9 research outputs found

    New Integrable Sectors in Skyrme and 4-dimensional CP^n Model

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    The application of a weak integrability concept to the Skyrme and CPnCP^n models in 4 dimensions is investigated. A new integrable subsystem of the Skyrme model, allowing also for non-holomorphic solutions, is derived. This procedure can be applied to the massive Skyrme model, as well. Moreover, an example of a family of chiral Lagrangians providing exact, finite energy Skyrme-like solitons with arbitrary value of the topological charge, is given. In the case of CPnCP^n models a tower of integrable subsystems is obtained. In particular, in (2+1) dimensions a one-to-one correspondence between the standard integrable submodel and the BPS sector is proved. Additionally, it is shown that weak integrable submodels allow also for non-BPS solutions. Geometric as well as algebraic interpretations of the integrability conditions are also given.Comment: 23 page

    On correlation functions of operators dual to classical spinning string states

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    We explore how to compute, classically at strong coupling, correlation functions of local operators corresponding to classical spinning string states. The picture we obtain is of `fattened' Witten diagrams, the evaluation of which turns out to be surprisingly subtle and requires a modification of the naive classical action due to a necessary projection onto appropriate wave functions. We examine string solutions which compute the simplest case of a two-point function and reproduce the right scaling with the anomalous dimensions corresponding to the energies of the associated spinning string solutions. We also describe, under some simplifying assumptions, how the spacetime dependence of a conformal three-point correlation function arises in this setup.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures; v2: references and comments added

    K fields, compactons, and thick branes

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    K fields, that is, fields with a non-standard kinetic term, allow for soliton solutions with compact support, i.e., compactons. Compactons in 1+1 dimensions may give rise to topological defects of the domain wall type and with finite thickness in higher dimensions. Here we demonstrate that, for an appropriately chosen kinetic term, propagation of linear perturbations is completely suppressed outside the topological defect, confining the propagation of particles inside the domain wall. On the other hand, inside the topological defect the propagation of linear perturbations is of the standard type, in spite of the non-standard kinetic term. Consequently, this compacton domain wall may act like a brane of finite thickness which is embedded in a higher dimensional space, but to which matter fields are constrained. In addition, we find strong indications that, when gravity is taken into account, location of gravity in the sense of Randall--Sundrum works for these compacton domain walls. When seen from the bulk, these finite thickness branes, in fact, cannot be distinguished from infinitely thin branes.Comment: some references and further remarks adde

    Compact self-gravitating solutions of quartic (K) fields in brane cosmology

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    Recently we proposed that K fields, that is, fields with a non-standard kinetic term, may provide a mechanism for the generation of thick branes, based on the following observations. Firstly, K field theories allow for soliton solutions with compact support, i.e., compactons. Compactons in 1+1 dimensions may give rise to topological defects of the domain wall type and with finite thickness in higher dimensions. Secondly, propagation of linear perturbations is confined inside the compacton domain wall. Further, these linear perturbations inside the topological defect are of the standard type, in spite of the non-standard kinetic term. Thirdly, when gravity is taken into account, location of gravity in the sense of Randall--Sundrum works for these compacton domain walls provided that the backreaction of gravity does not destabilize the compacton domain wall. It is the purpose of the present paper to investigate in detail the existence and stability of compacton domain walls in the full K field and gravity system, using both analytical and numerical methods. We find that the existence of the domain wall in the full system requires a correlation between the gravitational constant and the bulk cosmological constant, which is thoroughly analyzed.Comment: 40 pages, 18 figures, one section on brane stability added, where the stability under fluctuations of the scalar field is demonstrate

    Iterated ϕ4 kinks

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