuits that can compete with other mature technologies. Until recently, they have largely kept the use of plasmonics to a few niche areas where loss is not a key factor, such as surface enhanced Raman scattering and biochemical sensing. Here, we discuss the origin of plasmonic losses and various approaches to either minimize or mitigate them based on understanding of fundamental processes underlying surface plasmon modes excitation and decay. Along with the ongoing effort to find and synthesize better plasmonic materials, optical designs that modify the optical powerflow through plasmonic nanostructures can help in reducing both radiative damping and dissipative losses of surface plasmons. Another strategy relies on the development of hybrid photonic-plasmonic devices by coupling plasmonic nanostructures to resonant optical elements. Hybrid integration not only helps to reduce dissipative losses and radiative damping of surface plasmons, but also makes possible passive radiative cooling of nano-devices. Finally, we review emerging applications of thermoplasmonics that leverage Ohmic losses to achieve new enhanced functionalities. The most successful commercialized example of a loss-enabled novel application of plasmonics is heat-assisted magnetic recording. Other promising technological directions include thermal emission manipulation, cancer therapy, nanofabrication, nano-manipulation, plasmon-enabled material spectroscopy and thermo-catalysis, and solar water treatment.Comment: 43 pages, 18 figure

    Mass Spectra of Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories in 1+1 Dimensions

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    Physical mass spectra of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories in 1+1 dimensions are evaluated in the light-cone gauge with a compact spatial dimension. The supercharges are constructed and the infrared regularization is unambiguously prescribed for supercharges, instead of the light-cone Hamiltonian. This provides a manifestly supersymmetric infrared regularization for the discretized light-cone approach. By an exact diagonalization of the supercharge matrix between up to several hundred color singlet bound states, we find a rapidly increasing density of states as mass increases.Comment: LaTeX file, 32 page, 7 eps figure

    Disentangling Cooper-pair formation above Tc from the pseudogap state in the cuprates

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    The discovery of the pseudogap in the cuprates created significant excitement amongst physicists as it was believed to be a signature of pairing, in some cases well above the room temperature. In this "pre-formed pairs" scenario, the formation of pairs without quantum phase rigidity occurs below T*. These pairs condense and develop phase coherence only below Tc. In contrast, several recent experiments reported that the pseudogap and superconducting states are characterized by two different energy scales, pointing to a scenario, where the two compete. However a number of transport, magnetic, thermodynamic and tunneling spectroscopy experiments consistently detect a signature of phase-fluctuating superconductivity above leaving open the question of whether the pseudogap is caused by pair formation or not. Here we report the discovery of a spectroscopic signature of pair formation and demonstrate that in a region of the phase diagram commonly referred to as the "pseudogap", two distinct states coexist: one that persists to an intermediate temperature Tpair and a second that extends up to T*. The first state is characterized by a doping independent scaling behavior and is due to pairing above Tc, but significantly below T*. The second state is the "proper" pseudogap - characterized by a "checker board" pattern in STM images, the absence of pair formation, and is likely linked to Mott physics of pristine CuO2 planes. Tpair has a universal value around 130-150K even for materials with very different Tc, likely setting limit on highest, attainable Tc in cuprates. The observed universal scaling behavior with respect to Tpair indicates a breakdown of the classical picture of phase fluctuations in the cuprates.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Microgravity induces proteomics changes involved in endoplasmic reticulum stress and mitochondrial protection

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    On Earth, biological systems have evolved in response to environmental stressors, interactions dictated by physical forces that include gravity. The absence of gravity is an extreme stressor and the impact of its absence on biological systems is ill-defined. Astronauts who have spent extended time under conditions of minimal gravity (microgravity) experience an array of biological alterations, including perturbations in cardiovascular function. We hypothesized that physiological perturbations in cardiac function in microgravity may be a consequence of alterations in molecular and organellar dynamics within the cellular milieu of cardiomyocytes. We used a combination of mass spectrometry-based approaches to compare the relative abundance and turnover rates of 848 and 196 proteins, respectively, in rat neonatal cardiomyocytes exposed to simulated microgravity or normal gravity. Gene functional enrichment analysis of these data suggested that the protein content and function of the mitochondria, ribosomes, and endoplasmic reticulum were differentially modulated in microgravity. We confirmed experimentally that in microgravity protein synthesis was decreased while apoptosis, cell viability, and protein degradation were largely unaffected. These data support our conclusion that in microgravity cardiomyocytes attempt to maintain mitochondrial homeostasis at the expense of protein synthesis. The overall response to this stress may culminate in cardiac muscle atrophy

    Elucidating the genetic architecture of reproductive ageing in the Japanese population.

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    Population studies elucidating the genetic architecture of reproductive ageing have been largely limited to European ancestries, restricting the generalizability of the findings and overlooking possible key genes poorly captured by common European genetic variation. Here, we report 26 loci (all P < 5 × 10-8) for reproductive ageing, i.e. puberty timing or age at menopause, in a non-European population (up to 67,029 women of Japanese ancestry). Highlighted genes for menopause include GNRH1, which supports a primary, rather than passive, role for hypothalamic-pituitary GnRH signalling in the timing of menopause. For puberty timing, we demonstrate an aetiological role for receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatases by combining evidence across population genetics and pre- and peri-pubertal changes in hypothalamic gene expression in rodent and primate models. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate widespread differences in allele frequencies and effect estimates between Japanese and European associated variants, highlighting the benefits and challenges of large-scale trans-ethnic approaches